(Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
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Autor: | Khebeln [ 13 lip 2013, 22:19 ] |
Tytuł: | (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
![]() Cytuj: Excessum is an old International Community of Gamers focused on mmorpg games. Most of our Members are hardcore players that played countless games with us for the past 11 years and have vast experience. Our Group consists mostly out of friends and like minded individuals, that value good fun and enjoys challenges. Recruits that we are looking for should participate in guild groups, be always available on Mumble even if afk and aim to be best at what they do. Voice communication is fundamental for successful guild and community, that's why its mandatory for all members. Anyone not obeying this rule will be removed from the guild. Guild Address: Region: Europe Server: Moogle Voice: Mumble Orientation: - PvP: Semi-hardcore. More details once we will be able to test pvp. - PvE: Both hardcore and semi-hardcore. Raids, Dungeons, Primals, Guildhests and fates. Min Level Requirement: None (Temporary) Guild Master: Khebeln/Agrathsar Officers: Yaha, Shootersa, Hopeless, Lumikki Cytuj: Welcome and thank you for considering to join Excessum! We are a quality guild and require high standards from all of our members. Therefore we have a strict recruiting policy in order to create a first barrier our new potential members will have to overcome. Before applying, please read this post carefully, because it might just be the difference between getting accepted or getting rejected. - You behave in a mature and respectful manner. Not just to your guild members, but also to non-guild members. - You are pro-active, eager to participate on the forums and in voice chat and eager to discuss game mechanics. - You are a team player, placing the needs and goals of the guild before your own. - You do not easily get frustrated. We do not want our guild members to start crying if they get ganked 10 times in a row or if we wipe 10 times in a row on a raid boss. - You are reliable. Coming half an hour late for a raid, because your mother planned dinner at the time we planned to start the raid is not a good reason. - You have at least some interest in both the PvE and PvP aspects of the game. Cytuj: If you just read these traits and feel there is 1 or more with which you cannot identify yourself, please reconsider applying to this guild. It might save us both a lot of time. Rules 1. Mumble - A working computer microphone and a copy of Mumble are mandatory for all Excessum members in game. While participating in guild groups access to groups channel and ability to communicate is mandatory. 2. Recruitment - New members are in a trial trial period, during this period officers will decide if the recruit is of Excessum standards. Only apply if its in game recruitment. Pre launch recruitment trial can last as long as its necessary until we will know you. 3. Disruptive Behaviour - An excessive amount of complaining, non-constructive criticism, arguing within the guild, etc., will result in removal from the guild. This does not mean that members can never complain, criticize or argue. The keyword here is "excessive", meaning that it reaches the point where it affects guild cohesiveness. Any guild member that engages in excessively disruptive behavior will receive a cautionary warning first, and if that behavior continues, they will be booted from the guild. 4. Quality Players - Excessum has a standard of quality play that we intend to maintain. If any guild member is found to be extremely lacking in their skills, they may be voted on by the Council for removal from the guild. The important phrase here is "extremely lacking." 5. No Cliques - We will not allow special cliques to form within the guild. Everyone in the guild should get to know all of the other guild members, and be equally helpful to all of them. For balanced grouping purposes, the Council may have to adjust groups so that all guild members get a fair group when they play. 6. No Idiotic Public Posts - If you want to act like a fool, we have private boards for you to do that. Don't post on public forums about the guild, how bad *** you are, or how we were foolish enough to add you. 7. Respect Your Guild Members - You are required to treat other members of the guild with respect. How you actually feel about them is not relevant, but your behavior is. Feel free to interact with anyone outside of the guild however you like, as long as it doesn't violate any of the guild rules 8. Forums & Website - All members are required to visit website regularly and be acquainted with all the necessary information that is placed in in the Guild sections of the games they are playing. 