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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 89
Dołączył(a): 26.08.2005
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 21:29 
Po tym jak zaczalem planowac uzbrojenie mojej nowej postaci - Druida, doszedlem do wniosku, ze rownie dobrze moglbym wszystkie te dane zebrac w jeden, w miare, przejzysty spis. Byc moze pomoze on rowniez innym zagubionym druidom.
Na stworzenie go poswiecilem kilka ladnych godzin, wiec prosze o opinie i ewentualna (konstruktywna) krytyke. Szczegolnie jezeli chodzi o format i przejrzystosc - jezeli macie jakies sugestie, to prosze na PM.
Nowy sprzet mozecie dopisywac sami, najwyzej pozniej doedytuje.

lvl 10 - 19


Do raczek -----------------------------------------------------
  • Channeler's Staff
    Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Staff
    35 - 54 Damage Speed 3.40
    (13.1 damage per second)
    +6 Intellect
    Requires Level 15

  • Emberstone Staff
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    47 - 71 Damage Speed 3.00
    (19.7 damage per second)
    +5 Stamina
    +8 Intellect
    +5 Spirit
    Requires Level 18

    wypada z Captaina Greenskina w Deadmines (!!)

    Tork Wrench
    Binds when picked up
    Held In Off-hand
    30 Armor
    +2 Strength
    +2 Intellect
    Item Level 19


Ubranko -----------------------------------------------------

najlepsze, ktore uda nam sie dorwac. Szczegolnych dropow, czy nagrod za questy w tym przedziale lvlowym - brak.

lvl 20 - 29


Do raczek -----------------------------------------------------
  • Crescent Staff
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    47 - 71 Damage Speed 2.90
    (20.3 damage per second)
    +7 Stamina
    +7 Intellect
    +7 Spirit

    nagroda za zrobienie WC. Quest mozna robic od 22 lvl.

  • Rod of the Sleepwalker
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    53 - 80 Damage Speed 2.80
    (23.8 damage per second)
    +11 Intellect
    +10 Spirit
    Requires Level 24

    wypada z Twilight Lord Kelris w BFD


Ubranko -----------------------------------------------------

  • Seal of Sylvanas
    Binds when picked up
    +3 Strength
    +8 Stamina
    Sells for 20 Silver 55 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 29

  • Belt of Arugal
    Binds when picked up
    Waist Cloth
    26 Armor
    +2 Agility
    +10 Intellect
    +3 Spirit
    Durability 30 / 30
    Requires Level 24
    Sells for 10 Silver to vendors
    Item Level 29

  • Robes of Arugal
    Binds when picked up
    Chest Cloth
    46 Armor
    +3 Agility
    +5 Stamina
    +9 Intellect
    +10 Spirit
    Durability 80 / 80
    Requires Level 24
    Sells for 18 Silver 92 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 29

  • Embrace of the Viper , czyli zestaw "...of the fang" dosc czesto spotykany w WC. Calosc zalozyc mozna na 23 lvl.
    Za skompletowanie seta:

    2: Increases damage done by Nature spells and effects by up to 7.
    3: Increased Staves +2.
    4: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 11.
    5: +10 Intellect.

lvl 30 - 39


Do raczek -----------------------------------------------------
  • Loksey's Training Stick
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    77 - 117 Damage Speed 3.10
    (31.3 damage per second)
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 31
    Equip: +60 Attack Power when fighting Beasts.


  • Windweaver Staff
    Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Staff
    80 - 121 Damage Speed 3.10
    (32.4 damage per second)
    +7 Stamina
    +15 Intellect
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 32
    Equip: Increases damage done by Arcane spells and effects by up to 14.

