Ale wy kurwa macie problemy. Tutaj koleś dobrze napisał ale jak wiadomo forumowe spece wiedzą lepiej:
All in all, I want everyone to understand this: I’m not against the use of add-ons. Use them if you want. You play the game how YOU want to play, not how somebody else thinks you should. If you want to be a great player, use what tools you have available and become a great player. Just know that if your success comes from mod/add-on support and you would otherwise be an average player, you have absolutely ZERO right to brag or be proud that you accomplished anything because you couldn’t have done it without them. Don’t trash talk anybody, claiming them not to be a “top competitor” because they choose to play their own way. I kinda wish ESO did not support add-ons just to avoid petty squabbles like this over people’s opinions. But, it was their choice to allow it. People will use add-ons, and some will take it a step further and find a way to cheat/exploit the game to be “better” than others. Some will get caught; some won’t. As for me, I’ll be playing the game the way it comes from the box. My success and skill level is not going to be defined by the standards of others, but by my own. I’m gonna be quite tickled one day if I become emperor by playing my way, while all these other “top competitors” are still arguing over which add-ons people should be using.
Poprawia/nie poprawią tego - don't care(aczkolwiek wolałbym sytuację z GW2). Bezmózgom te addony nic i tak nie dadzą. Niektórzy je będą potrafili wykorzystać. Dostęp będzie miał każdy więc nie ma żadnego P2W.