New Members SilentWind [ how to join, and when
Why join SilentWinds
SilentWinds is an international linkshell designed to be equal and fair to everyone. We focus on accomplishing extremely difficult tasks to test skill and obtain “Godly” items. Rules and regulations are set in place to make the playing environment as hospitable as possible for everyone. Joining SilentWinds also gives individuals an opportunity to optimize their characters abilities and skills.
Before you request for membership please note:
SilentWinds is a Hard Notorious Monster (HNM) Linkshell designed towards the defeat of extremely difficult notorious monsters. The first goal of the linkshell is not to make individuals rich. Some notorious monsters have the possibility of dropping multiple millions of Gil in items, and some may drop none. Before the drops is the defeat of the NM, and before the defeat is the pull or trigger, so there is more to worry about than just the rewards. Further more, there are some HNM that are not defined under the rules of the LS such as Serket, Roc, Simurgh, Bune, etc. Members within SilentWinds can defeat those HNM for Gil or drops that the individuals own will.
Being a HNM linkshell, SilentWinds is not responsible for completing quests, rank missions, Zilart missions, etc, for individual members, but since the LS has many social aspects, individuals may find assistance within the LS.
Do not apply to SilentWinds for your own personal advantages. Everyone wants the best equipment as quick as possible and tries to put in the least amount of effort possible. If those objectives above are your intentions, do not even consider about applying. We do not need members like such, no matter what job / level you are. A linkshell is a team, meaning multiple people working together to accomplish a goal. We play to have fun and be fair.
The current requirements for the linkshell application as of November 22, 2004 are (all new applicants have to have access to Tu'lia Regions (SKY OK):
Melee, RDM and PLD has to be at least level 72 Wyglada że ja sie napewno nie lapie ^^
2. RNG, THF and BLM has to be at least 70 with Genkai V done.
WHM, SMN, BRD, and NIN has to be at least 67
Rhaegal i Draconi lapia sie
Good luck
How to Apply
Start a new thread message with the following details:
-Main Character Name
-Level of all Job on Main Character
-Rank of all missions including Zilart of Main Character
-Description of why you want to join SilentWinds
-If you have any reference (friends that are already in SilentWinds), please put down their names in your character description.