are happy to announce that we will soon be accepting applicants for the World of Warcraft® Open Beta Test for North America. The open phase of beta will give people a chance to enter Azeroth and play World of Warcraft before the game is released. More details will become available in the days ahead, so stay tuned.
The closed beta test is coming to an end. This Friday, October 29, at 3:00 PM PDT, the closed beta servers will go offline as we prepare to run another stress test. All active closed-beta accounts will remain active, and closed-beta testers will be receiving an email with instructions on what to do to continue playing in the stress test.
We will post more information about the stress test in the days ahead, so please stay tuned to
We also want to take this opportunity to thank the closed beta testers for their months of dedicated testing and hard work. Thanks to all of your suggestions and bug reports, World of Warcraft is closer than ever to being ready for launch!
Ostatnio to ich 'in the days ahead' trwalo prawie 3 tygodnie, zobaczymy jak teraz im pojdzie. W kazdym razie, przynajmniej jest jakis znak, ze cos sie ruszylo