  • Illusionary Rod
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    94 - 142 Damage Speed 3.40
    (34.7 damage per second)
    +7 Stamina
    +15 Intellect
    +10 Spirit
    Requires Level 34

    [Arcanist Doan (SM)]

  • Hypnotic Blade
    Binds when picked up
    One-Hand Dagger
    26 - 49 Damage Speed 1.40
    (26.8 damage per second)
    +8 Intellect
    +3 Spirit
    Durability 65 / 65
    Requires Level 34

  • Black Duskwood Staff (credits: Lero)
    Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Staff
    75 - 113 Damage Speed 2.80
    (33.6 damage per second)
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 33
    Chance on hit: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy causing 110 to 140 Shadow damage.
    Sells for 1 Gold 45 Silver 77 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 38
    Source: Drop
  • Mograine's Might
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Mace
    87 - 131 Damage Speed 2.80
    (38.9 damage per second)
    +17 Stamina
    +16 Spirit
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 39
  • Ardent Custodian
    Binds when equipped
    Main Hand Mace
    48 - 90 Damage Speed 2.10
    (32.9 damage per second)
    100 Armor
    Requires Level 38
    Equip: Increased Defense +7.
    Source: Drop


Ubranko -----------------------------------------------------

  • Agamaggan's Clutch
    Binds when picked up
    +5 Stamina
    +9 Spirit
    Requires Level 31
    Item Level 36
  • Triune Amulet
    Binds when picked up
    +7 Stamina
    +7 Intellect
    +7 Spirit
    Requires Level 39
    Sells for 92 Silver 95 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 44
    Source: Drop
  • Triune Amulet
    Binds when picked up
    +7 Stamina
    +7 Intellect
    +7 Spirit
    Requires Level 39
    Sells for 92 Silver 95 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 44
    Source: Drop

lvl 40 - 49


Do raczek -----------------------------------------------------
  • The Rockpounder
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Mace
    126 - 190 Damage Speed 3.70
    (42.7 damage per second)
    +5 Strength
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 44
    Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 2%.
    Item Level 49
    Source: Drop

  • Warden Staff
    Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Staff
    89 - 134 Damage Speed 2.40
    (46.5 damage per second)
    260 Armor
    +11 Stamina
    Durability 120 / 120
    Requires Level 43
    Equip: Increased Defense +15.
    Item Level 48
    Source: Drop

  • Prophetic Cane
    Binds when picked up
    Held In Off-hand
    +5 Stamina
    +12 Intellect
    Sells for 48 Silver 85 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 44
    Source: Quest

  • Rock Pulverizer (credits: Lero)
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Mace
    92 - 139 Damage Speed 3.70
    (31.2 damage per second)
    Durability 85 / 85
    Equip: +34 Attack Power.
    Sells for 1 Gold 68 Silver 37 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 42
    Source: Quest

  • Blanchard's Stout Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Mace
    107 - 162 Damage Speed 3.10
    (43.4 damage per second)
    +20 Strength
    +15 Stamina
    +5 Fire Resistance
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 45
    Sells for 3 Gold 50 Silver 42 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 50
    Source: Drop

  • Charstone Dirk
    Binds when picked up
    Main Hand Dagger
    40 - 75 Damage Speed 1.60
    (35.9 damage per second)
    +11 Intellect
    Requires Level 49
    Equip: Restores 2 mana every 5 sec.
    Sells for 3 Gold 54 Silver 83 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 54
    Source: Drop


Ubranko -----------------------------------------------------

  • Darktide Cape
    Binds when picked up
    28 Armor
    +6 Agility
    +7 Stamina
    Sells for 58 Silver 26 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 42
    Source: Quest

  • Engineer's Guild Headpiece
    Binds when picked up
    Head Leather
    113 Armor
    +23 Intellect
    +9 Spirit
    Durability 60 / 60
    Sells for 88 Silver 47 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 47
    Source: Quest

  • Wolfshead Helm
    Binds when equipped
    Head Leather
    109 Armor
    +10 Spirit
    Classes: Druid
    Durability 60 / 60
    Requires Level 40
    Equip: When shapeshifting into Cat form the Druid gains 20 energy, when shapeshifting into Bear form the Druid gains 5 rage.
    Item Level 45
    Source: Recipe

  • Archaedic Stone of ...
    Binds when picked up
    50 Armor
    +12-13 Intellect
    Requires Level 42
    Sells for 1 Gold 7 Silver 95 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 47
    Source: Drop

  • Mark of the Chosen
    Binds when picked up
    Equip: Has a 2% chance when struck in combat of increasing all stats by 25 for 1 min.
    Sells for 61 Silver 33 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 48
    Source: Quest

