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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 26.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 10:49 

We have checked our log files and it has been confirmed that you have used a third party program – “radar” type. This program enables you to cheat on our servers by gaining information which is normally unattainable. This kind of act is not tolerated on our servers.

You are thus officially warned. Your account will be suspended for a 15 days period. In case of recidivism, we reserve our right to terminate definitively your account from our servers.

GAME account concerned: asebastian3

When the game was launched on the Dark Age of Camelot European servers, you have accepted the terms of the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) and the rules established by the Code of Conduct.

If at this time, you had not taken the time to read and note the terms of the Code of Conduct, we invite you to do that now.

Sections of the EULA concerned:
6. Piracy, damage, modifications or changes to the Expansion <br>
It is strictly prohibited to use any third-party software or any other device with a view to modifying the Game in any way, changing the way of playing.

Sections of the Code of Conduct concerned:
“It is forbidden to indulge in hacking (pirating) activities and to encourage others to indulge in them.”
“GOA reserves the right (at any time and without prior notice) to reduce access to or block an account temporarily or definitively if the user has not respected this Charter, has encouraged another user not to respect the Charter or has caused harm to the user community.”

Sections of the General Conditions concerned:
GOA reserves the right to temporarily suspend or definitively terminate your subscription, effective immediately […]
In the event of the suspension of your Player Account or in the event of termination of the account by GOA for one of the reasons stated above, you lose the right to access your Player Account and the data contained in it and you will not be entitled to any reimbursement, in whole or in part.

Cheating is unacceptable in an on-line game and is not tolerated on our Dark Age of Camelot servers.

The DAoC Team



Posty: 2199
Dołączył(a): 3.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 10:52 
torrenty likwiduja, daoc banuja... ajajaj ale sie wzieli pod koniec roku:( Pytanie drak - ktora mape uzywales?

Nie mam pomyslu na signature


Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 26.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 10:53 
Ostatnio stara. Ciekawe jest to ze na subscription page nir ma o tym slowa. Natomiast nie wiem czy mi sie teraz oplaca wykupywac konto :-)



Posty: 2199
Dołączył(a): 3.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 10:59 
Dobra, to wpisywac sie , kto ma 2 tygodnie wakacji:)


Nie jestes saaaaaaam:P

Nie mam pomyslu na signature


Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 26.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 11:01 
Tbh to ja nadal mysle ze to gab sobie zarciki robi ;-)))\

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:



Posty: 461
Dołączył(a): 30.08.2004
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 11:34 
no to wam dowalili akurat jak ja zaczalem grac :)..gierka zajefajna!


Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 26.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 11:38 
Zaczeli zamykac zlodzieji samochodow zwyczajnie



Posty: 517
Dołączył(a): 14.04.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 11:39 
moje tez polecialo
znaczy siriana :P

a mape mialem stara ( nie ta co plat )


Posty: 2199
Dołączył(a): 3.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 11:43 
jakby ktos mnei nie zrozumial to tym razem nie musze miec wymowki na nie granie przez kolejne 2 tyg.. Tylko kurwa czemu wtedy jak mi sie juz powoli zaczynalo chciec... teraz mi sie w ogole odechcialo. NURF

Nie mam pomyslu na signature


Posty: 973
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 12:19 
sie gra, sie ma +1 :D

I R teh Ub4h Haxx0rz

btw odpisalem im tak:

gj and
fu ?

haha serio

anyways za 15 dni praktycznie mija mi kolejny subscription (wtedy to planowalem przestac grac) . wiec, what im trying to say is, prawdopodobnie jak mi konto odblokuja ill go ebay. sie zobaczy jeszcze, zalezy to od spraw w zyciu osobistym glownie, bo ochote na pare godzin tygodniowo caly czas mam. :roll:

afk for quite a while


Posty: 973
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 12:28 
Nice holidays for everybody

Most of you already know that with the arrival of New Frontiers Mythic introduced some new anti-cheat functions in game. After the release of the add-on in the US the implementation of these anti-cheat measures resulted in several waves of suspension of accounts, for gamers who were using for instance radar software. With the release of New Frontiers in Europe we also benefit from these counter-measures.

As you know, fighting cheaters has always been a priority on the DAoC servers. We plan to continue and even reinforce this policy, as you will clearly see this week. A wave of suspensions has been launched, concerning many players who have used third party programs since the launch of New Frontiers in Europe, in direct violation of the EULA rules accepted by all.

As Mythic did during the first phase, we are only going to suspend the accounts of the people identified as users of third party programs. But repeat offences, as well as any attempt at cheating from this week on, will be treated as it has always been : by a firm and direct ban. Consider this a friendly warning, and a strong invitation to stop cheating, for all those who still thought that cheating was a viable solution on our servers.

Just before Christmas, our first gift to the community is thus a drastic reduction of the number of cheaters on our servers. Don't forget that if you have not been banned or suspended this time, it doesn't mean you won't be next time. Fighting cheaters is a never ending job.

We wish you some nice holidays.


afk for quite a while


Posty: 461
Dołączył(a): 30.08.2004
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 12:41 
no qrde..ja chce zaczac grac a tu wszyscy bana dostali i polowa rezygnuje??


Posty: 973
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 13:29 
mysle ze prawie nikt nie zrezygnuje chociaz moge sie mylic.
w koncu smierdze :roll:

afk for quite a while


Posty: 1367
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 14:28 
mapa plata 4tw no suspend 4 me :D to kurwa chuja z grania w swieta i robienia artow bez druidow :/



Posty: 448
Dołączył(a): 26.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 17:58 
ale sie zaba wkurwi :-) rozpiedoli im ten caly kramik zaraz



Posty: 515
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 18:52 
czy osoby zbanowane moglyby potwierdzic
ze jednak zapisalo im informacje w errorlogu??

drak mowi ze mial tam pelno syfu pomimo ze dal read-only
ja sprawdzalem mam pusto chociaz mialem kilka kreszy
no i nie zostalem jeszcze zbanowany chociaz ostatnio kilka razy gralem ze starym DSS :/

to jak jest?? kto ma pelnego errorloga?

When I die, bury me upside down, so the World can kiss my ass!

Uo - Platinus, DAoc - Paltinus , WoW - Bioter , WAR - Haissem , SWTOR - Haissem
GW2- Haissem


Posty: 1367
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 19:14 
ja mam pusciutki ustawiony na read only z tym ze nie korzystalem ze starego DSS


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 351
Dołączył(a): 19.03.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 20:48 
No ja wiem jedno :P ja napewno bana nie dostane ;) ale wyglada na to ze mapa by Plat jest nei wykrywalna i dziala wzglednie dobrze

BTW moglo by sie fajnie grac bo prawie cale AoD pewnie ma zawieszone konta :)

Yacus - level 50 BM RR9.1
Yaco - level 16 WP RR11


Posty: 2199
Dołączył(a): 3.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 22:50 
errorlog clean 0bytes read only nadal... a banana mam, czyli inaczej jakos wykrywaja

Nie mam pomyslu na signature


Posty: 2199
Dołączył(a): 3.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 23:13 
a napisalem sobie na rightnow, zeby mi przyslali logi. Pewnie nie przysla, ale przynajmniej pokoresponduje sobie te 2 tygodnie:)

Nie mam pomyslu na signature

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