h34t napisał(a):
* Temporary weapon buffs (such as poisons, enchanting oils, sharpening stones and shaman weapon buffs) will no longer be removed when zoning. These buffs will also persist when logged out.
* The LookingForGroup channel is now worldwide. Players in Eastern Plaguelands can look for groups in Ironforge or Stormwind.
o to fajne
* Pyroblast - Cooldown removed. (Confirm?)

sheep, AP, pyro, pom, pyro, fireblast?

* Zandalarian Hero Charm - Initial effect has been reduced to 200 damage and 400 healing. The effect is now reduced 25 damage and 50 healing every spellcast.
to juz mniej fajne tymbardziej jesli porownamy do ToEP czy HC,
1st. spell odrobine silniejszy (25dmg/50healing), 2nd taki sam, 3rd slabszy (-25/-50healing) a gdzie pozostale ~6

* Debuffs are now colored coded by type. Green border is poison, purple is a curse, light blue is magic, etc.
to fajne, chociaz przez rok gry to juz sie ludzie nauczyli ikonek na pamiec
* When a GM ticket is open, an estimated wait time is now displayed.

* Several technical LUA changes (for UI mod authors):
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... post343889no to zaczynam sie bac 1.11 chyba kazdy pamieta co sie dzialo po 1.10
World Environment
* The hills south of where Lord Kazzak spawns have been leveled, making them climbable.

zlikwidowali killing spota?
PS ale sie rozpisalem :|