Voyage Century
I got introduced by my friend when I was playing other mmorpg.Saw the game site quite a long time ago when it was still in the development phase. My other friend sort of introduced the open beta of this game in chinese to me before but I never played it.
Account finished?
At first, I thought the 1k account had been given away because I started one day late. But after around 30 mins of waiting, I actually got my account after a couple of F5 -refresh- spams! (I was downloading the client with my slow adsl.. bad isp >.>). Got the game at roughly 11 pm and the installation took a while so I went to bed.
Started as a Newbie in Alexander
I didn't have any experience in playing voyage type of games (Pirates!) and I thought it was very complicated to learn.. At first, I attacked some trading ship and they keep on running away lol (Geez.. maybe that's the reason why my crepe is negatively high) then I was very low in money...
Spent a few hours killing hedgehog and stuff (I thought it was the normal hack and slash game like any grinding game, now I regretted for spending those time killing them) and used gun (because it seems cooler).
Battle Ship
Made my first ship and my boyfriend found out about the Battle quest so I accepted them but eventually gave up because I am really... a real newbie but I did accepted some of the quests. (I was really silly in the first place because I keep on sailing up and down just to abort the quest because I can't finish it and wanted to accept new ones)
But, I did some adventurer quests on battle ship and actually got into the Hero rank before I become a real merchant o.o
Mining and Timbering
After a while (many hours later), I LEARNT how to mine and timber so I started chopping trees and mining ores but didn't know it can be processed into timber level one and also pig iron so I SOLD it to the npc because I was overweight with the items! (whee, I'm so smart!). Luckily, my boyfriend taught me about smelting and processing those ores and logs o.o.. After I've learnt how to mine and timber (etc etc), I built my first merchant ship in Alexander.
Merchant's Ship
At first, I thought I need to reconstruct my battleship into merchant ship which is waste... since I got a couple of level ups in my battle ship. But in the end, I found out you can buy those level one ships, use it and reconstruct it into Merchant ship! without having to modify your previous ship... which is a good thing and created another Adventurer ship later...
Accepted a couple of tasks in all the cities when I was using the level one merchant ship, made a couple hundred ks (I accepted the level 1 purchase quests because you don't have to ship too many stuff) and my structure actually got up to level 10 so I rebuilt it into level 2 merchant ship! (Thanks to my boyfriend!! again since he mined and timbered for me lalala.. lol) I actually found out ore discovery skills are much important than the increase capacity skill since increasing capacity is useless when you can shift your items into your ships and you will stop mining/timbering when your sp is finished.
After I've reached my target (1 million gold), I've decided to become an Adventurer to explore the cities before the alpha ends.
Adventurer's Ship
What I really really like about adventurer is the sailing speed, it's amazing! (imagine sailing at the speed of 4 everytime you're doing the merchant quest.. you will appreciate adventurer's ship even if it's only a level one ship) I travelled for many hours.. from my home town (I shifted from Alexander to Genoa for level 2 ship building purpose),
After I've had enough travelling to the upper part of the map, hamburg (The furthest I went to) I've decided to travel to Asia cities! (Maybe visit my country, Malaysia?) so I travelled to the lower part of the map o.o.. I was amazed when I saw the border (I thought I had travelled a lot but it seems that the first part of the map was just a small part of the game.. which amazes me a lot! ).
Then, I tried stopping at every cities that I've seen in the game (Although I might missed some cities but that gives me the chance to explore more during the closed/open betas ^^). The furthest place that I've been to is Seoul (That was because it was 4.30 a.m. in the morning and I need my sleep lol..).
During the explorance, I found out that it's amazing that every cities in the game has npcs in different outfit o.o..
When I reached:-
Melacca, the npcs were wearing sarong (Traditional malay clothes) and it sorts of remind me of what my history teacher had taught us in the lesson about Melacca (malacca?) when it was one of the famous trading port..
Japan, I saw samurai! well, not really but they were some npcs called shinobi or something in the castle place.. and some guards with their katanas >.<!! The edo eras ~
China, I saw a money lender with two guards protecting him. I tried talking to one of the little kids and he/she said I looked like from some other places...~
Seoul, it reminds me of dae jonggum (A korean drama) because of the outfits and they were selling Korea Ginseng too o.o! It was fun that every cities' npcs' names are really the type of names used in those cities ; not just your random npc nicks.
The End
That ends my story/review (?) I really like this game a lot ^^ ~
Thank you
This is Voyage Century Online