It's that time - the Britannian Housing Association has decreed that as of Thursday, February 28th, all condemned houses will once again be subject to decay! So it's moving time for all owners of condemned houses - please make sure that you've moved all items of value into your main house (the most recent one that you acquired). We are not responsible for any loss of items due to decay in a condemned house!
The length of time for a condemned house to decay is approximately 10 days. The earlier you take action, the better. You can redeed your condemned house, or transfer ownership of it to a player that does not currently own a house. It’s important to note that GMs cannot remove the condemned status of a house, so please do not page them about the matter.
Oznacza to, iz za jakies 5-6 dni mozna zaczac aktywnie poszukiwac starzejacych sie budynkow, a za 8-10 dni bedzie wysyp. Nawet calkiem niedoswiadczeni idoc'erzy moga sie podtrenowac. W tym sporcie mozna sie uczyc tylko na bledach... no prawie.
Moje konto jest aktualnie nieaktywne, ale sprobuje powalczyc na kontach innych ludzi
