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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 21:10 

* Public Groups are now in! See below under PUBLIC GROUPS for details.
* Antialiasing. You now have the option under Advanced Video Settings. This reduces the ‘jaggies’ along the outlines of objects by using an edge-smoothing technique.
* Prince Hylas is ready for battle in Greenscale’s Blight!
* Apothecary crafting skill has gotten a complete makeover! See below under CRAFTING for details.
* Added a Currency panel to the character sheet.
* /camp [charactername] is now available for switching between characters on the same shard.

* You can no longer /ignore yourself. Sorry!
* Companion pets (non-combat pets) now display their owner’s name.
* Fixed another pesky loot-sparkling corpse bug where there wasn’t actually loot to obtain.
* Mail with attached items now bounces back to the sender when it expires.
* Adjusted mail expiration: 7 days for CoD mail, 30 days for regular mail, and 90 days for returned mail.
* Increased mailbox size limits.
* All loot rolls go to Party chat if you are partied, and Raid chat if raided.
* Roll results are no longer displayed as system messages.
* /roll no longer displays the channel name to make it more visually distinct from chat messages on the same channel.
* When in a party or raid, you will only see loot roll results if you participated in the roll.
* Quests that remove their quest items when deleted or abandoned now also check your bank.
* Rest experience is only gained in friendly hubs.

* A new ‘Join Public Group’ button will appear on-screen when fighting an event (Rift, Invasion, etc.) with someone willing to group.
* You can toggle your availability for public groups by right-clicking your character portrait. Your setting will persist through logout.
* Group or Raid leaders gain an option in their character’s context menu that sets whether the group/raid is Public or Private. This option is not available in Warfronts. Changing this setting sends a message to current group/raid members with the updated status.
* You can see someone’s Public Group status in their character tooltip. Targeting and right-clicking their portrait will allow you to join a player’s group.

* Player-summoned Invasions will now correctly despawn 60 seconds after their target has been defeated.
* Wardstone turrets now only fire on Invasions and enemy players.
* Storm Legion Elite event: Reduced the behind-the-scenes complexity of stage 4 for this event so it should stop imploding.

* Guild charters now cost 1 platinum.
* Group inviting someone from the Guild Roster should be more reliable about inviting the selected person.

* Spamming ability buttons will no longer result in ‘phantom queues’ if you have your ability queue set to ‘Short’.

* Warriors, Rogues: All Area of Effect attacks have caps on how many targets they can hit. This value is based on specific abilities and when they are unlocked.
* Warriors: Enraged Essence and Enraged Companion now share a stacking group and cannot be used at the same time.

* Updated icon for Earthen Barrage.

* Fixed a bug to make mobs unable to block/parry/dodge when they are stunned by Foul Play or Paralyzing Strike.
* Subterfuge: Now also increases the damage of Assassinate, Paralyzing Strike, and Jagged Strike by 10/20%.

* Fixed a bug where Motif of Focus was being replaced by Motif of Grandeur.

* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Beastmaster have received a free Soul respec.
* Tenacious Strike and Primal Senses: These abilities have traded places in the Soul tree.
* Pack Mentality: Now increases max Health instead of Armor, and is a 3 point ability instead of 5.
* Agile Footwork: Now a 5 point ability instead of 3.

* Blade & Soul: Adds another 20% critical hit chance while the buff is active.

* Obliterate: No longer castable if you have no Lurking Decays or a Sigil up. Now deals more damage and doubles Lurking Decay damage.
* Tyranny: No longer castable if you have no Lurking Decays or a Sigil up. Now deals more damage.
* Dark Passage: Teleport range reduced to 10-15 meters.
* Nebulous Haze: No longer castable on bosses.
* Decay: Now deals more damage.
* Lurking Decay: Can now hit 4 enemies, but does less damage.
* Dark Water: Now has a 1.5 second casting time.
* Sigil of Binding: Reduced Snare duration to 5 seconds.
* Undertow: Increased Snare duration to 8 seconds.

* Follow Through: Now affects Bladefury and Cornered Beast as well as Mighty Blow.

* Updated icon for Split Personality.

* Boundless Growth: Properly updates the tooltip on Eruption of Life.

* Circle of Oblivion: Now only hits 7 targets.
* Armor of Treachery: Reduced armor bonus.

* Righteous Mandate: No longer stackable.

