Jeśli ktoś ma ochotę pogra / przetestować ww. tytuł:
We are carrying out Alpha-Testing only for russian territory's community at the moment. But you can still try registering on the russian website by using "google translator".
I suppose the only problem is that PING might be too high because of our servers which are located only in Russia right now.
The games are held each day between 6pm - 11pm (Moscow time). The live streaming can be seen on the following link: soon as the Beta version of the Testing is complete we will start moving towards American/European side. I believe it will be around summer time.
P.S. Please let me know if you need help with registering.
Best Regards.
Pograłem ponad 2 godziny, pure Pvp fun, choć nie jestem zwolennikiem pvp ale rus grają bardzo słabo.
PS: Nie od razu po rejestracji otrzymacie dostep, ja dostałem od ww. pm'a