beta - wrażenia, klucze, informacje
Strona 22 z 43

Autor:  shp [ 2 lut 2011, 20:37 ]

Highlander napisał(a):
apeluje by RL gral defiantami.


Autor:  anubis [ 2 lut 2011, 23:26 ]

co jest uciekacie wszyscy do guardians ?? wstydźcie się :) tak serio co się stało bo zmęczony jestem po robocie i nie mam siły czytać wszystkich postów ???

Autor:  Keii [ 2 lut 2011, 23:29 ]

Defiantów pewnie będzie więcej, a chcemy mieć kogo bić.

Autor:  Aldatha [ 2 lut 2011, 23:43 ]

Guardiani to bedzie pewnie partyzantka jak Horde na Shattered hand us swego czasu :)

Autor:  anubis [ 2 lut 2011, 23:43 ]

w warku i aionie też tek było ale to nie znaczy że tak jak w aionie trzeba było grać geliosami :P To jak zobaczycie kogoś o nicku Komornik, Poborca, Tasiemiec czy Kombajn to wiecie że musicie spier.... bo to Ja :P

Autor:  Huragan [ 2 lut 2011, 23:52 ]

anubis napisał(a):
jak zobaczycie kogoś o nicku Komornik, Poborca, Tasiemiec czy Kombajn to wiecie że musicie spier.... bo to Ja :P

chyba reaktywuje Zarri Zabujca :)

Autor:  Niah [ 2 lut 2011, 23:54 ]

anubis napisał(a):
Kombajn to wiecie że musicie spier.... bo to Ja :P


Autor:  Thou [ 3 lut 2011, 06:59 ]

anubis napisał(a):
w warku i aionie też tek było ale to nie znaczy że tak jak w aionie trzeba było grać geliosami :P To jak zobaczycie kogoś o nicku Komornik, Poborca, Tasiemiec czy Kombajn to wiecie że musicie spier.... bo to Ja :P

Hmm komornik - fajny nic :P Ukradne sobie ^^

Autor:  TobiAlex [ 3 lut 2011, 10:10 ]

I kolejny patch:

Alpha 25-13-B

Welcome to Rift!

* Granting of the Collector's Edition Satchel has been temporarily disabled.
* The Soul of the Pyromancer is giving a soul sigil not needed for the quest. Just ignore it!

=== FEATURED ===

* You can no longer return mail to sender if it was generated by an NPC or the game system.
* Level requirements have been removed from the previously-level 20 mount. If you can get to them, and can afford them, you can use them.
* We now show a warning if you roll on loot while your inventory is full.
* If the winner of a loot roll has no inventory space, the item stays on the corpse but is only lootable by the winner.
* You can now roll need/greed on loot while dead, even if the Soul Walk/respawn option is on screen.
* Quest counting achievements really should be updating now. For real.
* The Archon soul quest can once again be completed.

* Fixed an issue causing some pets to behave incorrectly. This fix will reset pet settings (passive/defensive etc, what abilities are toggled on) to the defaults.


* Serrated Blades: Fixed tooltip error.

* Verse of Captivation: Fixed tooltip to indicate the affect only works on a single enemy.

* Prey of the Weak: Damage bonus reduced to 5-15%, down from 10-30%. The duration has been extended from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
* Piercing Shot: Damage slightly increased.
* Shadow Fire: Duration of the haste buff increased to 15 seconds from 10.
* Dire Wolf, Blood Raptor: Ability damage slightly reduced for these pets.

* Carpet Bombing: Now also resets the cooldown of your Bombs.
* Spike Charge, Blast Charge: Damage has been very slightly reduced!
* Charges, Bombs, and Detonate can now be used with any weapon equipped.
* New Ability - Incriminate: 20 point root ability. When activated, all threat generated is transferred to the target party or raid member for 6 seconds. Does not trigger global cooldown.

* Melee damage of most dungeon bosses has been reduced.
* Messages showing people joining/leaving a raid group now go to the General tab.
* Hunger of the Deep Rift Raid adjustments based on feedback and playtests.

* Preorder Runes can now be applied to two-handed Swords and Staves.
* Fixed an issue keeping many of the new Greater Essences from attaching their spell effect.
* Foci-equipped Greater Essences did actually get removed with the previous patch, you're not crazy.