* Updated icons for Summon Skeletal Horror, Summon Skeletal Zealot, and Corpse Explosion.

* Unstable State, Heat Retention: Now increases the damage of non-physical attacks instead of just Fire and Death attacks.

* Fiery Blessing: Now insta-cast, on a 1 minute 30 second cooldown, with a duration of 1 minute.
* Life’s Blessing: Properly updates the tooltips on Healing Blessing, Caregiver’s Blessing, and Fiery Blessing.

* Creeping Death: Now also snares targets.

* Cautious Stalker and Hardened Stalker: Abilities removed.
* New Branch Ability – Rift Barrier: Adds an absorption shield that lasts 15 seconds after Plane Shifting. This shield absorbs 5-25% of all incoming physical damage for up to 10-50% of your max health. This shield does not stack with Rift Guard and will not be applied if Rift Guard is active.
* New Branch Ability – Improved Rift Barrier: Allows Rift Barrier to absorb all types of damage.
* Rift Guard: Now stacks with all other absorption shields (ex: Purifier’s Ward of the Ancestors), except Rift Barrier.

* Serendipity: No longer consumed by abilities it does not benefit.

* Vengeance of the Primal North: Now hits 3 targets and has a 2 minute cooldown. Also no longer causes visual effect insanity.
* Strike of the Maelstrom: Now hits 6 targets, and timing properly matches the animation.
* Vengeance of the Winter Storm: Not so vengeful with the visual and sound effect spam.

* Still Waters: Properly updates the tooltip on Deluge.

* Group experience bonus continues to scale up with increased raid sizes.
* Group or Raid leaders can now shift-right click on a person and mark them from the Mark menu.
* Raid leaders or officers can now kick people from any group, not just their own.
* You may now enter Greenscale’s Blight as a raid group and actually end up in the same instance.

* The barrier after the third boss is a lot more solid, and the boss a lot less skippable.

* Prince Hylas is ready for battle in Greenscale’s Blight! This instance is still WIP and is not yet itemized.
* Increased the model size for Infiltrator Johlen and Duke Letareus.
* Duke Letareus’ Furious Pursuit now applies a debuff that increases its damage.
* Duke Letareus no longer spawns minions during his whirlwind phase.
* Duke Letareus now has an enrage timer.
* Infiltrator Johlen can no longer be damaged by wisps that appear during his encounter.
* The hedge blockers at the start of the Infiltrator Johlen fight now despawn properly on an aggro reset.
* Fixed a bug where Infiltrator Johlen could become unresponsive during the Devastating Bomb phase.
* Infiltrator Johlen: Landmines are no longer cast during the Devastating Bomb phase.
* Infiltrator Johlen: The explosion from Devastating Bomb does significantly more damage.
* Infiltrator Johlen now has an enrage timer.


* Added mailboxes in Ark of the Ascended and Kelari Refuge.

* Voidspawn now spawn from Golems in Grey Gardens more regularly.

* Cruel to be Kind: After you free the Constructs’ minds, the loot will not follow. They despawn instead.
* The Cleansing: Added a map location for the Endless Court Archers.
* A Bit of Subterfuge: Reworked to not gate multiple players. Ungrouped players can now complete this quest at the same time as long as they are on the upper platform.
* Up and At ‘Em: Added a few more miners along the path, increased amount of time that Prospectors ‘sleep’.
* Added mailboxes to Rockridge hubs for Defiants and Guardians.
* Better mob population tweaks to withstand players running through and mowing things down!
* Faction merchants should no longer sell the opposing faction’s Focus.

* Invasions should no longer try to get inside the underground tower at Wyrmbane Spire.
* Rifts in the Dunes of Akala should no longer seal or transition to the next stage when optional quest mobs are still alive.

* Reduced Overwatch Keep population density.
* Remembrance of Things Past: Reduced quest objective count.

* Added more mailboxes to Camp Fergos.
* Quarrying the Quarry: Magmite should spawn in a larger radius, be larger in size, and available for more time when spawned.
* The Weight of Commodity: Increased the size of mushrooms so they can be seen through grass/groundclutter/badgers.

