Potrzebuje porady jak zfitowac cyclone;)
Narazie zrobilem go tak ( wyciag z quickfita

- [ 250 | 22] 720mm Carbine Howitzer I
Accuracy falloff = 17500.0 m
Trackingspeed / Accuracy = 0.025 rad/sec
Optimal Range = 23100.0 m
Rate of fire = 10.84
Damage Modifier = 7.73 x
- [ 250 | 22] 720mm Carbine Howitzer I
- [ 250 | 22] 720mm Carbine Howitzer I
- [ 250 | 22] 720mm Carbine Howitzer I
- [ 250 | 22] 720mm Carbine Howitzer I
- [ 50 | 28] 'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher
Rate of fire = 8.48
- [ 50 | 28] 'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher
- [ 50 | 28] 'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher
- [ 50 | 25] Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners
Max Velocity Bonus = 120.0 %
- [ 0 | 25] Magnetic Scattering Amplifier I
EM dmg resistance bonus = -32.5 %
- [ 12 | 42] Medium C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Activation time / duration = 2.4
shield Bonus = 100.62
activation cost = 60.0 Energy
- [ 1 | 9] Cap Recharger I
Capacitor recharge rate bonus = 15.0 %
- [ 0 | 50] Shield Boost Amplifier I
Shield Boost Bonus = 30.0 %
- [ 1 | 34] Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I
Damage Modifier = 1.098 x
rate of fire bonus = 10.5 %
- [ 1 | 25] Damage Control I
Armor Em Damage Resistance = 10.0 %
powergrid usage = 1.0 MW
Primary Skill required = 3394.0
Activation time / duration = 30.0
requiredSkill1Level = 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance = 7.5 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance = 7.5 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance = 7.5 %
Shield Em Damage Resistance = 7.5 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance = 10.0 %
activation cost = 1.0 Energy
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance = 10.0 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance = 10.0 %
- [ 0 | 18] Power Diagnostic System I
Shield recharge rate bonus = 7.5 %
Capacitor bonus = 4.0 %
Shield HP bonus = 4.0 %
Powergrid bonus = 5.0 %
Capacitor recharge rate bonus = 7.5 %
- [ 0 | 18] Power Diagnostic System I
Polecialem na misje ( bez dron bo zapomnialem ;p ) i tak srednio to wygladalo

fregaty to tylko rakietami mozna i cos wolno szlo a te wieksze cruzy tez nie najszybciej padaly;) Nie wiem czy to wina fitu czy moze amunicji ( EMP ( -50% optimal range...) do dzialek i piranha do wyrzutni ) czy moze zle statek prowadze;p Aha no i na moich skillach to max co moge wcisnac w ten statek

Zostalo mi 60 power i 10 cpu...
Jesli ktos ma jakies normalne pomysly ( nie jakies sprzety za 10mln sztuka itp o_O ) i moglby cos doradzic to bylbym wdzieczny =]