bleh.. nie ladnie tak kasowac konta po 3 latach nieuzywania

no ale nic to... zalozylem sobie nowe..
mam dobre wiesci - wczoraj wyslalem zapytanie do Game (UK) i oto ich odpowiedz:
Dear Piotr,
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that we do ship to Poland. Your order would take 3-5 business days and it would cost Ł2.50 for postage and packaging per order.
If you place a pre-order on the game then you will receive a CD which contains a CD key which allows you to download the final beta test allowing you to access the game, and a music soundtrack.
Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 0870 750 2741 and we will be happy to help you.
Rosie Douglas
Customer Services Advisor
GAME Stores Group Ltd
A website user has submitted the following preorder query:
User Query:
Hello, I have a question regarding preorder of World of Warcraft standart edition. I'm a resident of Poland. AFAIK you deliver to Central and Eastern Europe (?). I'd like to preorder a copy of WoW but under the condition of recieving final beta key and soundtrack CD. Is that possible? (in details of this offer you write that it's for UK residents only) Summarizing: 1. Can I preorder WoW with delivery to Warsaw, Poland? 2. If yes - will I get it soon after release date (or even on the day of release)? 3. If yes will I obtain CD with auth. key for final beta and game soundtrack? 4. If yes - what is an estimated date of recieving these goodies? Thank you for your quick answer Best regards, Piotr
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Pozdrowienia Sweng:) i dla reszty tez