* Warfronts now prefer to place pre-made groups against each other when parties are queued on both sides.
* PvP Souls are now only purchasable by the Calling that can use them.
* Turning on auto-attack will no longer flag you for PvP if you are too far away to actually hit your target.
* When a Warfront invitation pops, you remain actively in queues for other Warfronts until the current invitation is accepted or declined. Additional pending invitations will not show until you accept or decline the current one.
* Achievements for PvP kills in specified zones now update properly.
* Warfront Master NPCs have acquired better representation and no longer have to share the Merchant minimap icon – they get their own!

* Secondary dyes should now work with a majority of armors.
* Dye buy price has been increased. Updated the ‘use’ text on these items.
* Dye sell price has been increased.
* Made Artifact tooltips more clear about which ones you already have or still need.
* Looting an item that offers a quest now alerts you with an on-screen message.
* Removed potion vendors above level 25, as we no longer sell potions at these levels.
* Added additional level 30+ randomized Essences from the planar goods merchants that use a single stat and a high planar resist.

* Fixed an issue where Butchering quests for refining advanced materials required characters to also be Outfitters. You should only need Butchering to do these!

* Several ranks of Mana Potions, Healing Potions, Healing Tonics, and Mana Tonics have been removed.
* All other potions have been either removed, or replaced with revised versions or new potion types.
* Flasks have been replaced by Vials.
* New potions include: Serums, new Philters, Brews, Elixirs, Bottles, Warding Potions, Concoctions, etc.
* All potions have had their power and level requirements adjusted. There are now fewer ranks of potions covering wider ranges of power, and more lenient use-level requirements.
* Recipe Changes: If you were an Apothecary, your recipe list has been updated. Old recipes have been removed and when applicable, replaced with a new recipe. All new recipes are available from the Apothecary trainer. Previously gained dropped/faction/artisan recipes have, unfortunately, been lost.
* All Apothecary daily quests have been updated to require the new crafted items. In some cases, daily quests have lowered minimum skill requirements to match new recipe spreads.
* All notoriety vendors have been updated to sell new recipe scrolls.
* The Artisan store now offers a wider variety of Rare and Epic potions and vials.
* Planar Faction vendors in Meridian and Sanctum now offer new recipe scrolls for sale. These merchants offer planar Warding Potions and Resistance Vials.
* There is a new water-based plant called Krakenweed which can be found in Scarlet Gorge, Stonefield, Freemarch, and Gloamwood. This plant is used in an item coming with an upcoming patch.
* With the exception of certain ranks of Healing and Mana potions, all previously crafted Apothecary items will still be available in game. Go ahead and use them up, since they will be removed in a future patch.

* Antialiasing is now an option under Advanced Video Settings. This reduces the ‘jaggies’ along the outlines of objects by using an edge-smoothing technique.
* Added separate options to Advanced setting list for environment and character shadows. Disabling character shadows should improve performance significantly in high population situations.
* Added an option in the Interface Camera Settings to disable camera shake.
* Fixed a bug where weapons would sometimes disappear after a polymorph.
* Fixed another bug where female characters who changed equipment while polymorphed could end up with male body parts later. Nothing to see here, move along…
* Bows and Guns have new sounds for their abilities!

* /camp [charactername] will now log you out and attempt to log in a character on the same shard with the indicated name.
* Fixed default Pet Bar keybinds so they start with Attack bound to ctrl-0.

* Implemented a new character sheet layout. It’s shiny!
* New character sheet includes a Planar Focus UI, so you no longer need to shift-right click your Focus to see what you have equipped.
* Added a Currency panel to the character sheet.
* Fixed a bug that caused the pet healthbar to not correctly update when summoning a new pet.
* If a quest requires you to kill a type of creature within a specific area or zone (such as Rift repeatable quests), the mob tooltip now indicates that the creature counts if in the proper area.
* Fixed several Soul Tree UI issues with right-clicking to remove soul points.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 21:13 

* Artifact collections just got more rewarding! Check under GENERAL GAMEPLAY.
* Existing Planar and Dungeon currency tokens can now be converted to the currency tab by right clicking them.

* Completing Artifact collections now awards Lucky Coins. Turn these in to Artifact Collectors in Sanctum and Meridian for new rewards!
* Many meta-collections now have unique rewards!
* You can no longer equip or unequip items while dead.
* We will no longer return deleted mail sent to other players.
* Fixed a bug causing you to have to click twice to destroy an item.
* Questgivers should not have icons over their heads when they are dead or in combat.
* Meridian and Sanctum now only grant rest experience to the appropriate faction.
* Added additional filtering for pet names.
* Guild quests now added for guild levels 11-20.