9. In-Game botting - Members involved in botting will be removed from the guild. If we find evidence you are involved, there will be no mercy! 10. Absence - If you are going away for a long period of time and you dont want to removed from the in game guild after two weeks of being inactive, you need to inform us about that in the absence forum using template provided there. Requirements Cytuj: There are certain attributes that Excessum members must have, these are the following Skill: We expect members of Excessum to be a certain skill level, this includes knowledge of every factor of your chosen class, knowledge of the surroundings and tactical awareness. Determination: Excessum requires members to be determined to reach the goals set by the guild. Whenever a member gets knocked down they are expected to get back up ready to fight, ready to win! Dedication: Excessum is an end game guild, and to participate within the ranks of the guild there is the expectation that you have dedication to the cause. Activity on the forums / voice comes and in game are all expected. Attitude: There are many forms of attitude that Excessum expects from its members. These include such things as the ability to take criticism, working as part of a team and many more Maturity: This guild is founded on maturity and respect. We do not have a minimum age, as the maturity is dependant on the persons character and not on the date of there birth certificate. Trial Information - The Excessum trial starts when you join the guild in-game, the trial lasts around 1-2 weeks or more. Trial last as long as its needed. - You end Trial when we can say we know you well and that we are sure that you are Excessum material. - During your trial you will not have access to resources from the guild bank (unless an officer approves this). - During your trial you are expected to take part in any guild activities requested by an officer. - You are not guaranteed a spot in raids where we can only bring a limited amount of players |
Autor: | Shinji [ 13 lip 2013, 23:34 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Fajnie was widzieć na Moogle'u, gl ![]() |
Autor: | Huckster [ 14 lip 2013, 00:30 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
lol |
Autor: | Targaryen [ 14 lip 2013, 00:52 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
(Retired) - AO/UO/DAoC/Horizons/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Manibogi/Rift/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/CO/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/TR/M59/Vanguard/SB/Fury/SotW/DL/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/WO/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2 Ile średnio miesięcy na jedną grę przypada? |
Autor: | Mendol [ 14 lip 2013, 08:11 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
- You are reliable. Coming half an hour late for a raid, because your mother planned dinner at the time we planned to start the raid is not a good reason. ten tekst zawsze mnie rozwala. |
Autor: | Kassei [ 14 lip 2013, 11:31 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Mendol napisał(a): - You are reliable. Coming half an hour late for a raid, because your mother planned dinner at the time we planned to start the raid is not a good reason. ten tekst zawsze mnie rozwala. Ano ![]() ![]() |
Autor: | Khebeln [ 14 lip 2013, 15:14 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Targaryen napisał(a): (Retired) - AO/UO/DAoC/Horizons/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Manibogi/Rift/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/CO/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/TR/M59/Vanguard/SB/Fury/SotW/DL/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/WO/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2 Ile średnio miesięcy na jedną grę przypada? Duno ile miesiecy ale gwarantuje tobie ze w wiekszosci gier tu wymienionych caly content wyczyscilem na release (albo expansion pack) I w 90% z nich mielismy gildie Excessum. Jak sie gra w mmo 17+ lat to mozna sobie taka liste uzbierac. Duzo pomniejszych tytulow tutaj nie wymienilem bo jest limit do 255 znakow na signature ![]() Thx Kassei, bedziesz gral w FF14 tez ? To sie pewnie w grze spotkamy ![]() |
