DM jest chyba jedna z najtrudniejszych walk w grze. Wymaga 18 osob ktore nie ma co ukrywac musza znac swoj zawod (job). Sama walka wymaga ogromnego zgrania ludzi, podczas walki nie ma czasu na korekty planowanie. Wchodzicie i albo sklad zadziala albo nie. Sa dwa sposoby na wygranie tej walki latwy i trudny.
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Zebrac 18 ludzi o roznych jobach ale wszystko musi byc ulozone z glowa.
Zrobilem ten quest jakis czas temu. Najwiekszym problemem bylo zebranie 18 ludzi, ale i na to znalazl sie sposob. Najpierw zrobilismy z LS liste joboch jakie potrzebujemy. Potem zebralismy ludzi z LS, ktorzy chca to zrobic + znajomych z innych linkshelli. Reszte, ktora nam brakowala poprostu dokoptowalismy z calego serwera - poprostu zamiescilismy post na KI forum na naszym serwerze o planowanym DM i wzielismy ludzi ktorzy sie zglosili. Tu macie link z naszego posta: ... fc#1702783
Strategia :
Nie chce mi sie tlumaczyc tego wiec poprostu wkleje wam nasza LSowa strategie z mojego LSowego forum, niestety nie moge podac linka bo musicie byc czlonkami LS zebym miec dostep do forum :
4-5 RDM 2hr-chainspell and nuke along with BLM to kill TT (Taru 1st) and then MR (Mithra 2nd). The kill order then is follow by GK (Galka), EV (Elvann), HM (Hume).
Assuming we have enough people, this is the PT setups and strategy I like to use for this BCNM.
Kill order will be TT > MR > GK > EV > HM
Kite Team:
NIN (Liana), PLD (Ashura?), PLD, RDM x 3
Liana will kite Ark Angel GK (SAM/DRG), GK will summon pet, Liana's RDM have to keep sleep but most likely Hotpot.
PLD#1 will kite Ark Angel EV (PLD/WHM)
PLD#2 will kite Ark Angel HM (WAR/NIN)
ALL kiter will be assisted with RDM sticking Slow, Paralyze, and GRAVITY.
Main Objectives:
To give the main alliance 45 sec — 1 min time to kill both TT and MR ASAP. That means keeping AOEs from these 3 AAs from hitting anyone.
Nuke Team:
BLM (Blondie, me?) x 4, RDM (Phelios), BRD (Hotpot)
Hotpot starts with double MP regen song, as soon as all AA's are provoked by tanks/backups, BLMs will nuke, stun, nuke on Ark Angel TT (DRK/BLM) until it's dead. I also like Phelios to 2-hr chainspell and nuke it until it's dead. Hotpot will have to keep MR's pet sleep.
Main Objectives:
NUKE, DEFEAT TT and MR ASAP! Both have death inducing nasty AoEs so they must go down fast. TT does AoE + Paralyze + Petrify, while MR does Gravity + Sleep.
If I'm going as WAR then I'll provoke TT and Miku have to hold MR until TT is dead by nuking. Once these two are out of the way then rest up and prepare on MBing on skillchain and just overnuking to kill when AA we are fighting is close to dead.
DD/Backup Tanks/Skillchain Team:
NIN (Miku), WAR (me?), THF (Deathy), MNK/THF (Umero?), WHM, RDM (Paxton)
Again if I go as WAR (if not then we'll need another WAR), I will tank TT, while BLM and RDM nuke the hell out of him. Miku will kite Ark Angel MR (BST/THF) in the circular room with Paxton's help. Deathy and Umero will DD(he needs this too, but I haven't ask him) and help establish hate on kiters/tanks. Miku will bring MR back into the center ASAP after TT is defeated. I like Paxton to 2-hr here and Chainspell nuke MR to death. ^^
One by one in the kill order above, we'll bring them to the center of the room.
After both TT and MR are defeated. We'll bring GK into the middle and kite both EV and HM into hallway (so mages can MB with Thundega 3) until GK is defeated by skillchain + MB.
I will remind everyone not to melees except main tank, WAR, THF x 2 to build TP for making Light skillchain. Rinse and repeat for EV and then HM. If everyone follow the strategy and execute, I believe we can win.
Najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy :
Also here is a list of medicines to bring... NO EXCEPTIONS unless someone like to get spank by me if we wiped due to someone being cheap.
Echo drops (1 stack)
MP potions (at least 2 potions, if you don't need to use them great then resell it)
Poison potion (2-3, just buy a stack and share it... I'll try making them... this is an ABSOLUTE MUST at the beginning when MR is still alive)
HP Regen food (2-3, or cast regen on yourself to counter poison)
Icarus Wing (I like to open up fighting MR with a SC and MB... we'll talk about this tomorrow)
Sleep potion to build TP for MR (see above)
Poison potion (2-3, see above)
HP regen food (2-3, don't be cheap and buy the best... I'm aiming to get only 1 WHM and he/she can't regen/healer everyone)
Echo drops for anyone that need to cast (1 stack)
HP potion (Hi-potion or X-potion can keep you alive if you are in the red until someone can heal you)
Reraise hairpin/gorget... Get one if you don't have it already. Again I'm hoping to get one WHM and that means not everyone will get R3. So be prepare to accept R2
To chyba wszystko. Sorry za dlugi post ale mam nadzieje ze choc troche pomoglem. Zycze wam wygranej, i sami zobaczycie jaka to WIELKA satysfakcja po wygranej walce.