* Experience and money rewards have been removed from zone-wide event completions. Other event rewards remain.
* If an Invasion general is despawned, rather than killed, it will not count as a ‘kill’ for rewards or quests. Same with Footholds and despawning versus defeating them.

* Motes of Sourcestone are now referred to in-game as Planarite. Jagged and Glowing Sourcestone will no longer drop, and existing Sourcestone in your bank or inventory can be consumed and converted into Planarite.
* Right clicking on planar currency in your bags will convert them to Planarite and store them on your Currency tab. All future currency obtained will automatically go to the Currency tab instead of inventory items.
* All Sourcestone-bought items have had their costs converted to appropriate Planarite costs, and all Rift events now drop Planarite in appropriate amounts.
* Updated Sourcestone collecting Achievements to reference Planarite.
* Plaques of Achievement have been converted from tokens into a currency. If you have existing Plaques of Achievement in your inventory, you can convert them from inventory items into currency on the tab by right-clicking them.

* Fixed up the Soul selection in the Soul Tree UI so that the center and right selection buttons aren’t so hard to trigger.
* It should no longer be possible for anyone but the person who triggered the Corrupted Soul mob to tag them for Soul quests.

* Beastmaster buffs no longer disappear when zoning.

* Expert Dungeon Bosses now drop a plaque of achievement for each member of the group in addition to other loot. Additionally, the price (in plaques) of Expert dungeon items has been increased.
* Expert Dungeon zone quests now award two Plaques of Achievement.
* Dungeon zone-granted quests now award their experience at the same time that other rewards are claimed, instead of awarding it when the objectives were first completed.
* Resurrecting dead party members while inside dungeons works properly again.


* Guardians in Iron Pine have a new story arc out of Sanctuary (near Whitefall) that focuses on Marshal Frederic Kain, commander of the 12th Sanctuary Guard.

* A Failure of Leadership: Made this quest not gate multiple ungrouped players. All players that deal damage should now get credit.

* A Kind of Magnetism: Fixed an issue causing this quest to get into a broken state.

* When equipping Essences into a Planar Focus, and the only open slots are Greater Essence slots, a Lesser Essence will attempt to go into the empty Greater slot rather than overwriting one of the already equipped Lessers.
* Planar Foci with 1 Greater and 5 Lesser Essence slots are no longer available.
* Added high-end resist Essences to Planar Merchants in capital cities.

* Updated notoriety requirements for Rift Faction recipes. You must now be at least Friendly with the faction in order to purchase your first recipe.

* Bard lute sounds just got a lot more subtle for the people around the Bard.
* Improved antialiasing to behave better with trees and other similar objects.
* Fixed the streaming graphic brokenness after death with antialiasing turned on.

* /camp without any added character name will no longer re-log you back in.

* Two additional stats are now displayed on the Character sheet. Valor affects damage received from other players – the more you have, the less damage you take. Toughness is a high-level tanking stat that mitigates critical damage from NPCs.
* Pet stat displays only have Valor.
* The Attack (sword) or Cast (glowy hand) mouse cursors now show as greyed out when not moused over a target, or the target is out of range.
* The Resurrect window for resurrecting in range of your corpse no longer pops up a second time after clicking OK.
* Fixed a bug causing the minimap to appear empty on texture quality settings below 3.
* Also fixed a flicker/flash in ability icons that would happen when scrolling the ability binder.

* Client performance improvements.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 21:20 
* A new ‘Join Public Group’ button will appear on-screen when fighting an event (Rift, Invasion, etc.) with someone willing to group.
* You can toggle your availability for public groups by right-clicking your character portrait. Your setting will persist through logout.
* Group or Raid leaders gain an option in their character’s context menu that sets whether the group/raid is Public or Private. This option is not available in Warfronts. Changing this setting sends a message to current group/raid members with the updated status.
* You can see someone’s Public Group status in their character tooltip. Targeting and right-clicking their portrait will allow you to join a player’s group.
Wkoncy bym powiedzial. Z tego patch notes nie wynika zeby to byla kopia rozwiazania z WAR, co uznaje za duzy minus.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 8077
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2004
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 21:28 
Public grupy, raidy (sa juz potwierdzone co najmniej dwa bazujac na poprzednich przeciekach), revamp mojego ulubionego craft skilla, currency bag, lepsze i unikalne rewardy za kolekcje, ANTYALIASING (w koncu), mozliwosc tweakowania cieni i poprawy performance.