  • Raptor Hunter Tunic
    Binds when picked up
    Chest Leather
    117 Armor
    +4 Strength
    +3 Agility
    +16 Stamina
    Durability 85 / 85
    Sells for 72 Silver 71 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 43
    Source: Quest
  • Soothsayer's Headdress
    Binds when picked up
    Head Leather
    122 Armor
    +7 Stamina
    +25 Intellect
    +8 Spirit
    Requires Level 47
    Sells for 1 Gold 14 Silver 1 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 52
    Source: Drop
  • Gemshard Heart
    Binds when picked up
    +10 Stamina
    +10 Intellect
    +6 Spirit
    Requires Level 49
    Sells for 1 Gold 16 Silver 31 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 54
    Source: Drop
  • Ironfeather Shoulders
    Binds when equipped
    Shoulder Leather
    117 Armor
    +20 Intellect
    +8 Spirit
    Durability 60 / 60
    Requires Level 49
    Set: Ironfeather Armor (1/2)
    Sells for 1 Gold 27 Silver 58 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 54
    Source: Recipe
  • Feathered Breastplate
    Binds when equipped
    Chest Leather
    146 Armor
    +10 Intellect
    +24 Spirit
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 45
    Sells for 1 Gold 44 Silver 78 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 50
    Source: Recipe

  • Embrace of the Lycan
    Binds when picked up
    Head Leather
    118 Armor
    +8 Strength
    +16 Stamina
    +5 Spirit
    Durability 60 / 60
    Requires Level 45
    Equip: +32 Attack Power.
    Sells for 1 Gold 8 Silver 58 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 50
    Source: Drop

lvl 50 - end


Do raczek -----------------------------------------------------
  • Blood-etched Blade Binds when picked up
    One-Hand Dagger
    21 - 40 Damage Speed 1.50
    (20.3 damage per second)
    Durability 65 / 65
    Requires Level 52
    Chance on hit: Wounds the target for 120 damage and converts that damage into mana to you.
    Sells for 4 Gold 34 Silver 91 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 57
    Source: Drop

  • Resurgence Rod
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    139 - 209 Damage Speed 3.80
    (45.8 damage per second)
    Equip: Restores 8 mana every 5 sec.
    Equip: Restores 2 health every 5 sec.
    Sells for 4 Gold 7 Silver 47 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 53
    Source: Quest

  • Rubidium Hammer
    Binds when picked up
    Main Hand Mace
    51 - 96 Damage Speed 2.00
    (36.8 damage per second)
    120 Armor
    +5 Strength
    Durability 90 / 90
    Requires Level 51
    Sells for 4 Gold 4 Silver 39 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 56
    Source: Drop

  • Trindlehaven Staff
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Staff
    87 - 132 Damage Speed 2.10
    (52.1 damage per second)
    +12 Stamina
    +30 Intellect
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 56
    Sells for 6 Gold 57 Silver 49 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 61
    Source: Drop

  • Unyielding Maul
    Binds when picked up
    Two-Hand Mace
    135 - 204 Damage Speed 3.20
    (53.0 damage per second)
    250 Armor
    +12 Stamina
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 57
    Equip: Increased Defense +12.
    Sells for 6 Gold 53 Silver 83 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 62
    Source: Drop
  • Twig of the World Tree
    Binds when equipped
    Two-Hand Mace
    147 - 221 Damage Speed 3.70
    (49.7 damage per second)
    +14 Strength
    +21 Stamina
    +12 Spirit
    Durability 100 / 100
    Requires Level 53
    Sells for 5 Gold 65 Silver 88 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 58
    Source: Drop

  • Gift of the Elven Magi
    Binds when picked up
    One-Hand Dagger
    43 - 81 Damage Speed 1.50
    (41.3 damage per second)
    +5 Stamina
    +10 Intellect
    +6 Spirit
    Durability 65 / 65
    Requires Level 58
    Sells for 5 Gold 65 Silver 17 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 63
    Source: Drop

  • Lorespinner
    Binds when picked up
    Main Hand Dagger
    45 - 68 Damage Speed 1.50
    (37.7 damage per second)
    +5 Stamina
    +6 Intellect
    +5 Spirit
    Durability 65 / 65
    Equip: Restores 3 mana every 5 sec.
    Sells for 4 Gold 6 Silver 95 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 57
    Source: Quest
  • Milli's Lexicon
    Binds when picked up
    Held In Off-hand
    +6 Stamina
    +7 Intellect
    Equip: Restores 6 mana every 5 sec.
    Sells for 3 Gold 86 Silver 64 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 59


