Znalazlem bardzo ladny opis co jak co , napisany w skrocie przez blue z official forum EU :
Honorable kill (HK): killing a “green” or higher level character of the opposing team, or killing one of the NPCs considered a racial leader.
Dishonorable kill (DHK): killing a “grey” NPC flagged as a civilian.
Contribution points (CP): points awarded daily based on your honorable kills.
Honor points (HP): points awarded weekly based on your contribution points compared to the total contribution points awarded to your entire team throughout the week. HK has no direct effect on your honor points.
Contribution points
High levels yield more: killing a character higher level than you yields a lot more CP than killing a lower level one. Also, a level 10 killing another level 10 will get less CP than a level 50 killing another level 50.
Groups and raids: all members of groups and raids alive and nearby at the time of the kill get one HK and a share of CP.
Repeated killing: you only get full CP for killing the same character once per day. The second kill on the same character on the same day gives 75% of the CP, the third 50% and the fourth 25%. Subsequent kills give no CP at all.
Sharing with mobs: mobs take their share of the CP. Attacking a character fighting a mob might net you an easier kill, but it gives less reward.
No-points timer: when players exit an instance or arrive from a flight they are worth zero CP for some time.
Dishonorable kills: dishonorable kills currently have no effect on your CP, but this will change in the next content patch.
Community Manager, English
Najciekawsze rzeczy z tego to:
- zabicie tego samego playera naliczane codziennie od nowa - czyli jezeli tego samego dnia zabijemy kogos po raz 2 - dostajemy 75%, 3 - 50%, 4 25% contribution points, za 5 i kolejne NIE DOSTAJEMY W OGOLE ( jezeli to jest ten sam dzien, kolejnego sie kasuje).
- con points dziela sie rowno na CALA GRUPE - znaczy sie im wieksza grupa, tym mniej con points
- po wyjsciu z instance czy wyladowaniu po locie gryfem, zabicie kogos takiego NIE DAJE w ogole zadnych CP, oczywiscie nie powiedziane jak dlugo ( zakladac mozna ze 10 sekund)
- no i ostatnie, za zabicie wyzszego lvl mamy wiecej CP
zrodlo http://forums-en.wow-europe.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-pvp-en&t=38518&p=1&tmp=1#post38518