Autor: | krzyk [ 14 lip 2013, 16:02 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
A macie tam jakichś przystojnych facetów? ![]() już. |
Autor: | Targaryen [ 14 lip 2013, 18:31 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Podoba mi się ten kawałek o wywalaniu boterów na zbity pysk. Reszta zresztą też ale ten to najbardziej ![]() Jeśli jednak jesteście bractwem, które gra wspólnie od jednego mmo do kolejnego to w pewnym sensie już tworzycie grupę bardziej zgraną (nie chce używać słowa na k. z waszej reklamy ![]() |
Autor: | Khebeln [ 15 lip 2013, 15:16 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Pierwsze 2 tygodnie ? SKupiamy sie na levelowaniu do max lv asp i robieniu endgame content generalnie. Gildia zwykle podzielona jest na 2 grupy. Hardcore members ktorzy graja jak szalency 12-18h dziennie ![]() Generalnie po 1-2 mesiacach te linie sie zacieraja, jako ze bardziej sie liczy pojawianie sie na Raid czy dungeon na czas niz granie caly dzien. Duzy nacisk w tej grze bedzie polozony na crafting ( z wielu powodw ) dlatego bedizemy tez duzo uwagi mu poswiecac. Oczywiscie robimy duzo innych rzeczy tez, ale nie dokonca rozumiem pytanie ktore zadales, wiec skoncze na tym ![]() |
Autor: | Khebeln [ 15 lip 2013, 15:17 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
krzyk napisał(a): A macie tam jakichś przystojnych facetów? ![]() już. Mamy ![]() |
Autor: | kamilus [ 15 lip 2013, 15:18 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
krzyk napisał(a): A macie tam jakichś przystojnych facetów? ![]() już. Krzyk spokojnie, bo Twój nowy chłop się obrazi ![]() |
Autor: | Kassei [ 15 lip 2013, 16:24 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Khebeln napisał(a): krzyk napisał(a): A macie tam jakichś przystojnych facetów? ![]() już. Mamy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Autor: | Gli2duS [ 16 lip 2013, 07:00 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
taka gildia to dobry pomysł ![]() sam czasem mam ochotę odpocząć od expienia kolejnego joba i zabicia czegoś konkretnego. kto wie, może się skuszę. o ilę wyląduję na Mooglu ;P |
Autor: | mrynar [ 16 lip 2013, 16:06 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Plus takich multigame gildii sa takie, ze z reguly graja w nich rozgarnieci, dobrze zgrani ludzie. Minusy to skakanie miedzy grami. Z reguly na zasadzie owczego pedu pojawia sie nowa gra i wiekszosc rzuca stara gre i w starych grach zostaja niedobitki. |
Autor: | krzyk [ 16 lip 2013, 19:43 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
To tak jak z każdym dobrem luksusowym. Wystarczy zerknąć na telefony komórkowe.... już. |
Autor: | Khebeln [ 17 lip 2013, 14:40 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
mrynar napisał(a): Plus takich multigame gildii sa takie, ze z reguly graja w nich rozgarnieci, dobrze zgrani ludzie. Minusy to skakanie miedzy grami. Z reguly na zasadzie owczego pedu pojawia sie nowa gra i wiekszosc rzuca stara gre i w starych grach zostaja niedobitki. Generalnie zasada jest taka ze jezeli nowa gra pojawia sie mam juz zaplanowana z pol roku wczesniej osobe ktora bedzie organizowac gildie w niej. W starszych grach w ktore gramy, zwykle gildia jest tak dlogo jak jest zainteresowanie (bez zadnych merge). Jezeli gra okazala sie klapa to po pol roku od release ludzie przeniosa sie do nowej gry. Jezeli sukces to gildia bedzie sie trzymac przez dlugi czas. Dobrym przykladme jest tutaj nasza gildia w GW2 ktora ma sie bardzo dobrze od czasu bety gw2 na desolation. |
Autor: | kamilus [ 17 lip 2013, 15:22 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
GW2. Sukces. Aha. |
Autor: | Vejitta [ 17 lip 2013, 15:39 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
tczewiak napisał(a): GW2. Sukces. Aha. Kamilus, ty jestes jeszcze lepszy w zrazaniu do siebie ludzi niz ja ![]() |
Autor: | kamilus [ 17 lip 2013, 19:26 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: (Moogle) International "Excessum" Gaming Community |
Vejitta napisał(a): Kamilus, ty jestes jeszcze lepszy w zrazaniu do siebie ludzi niz ja ![]() Przeciez to zadna nowosc... ![]() |
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