Ubranko -----------------------------------------------------
  • Smoking Heart of the Mountain

    Binds when picked up
    150 Armor
    +7 Fire Resistance
    +7 Nature Resistance
    +7 Frost Resistance
    +7 Shadow Resistance
    Requires Level 50
    Sells for 15 Silver to vendors
    Item Level 55
    Source: Recipe

  • Bone Ring Helm

    Binds when picked up
    Head Leather
    141 Armor
    +6 Strength
    +5 Agility
    +30 Stamina
    +6 Intellect
    +6 Spirit
    Durability 60 / 60
    Requires Level 57
    Sells for 2 Gold 14 Silver 4 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 62
    Source: Drop
  • Tanglemoss Leggings
    Binds when picked up
    Legs Leather
    150 Armor
    +12 Stamina
    +20 Intellect
    +13 Spirit
    Durability 75 / 75
    Requires Level 57
    Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 1%.
    Sells for 2 Gold 68 Silver 11 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 61
    Source: Drop

  • Cyclone Spaulders Binds when picked up
    Shoulder Leather
    129 Armor
    +11 Stamina
    +11 Intellect
    +9 Spirit
    Durability 60 / 60
    Requires Level 56
    Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 14.
    Sells for 2 Gold 4 Silver 65 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 61
    Source: Drop

  • Atal'ai Spaulders of ...

  • Set: Wildheart Raiment
    The set gives these bonuses as more pieces are worn:
    3: +5 Nature Resistance.
    5: Increases damage done by Nature spells and effects by up to 14.
    6: Increases damage done by Arcane spells and effects by up to 21.
    7: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 44.
    8: +17 Stamina.
    8: +17 Strength.

  • Mindtap Talisman

    Binds when picked up
    Requires Level 56
    Equip: Restores 11 mana every 5 sec.
    Sells for 2 Gold 7 Silver 37 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 61
    Source: Drop

  • Burst of Knowledge

    Binds when picked up
    Requires Level 53
    Use: Reduces mana cost of all spells by 100 for 10 sec.
    Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 12.
    Cooldown: 15 min
    Sells for 1 Gold to vendors
    Item Level 58
    Source: Drop

  • Second Wind

    Binds when picked up
    Requires Level 54
    Use: Restores 30 mana every 1 sec for 10 sec.
    Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 22.
    Cooldown: 15 min
    Sells for 1 Gold to vendors
    Item Level 59
    Source: Drop

  • Briarwood Reed

    Binds when picked up
    Requires Level 55
    Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 29.
    Sells for 1 Gold to vendors
    Item Level 60
    Source: Drop

  • Mark of Tyranny

    Binds when picked up
    180 Armor
    +10 Arcane Resistance
    Equip: Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 1%.
    Sells for 1 Gold 62 Silver 50 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 63
    Source: Quest

  • Eye of the Beast

    Binds when picked up
    Classes: Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Druid
    Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 2%.
    Sells for 1 Gold 62 Silver 50 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 63
    Source: Quest

  • Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas

    Binds when picked up
    +10 Fire Resistance
    Classes: Druid
    Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 44.
    "Blessed by the Shen'dralar Ancients."
    Item Level 62

  • Band of the Great Tortoise
    Binds when picked up
    120 Armor
    Sells for 20 Silver 92 Copper to vendors
    Item Level 50


Posty: 145
Dołączył(a): 2.05.2005
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 22:24 
nice :O masz takie cos dla huntera xD?


Posty: 89
Dołączył(a): 26.08.2005
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 22:29 
nie, dla rogua :P


Posty: 573
Dołączył(a): 5.10.2004
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 22:42 
co do broni nieepickich na wysokim lvl to dodalbym jeszcze mlotek z Balnazzara ze Strat Scarlet Side

Hammer of the Grand Crusader
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Mace
116 - 175 Damage Speed 2.70
(53.9 damage per second)
+10 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+9 Spirit
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 58
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 22.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 3185
Dołączył(a): 13.12.2004
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 22:54 
Feral/Hybrid druid eq. ... #post42525



Posty: 906
Dołączył(a): 21.10.2002
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 23:36 
Nie wiem czy jest bardzo sens tworzenia szczegolowego spisu bo pominales pewnie kilkanascie/dziesiat innych przedmiotow. Lepiej zrobic ogolne wytyczne na co nalezy zwrocic uwage (staty).