Z patcha na patch ta gra robi sie lepsza. :)

BTW this:

"* Added separate options to Advanced setting list for environment and character shadows. Disabling character shadows should improve performance significantly in high population situations. "

Naprawde duzo siedze na ich forum i widzialem jeden topic proponujacy dodanie wiecej opcji do cieni - moj. :) hehe

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Posty: 652
Dołączył(a): 5.11.2004
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 21:47 
UPDATE 1/20/11

When will PayPal be available as a payment method?
We don't have an exact date for when PayPal will be available, but we're working hard on this and hope to have an announcement soon.

How can I play in Head Start?
Head Start only requires a pre-order code. You can get a pre-order code at your favorite local game retailer, or from online partners.

Which is the right exclusive on the DE Pre-order page?
The Exclusives page will always have the latest information, but we know that two got swapped and are updating the website. You receive the Crystalline Sourcestone Rune (Kristallkugel) if you pre-order via and the Swirling Sourcestone Rune (Kugel des Wirbelwinds) if you pre-order via

Where can EU players order the Collector's Edition?
EU players can buy the Box Collector's Edition at Game, Amazon, FNAC, GameStop, Saturn, Macromania and Media Markt. EU players can buy the Digital Collector's Edition at DL Gamer, D2D, Steam, and at Trion.

Are pre-order items usable during Head Start?
Yes. All of the pre-order items that you receive will be available to you when Head Start begins.

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 23:29 


* Quests without item rewards once again grant experience.
* All token items that were converted to currency type items will now auto-convert instead of requiring you to click on them over and over.
* Players can no longer hide from /target with a cleverly named pet.
* Fixed some minor display issues with Titles.
* When multiple underwater breathing buffs are applied, cancelling specific ones works properly now.
* Failed Area quests will now show up correctly.

* If a targeted player is available for public grouping, there will be a button above their portrait. Mousing over the button will show current grouping information and click the button to join them.
* If a group is full, you will see the same button with an appropriate X mark across it.
* If you are a group/raid leader and your group will fit, clicking the button to join someone's public group will disband your group/raid and act as though all members just joined the selected person's.
* If your group/raid won't fit in the selected person's open slots, you get an error message.
* Destination groups will convert to raids as needed.
* You can no longer join a public group if there are no other characters around to join up with.

* Warriors: Auras are now set to not remove when zoning.

* A late-breaking release note wasn't called out in yesterday's patch notes: You can no longer soul walk into an instance if your party is currently in combat.
* Fixed a bug where only raid members in the first raid group could loot.
* When being resurrected in a full dungeon you will properly appear at the healer now, instead of at your corpse.

* Expert: Konstantin damage from spikes increased. Warning visual effect time increased before spikes.
* Expert: Konstantin can no longer be lured out of his lair.
* Expert: Konstantin will now properly use his Cleave and Whirlwind abilities. Look out!

* Resurrection point for Defiants inside this dungeon has been moved.


* Tactical Strikes: The cannons used during this quest have visible projectiles again.

* Hazeed and Akala are sporting brand new character models.
* The Vaiyiuus in the mount area of Fortune's Shore now have names that correspond with their purchasable item names.

* Artisan Marks are now currency instead of tokens. Any existing Artisan Marks left in your inventory after this update can be converted by right clicking them.
* Updated Crafting Trainers to teach recipes up to 280 skill instead of 260. If you had any high level recipes from trainers, their skill values have been adjusted to reflect this.
* Guardians are now able to do rare material leatherworking quests.
* Certain Chain and Plate items no longer Salvage for more resources than were used to craft them.
* Fixed up some icons for Apothecaries' Healing and Mana potions.
* Corrected the names of some recipe scrolls.
* Removed Corpseblossoms from Moonshade Highlands.
* Maelforge Emberdrakes now have the correct Butchering requirements.
* Changed the icon for Tattered Wolf Pelt so it no longer looks just like Soft Leather.
* Updated spawn rates of ore in Scarlet Gorge. Please check it out and let us know if it's improved, or if any problems are still being experienced.

