No jasne, to było do przewidzenia.... Znowu date przesuneli :|
Revised Open Date : To be announced soon
Troche informacji przetlumaczone z innej strony o DE global,
niewiem czy to prawda czy nie, ale podobno od pracownika
Softon kto blisko wspolpracuje z Joymaxem

- Exp i item drop rate, bedzie takie same jak w Koreanskiej wersji. (x1 ?)
- Wersja ma być podobna do wersji Thai. (oustersy???)
- Wkrótkim czasie ta wersja ma być podobna do wersji co koreanska.
(Nowe sprity, oustersy, skille, zmiana jobu questy)
innymi slowy to samo co w najnowszej wersji koreanskiej.
Here's some information about the new DE server obtained from an employee at Softon Entertainment (who is working closely with Joymax in the conversion of DE for their use).
The server's xp and item drop rates will be the same as the Korean version. NProtect will once again be used combined with a server-side anti-hacking program (it was the implementation of the server-side system that has delayed the release).
I also asked what version of the game it will be, what patches will have been implemented. I'm not sure how well I understood his response, but it seems like at launch it will be similar to Thai, but will be shortly updated to match the Korean version - Ousters, new sprites, skills, job change quest, etc. In his words, "many new system updated like up-to-date korean version".
Hopefully this will settle a couple of questions.