w ktorym momencie wydali finala na pc razem z konsolami, przypomnij?
, moze i wydadza ale po paru latach jak konsolowcy juz to ograja 10 razy i nikt nie bedzie o tej grze pamietal
nie mowie ze bym sie nie cieszyl, ale zaskoczony bylbym bardzo, 30 marca sie okaze czy zapowiedza gre na PC
http://www.gamepur.com/news/21551-final ... -enix.html"Really?! Where did you hear this? If anything, it is a misunderstanding. There will be no PC port. We never planned for it. The game is originally developed on the PC first and what we said was how the pre-beta works very smoothly on the PC and now optimizations are being made (just like any beta testing would be like) for the consoles. Please do not misunderstand.
IF a PROPER PC version is to be made, then many changes have to be made and a lot of things have to be reconsidered before such a move can be made."
It doesn't seem to be a total closure about the chances to see Final Fantasy XV reaching PC, but for now Square Enix doesn't plan on a simultaneous release for that platform and Xbox One/PS4. In the future, we think something like Final Fantasy XIII could possibly happen, perhaps based upon the success of the trilogy recently released on Steam."
czyli wychodzi na moje, wydadza jak FF13 po kilku latach