* Fixed an issue causing some terrain and object distance settings to not take effect until you have moved a certain distance. Doc, go check your horizon view distance again, please!
* Updated the Water-based spell sounds so they're more watery, bubbly, and less 'wooshy'. That's a technical term.
* Fixed more antialiasing causing graphical craziness after death.

* Added two additional antialiasing options: 2x and 4x supersample. These generate higher quality antialising results, at the expense of some framerate.
* Using an ability and then queuing the same one again will no longer leave the UI showing that ability queued forever.
* Buffs and Debuffs that are refreshed before they expire will no longer change positions in the buffbar.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 8077
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2004
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 23:49 
Nie wiem skad to masz ale thx. :) No chyba ze to sam piszesz lol. :)

Na forum rifta byly jakies topici ze rozeslalirandomowe invity do alphy al uj wie czy to prawda ale z tego co widze to tak bo do tej pory nie bylo przeciekow.

Anyway.... te patch notes wprawily mnie w swietny humor. Wiedzialem ze jest alpha ale nie wiedzialem ze napierdalaja taki patchami z dnia na dzien.

Zaczynam byc coraz spokojniejszy o bugfree highlvl i endgame content.
Widac ze pracuja w pocie czola.

Do tego wszytko co tu wypisujesz wydaje sie byc zmianami na plus.

Na przyklad to:

"* A late-breaking release note wasn't called out in yesterday's patch notes: You can no longer soul walk into an instance if your party is currently in combat. "

BARDZO DOBRA ZMIANA. Free rez dla kazdego podczas ecounterow raidowych ogromnie zmniejszylby ich trudnosc i spowodowalby wrecz koniecznosc posiadania wolnego Soulwalka na niektorych podejsciach.

Tak wiec... nie wiem skad to bierzesz ale keep them coming. :)

PS. No i ci kolesie naprawde sluchaja community. :) O tym Soulwalku w instancjach tez byl dosc dlugi topic. O 90% rzeczy w tych patch notesach byly topici na forum. GJ Trion.

Ostatnio edytowano 21 sty 2011, 23:53 przez Kabraxis, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2011, 23:51 
Kabraxis napisał(a):
Na forum rifta byly jakies topici ze rozeslalirandomowe invity do alphy al uj wie czy to prawda ale z tego co widze to tak bo do tej pory nie bylo przecieków.

prawda ale NDA jest :)

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 00:31 
Kabraxis napisał(a):
Na forum rifta byly jakies topici ze rozeslalirandomowe invity do alphy al uj wie czy to prawda ale z tego co widze to tak bo do tej pory nie bylo przeciekow.

tia, wlasnie rozsylaja invity do alphy, mi przyslali :)


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Posty: 8077
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2004
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 06:15 
Sciagnalem patcha do Beta5. Antyaliasing i te opcje do cieni sa juz w grze wiec przypuszczalnie reszta stad tez.

Moglem obejrzec dopiero login screen tylko ale FSAA daje W CHUJ. Gra jest przepiekna teraz. :)

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Posty: 31563
Dołączył(a): 1.05.2005
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 09:24 
nie kumam, to mozna grac w tej chwili? nie od wtorku?


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Posty: 8077
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2004
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 09:33 
Patch notesy sa z Alphy, ktora cisnie 24/7.

W becie narazie mozesz zalogowac sie, zpatchowac, wlaczyc gre i pobawic sie opcjami.

Servery wstana dopiero we wtorek.

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Posty: 4646
Dołączył(a): 31.01.2006
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 15:42 
Highlander napisał(a):
nie kumam, to mozna grac w tej chwili? nie od wtorku?

Mozesz wlaczyc gre do momentu wyboru serwera (nie ma zadnego), jak zmieniasz opcje graficzne to widac w tle zmiany ;]

Once upon a time games was fun and too quickly became about winning, being the best or leveling up to get sick loot. Screw that... it is the time to have fun. - Day9

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Posty: 10140
Dołączył(a): 13.10.2005
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2011, 16:45 
Kabraxis napisał(a):

Moglem obejrzec dopiero login screen tylko ale FSAA daje W CHUJ. Gra jest przepiekna teraz. :)

No daje i przy okazji odejmuje połowę FPS. Z 60 w main menu robi się 30~ przy AA ustawionym na 2x.

wodny napisał(a):
wolałbym by ludzie pukali się w pupę niż mieli broń.

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