A od kiedy oficjalną stroną gry jest twitter?
Nie jest moim zadaniem followingowanie ich twittera i likowanie ich fejsbuka.
Ich zasranym zadaniem jest takie informacje umieszczać na oficjalnej stronie. Co innego gdyby to była awaria na 15 minut...
haha i wyjasnienie na rejdż na ich forum:
Hey all—we hear you loud and clear. Thank you all for your feedback.
One challenge with some of the emergent issues is that when certain portions of our game experience issues, the forums will also be affected. As such, when we had login issues yesterday, as you know, we could not post any messaging that was hosted on our infrastructure because the forums were completely unavailable . With that, we relied on social media channels, which do not live on our infrastructure. As you might be aware, other big companies like Twitter will also handle outages this way—posting messaging on channels that are not hosted on their infrastructure.
Having said that, whenever we can for emergent issues (when they do not impact our infrastructure), we should be using the system broadcast on the forums for outages.
With regard to the current outage: at this time all commerce sites (Trading Post, Currency Exchange, Gem Store) are down right now and undergoing maintenance. We will provide an ETA as soon as we are able to.
Thanks again, everyone.
No tak. Bo wczoraj mieli awarię forum to teraz nie chcą już z własnego forum korzystać

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania