Ravushimo napisał(a):
Dobra jest dobra wiadomosc dla boxerow
odpisal mi support TRION'u i wpierw rzucil standardowa formule ktora ktos juz tu podawal ze sprawdzili i faktycznie zrobilem preorder blablabla wiec taguja mi konto na VIP'a, a klucz do headstartu dostane "from the retailer the game was purchased". No dobra, wiec wyslalem im wiadomosc ktora dostalem od game.co.uk i oto jaka odpowiedz dostalem:
We have flagged your account in our system with the VIP-status. The VIP-status entitles you to participate in all Beta-events,
as well for the participation in the Headstart on February 24th, 2011.
You will receive an email from TrionWorlds with a separate key to activate your account for the Headstart.I apologize for the confusion this might have caused.
Once you receive your invite as well as sign the EULA you will be able to download the client through your account page at
www.riftgame.com .
O ciekawe - sam zaraz napisze
Anyway co dokladnie im napisales?
Ja dostalem taka:
Since we have flagged you with the VIP-status in our system, you will also be receiving another email with a separate code for the Headstart from Trionworlds in February, before the Headstart actually starts.