* If you are under the leaving-PvP flag timer when you log out, the countdown no longer resets when you log back in.
* Power-ups in Warfronts no longer persist once you leave the map.
* Engaging in PvP in protected areas can catch the attention of peacekeeping Guards! You'll still need to be in range of them to get their aggro, though.
* Player-summoned Guardian and Defiant invasions will no longer cause you to get PvP-flagged if attacked.

* Fixed visual effects sometimes being left floating in the world.
* Updated body animations to prevent legs moving independently of upper body animations.
* Mighty Leap and Angelic Flight will now animate correctly the first time they are used.
* Improved character model AA.
* Fixed a bug causing characters to not appear correctly in the portrait windows.

* You can now toggle between display of server time and local time by left clicking the clock below the minimap.
* Changing the clock time also updates your chat timestamps to the appropriate time selection.
* Fixed an AA warning popping up when changing unrelated settings.
* Target of Target portrait should no longer get into a state where it displays 0/0 and negative percent.
* Special characters will once again display properly in the chat window when using copy/paste and slash commands.

* Fixed client to properly persist the maximized window state.
* Added a message if the client can't connect to the game servers on the standard ports (6900-6909), but CAN connect successfully on port 80. This case suggests that the required ports are blocked and that the user should contact Customer Service for troubleshooting.

Hmm, ciekawe:

* Level requirements have been removed from the previously-level 20 mount. If you can get to them, and can afford them, you can use them.

Autor:  Mendol [ 3 lut 2011, 10:27 ]

nice, dzieki tobi :)

Autor:  iniside [ 3 lut 2011, 10:29 ]

W vanguardzie tez nie bylo wymogu levela na mounta.

IMO bardzo dobrze. Glupota jest ogrniczanie od ktorego levelu moge konia miec, czy inny srodek lokomocji.

Autor:  Bloodleaf [ 3 lut 2011, 10:31 ]

No to z mountem zajebista sprawa, po co sztuczne ograniczenia.

Autor:  Perrin [ 3 lut 2011, 10:49 ]

Czy takie znowu sztuczne? Z tego co widzialem podczas ostatniego eventu duzo szybciej osiaga sie 20 level niz zbierze kase zeby tego mounta kupic ;). No chyba, ze ze mnie taki kiepski chinski farmer.

Autor:  Mendol [ 3 lut 2011, 10:57 ]

no ale jak robisz juz np. druga postac to z kasa na mounta nie ma problemu.
w retailu tez bede zajebiscie zadowolony - bo jest to dodatkowy 'bonus' dla wersji kolekcjonerskiej, ktora zamowilem - bede jezdzil na zolwiku od 1 levelu :)

Autor:  Bloodleaf [ 3 lut 2011, 11:00 ]

Perrin napisał(a):
Czy takie znowu sztuczne? Z tego co widzialem podczas ostatniego eventu duzo szybciej osiaga sie 20 level niz zbierze kase zeby tego mounta kupic ;). No chyba, ze ze mnie taki kiepski chinski farmer.

Ja tam nie wiem, zrobiłem już 3 postacie po stronie def i na każdej miałem na 20stym ca po 5 platynek ( po wielu respecach ) :P

Autor:  tomugeen [ 3 lut 2011, 11:06 ]

Hahah, ta, rozjedziemy ich zolwikiem.

No i milo ze dodali opcje zmiany zegarka, moze nie bede siedzal do glupich godzin po nocy ;]

Autor:  Keii [ 3 lut 2011, 11:07 ]

Ciekawe, mam dodany kod z preorderu kolekcjonerki, przyszedł mail zapraszający mnie na betę, a nie mam do zaakceptowania żadnego EULA i nie mogę zalogować się przez klienta - "you are not authorized bla bla".

Autor:  Mendol [ 3 lut 2011, 11:09 ]

to masz fart, bo ja zadnego maila odnosnie beta eventu jeszcze nie dostalem ;/

Autor:  tomugeen [ 3 lut 2011, 11:13 ]

Na obu acc (preorder i vip beta) mam obecnie dostep. EULA jest tylko do wyswietlenia, nic nie akceptuje.

Autor:  Bloodleaf [ 3 lut 2011, 11:13 ]

Ja dostałem ale tylko na konto z preorderem i 0 postaci :)

Spokojnie na 100% przed eventem będziesz mógł zaakceptowac EULA.

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