Posty: 89
Dołączył(a): 26.08.2005
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2005, 23:50 
wedlug mnei jest sens. dlatego zrobilem to co widac powyzej. Glownie dla siebie,, pozniej dopiero pomyslalem, ze moze kogos jeszcze zainteresuje. Po prostu libie wiedziec gdzie isc jezeli chce sie dobroic, na co mam szanse idac do jakiejs instancji itp... Nie ze wypadnie jakis super hiper, arcydruidzki item i dopiero sie dowiem, z kogo on wypada :D

ale oczywiscie kazdy na ta sprawe ma pewnie wlasne zdanie... jezeli nikomu procz mi to sie nie przyda, to przepraszam za spam :\ zamieszczalem to naprawde w dobrych intencjach.


Posty: 906
Dołączył(a): 21.10.2002
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 00:53 
Etam ja bym dodal kilka filoletowych itemow, pomarzyc zawsze mozna ;)


Posty: 266
Dołączył(a): 12.10.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 08:32 
Cashasty napisał(a):
Warden Staff

.....random drop... szansa zdobycia tego staffa jest taka sama jak wygranie miliona w totka

Dlatego większość druidów go ma :D
Na BL kosztuje ok 200g, ja za swój przepłaciłem i dałem 210g :wink:

Deckard <Drunks>, Orc Warrior, The Venture Co.


Posty: 266
Dołączył(a): 12.10.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 08:33 
BTW czy jakiś druid na BL (Alliance) chce kupić Twiga? Mam do sprzedania za 50g :)

Deckard <Drunks>, Orc Warrior, The Venture Co.


Posty: 1474
Dołączył(a): 30.11.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 08:37 
A gdzie wildheart set? na 60 lvl to obowiazek ;)


Posty: 4659
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 08:56 
A itemy z dm?

imho najlepsza czapka przed ony :] oczywiscie dla healera

Insightful Hood
Binds when picked up
Head Leather
139 Armor
+12 Stamina
+15 Intellect
+9 Spirit
Durability 60 / 60
Requires Level 56
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 1%.
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 33.

bardzo ladne ringi:

Emerald Flame Ring
Binds when picked up
+7 Stamina
+12 Intellect
+8 Spirit
Requires Level 57
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 15.

Ring of Demonic Guile
Binds when picked up
+10 Intellect
Requires Level 54
Equip: Restores 6 mana every 5 sec.

uber trinket na dlugie walki:

Mindtap Talisman
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 56
Equip: Restores 11 mana every 5 sec.

Noregoth active
Flonoe, Milea retired


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 09:27 
czy sa to wszystkie przydatne blue itemki dla endgameowego dru? bo jakos nie widze duzo itemkow dla feral :(

jak dla mnie wyjebisty itemik (niestesty epic i z BWL :wink: )

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 3185
Dołączył(a): 13.12.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 10:45 
Zemus napisał(a):
czy sa to wszystkie przydatne blue itemki dla endgameowego dru? bo jakos nie widze duzo itemkow dla feral :(

To przewin troche do gory do mojego pierwszego komentarza..

Swoja droga w tym listingu brakuje epix :P Gdzie cenarion i stormrage? :P



Posty: 89
Dołączył(a): 26.08.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 11:01 
dzieki za wszystkie komentarze :) jak tylko bede mial chwile, to postaram sie liste uzupelnic...


Posty: 1474
Dołączył(a): 30.11.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 11:26 
Mialem totalny set uzupelniajacy do feral na 60 (niebieski z instancji) - mialem bo druida sprzedalem :)


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 13:15 
nestor dzieki :D swietne :wink:


Posty: 573
Dołączył(a): 5.10.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 19:37 
Cashasty napisał(a):
Hmmmm , jak pisalem pierwszego postsa to troche spiacy bylem wiec zapomnialem dodac


to na 2 raz uzyj magicznego przycisku Edytuj :D

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