Jesli to nie fake to patrzac z pozycji undead priesta:
- Touch of Weakness - Target damage reduction significantly increased, damage significantly increased, cooldown added. The damage reducing ability of this spell will now affect all party members. This spell can now be triggered through spellcasting.
Pierwsza bardzo ciekawa zmiana w jednym z prawie beuzytecznych spelli.
- Inner Fire - The attack power and armor bonuses for this ability have been removed and replaced with a moderate increase in all spell resistances and a 5% increase in wand damage. These changes should make this ability more favorable to priests.
Powiekszone resisty zapowiadaja sie ok, no i to 5% do damage z wandu tez moze byc. Niestety brak dotychczasowego bonusu do armora moze bardzo zabolec szczegolnie w pvp...
- Greater Heal - The dynamic of Greater Heal has been completely readjusted to make it a channeled heal over time. It now functions similar to channeled damage spells (blizzard etc.) except that it heals the target player progressively throughout the 4 second cast. As with other channeled damage spells, the full mana cost of the spell will be lost if the cast is stopped or interrupted at any point.
Ciekawe rozwiazanie, rozumiem ze bedzie to najszybszy mozliwy heal oprocz oczywiscie instant heali ? Jezeli ma byc to spell channeled to znaczy, ze zalozmy co sekunde bedzie leczyl ? Dla mnie bomba, tylko ten mana cost...
- Power Word:Shield - Power Word:Shield can now be modified by a small percentage of + healing gear based upon the skill points used in the new discipline talent, Inner Resolve.
Zmiana bardzo mi sie podoba, oby tylko bonus z +healing nie byl za maly...
- Fade - In PvP combat, use of the fade ability now causes any unit that has the caster targeted to lose target, much like if the caster were to stealth. The caster can be aquired again by retargeting, as is intended.
Kolejny bezuzyteczny spell w pvp moze sie w koncu przydac. Ciekawe jak w praktyce bedzie to wygladac, ale zapowiada sie interesujaco.
- Psychic Scream - A new system of checks has been instituted now allowing for a percent chance that psychic fear will not be canceled by other abilities. The percentage chance is dependent upon the targets shadow resistance and level.
No to tez brzmi interesujaco... chociaz z drugiej strony po co wprowadzali trinkety do przerywania fearow jak teraz chca im zapobiec
- Fear Ward - This spell is no longer a dwarven racial ability. This talent can now be found at 31 points in the discipline tree.
Tutaj cos smierdzi fejkiem... przeciez na tym miejscu w talentach jest divine spirit. Czyzby mialby byc dwie opcje do wyboru ? Jesli tak to w koncu skonczy sie wihnowanie ze ally to easy mode
Reszta to pare mniejszych buffow, ktore nie maja wiekszego znaczenia. No chyba ze ktos zamierza korzystac z holy fire
Devouring Plague - Damage slightly decreased, mana cost slightly increased. The amount healed by this spell has been reduced to 40% of the damage done to the target and has been expanded to heal all party members.
IMO najwiekszy nerf undead priesta. Combo SWP + Plaga potrafilo doprowadzic alliantow szybko do paniki
- Inner Fire - The attack power and armor bonuses for this ability have been removed and replaced with a moderate increase in all spell resistances and a 5% increase in wand damage. These changes should make this ability more favorable to priests.
OMG brak bonusu do armora... Przeciez teraz rogale beda nas zabijac jednym ambushem...
- Mind flay - Target movement speed is now reduced to 60% of the normal value.
To 10% szybciej tez mozna uznac za powaznego nerfa niestety.
- Focused Casting - Duration decreased to 6 seconds.
2 sekundy mniej tez nerf...
Reszta to pare mniej znaczacych nerfow. Ogolnie wychodzi na plus, ale poczekamy zobaczymy... Jestem ciekaw jakie zmiany nastapia w talent tree, bo powyzej zostal przedstawione dwa ewentualne nowe talenty. To chyba troche za malo jesli chodzi o obiecywane zmiany w talent tree...
Reszta zmian to fixy, ktore byly potrzebne ( szczegolnie hate generowany przez enchant z Zul'Gurub ). Ciekawe sa bardzo nowe rasowe spelle dla pozostalych ras. Szczerze mowiac, nie bede narzekal ze undead nie dostal nic nowego, bo prawde mowiac reszta ras byla trocha uboga pod tym wzgledem. Bardzo interesujaco zapowiada sie szczegolnie spell rasowy dla trolli...