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Posty: 3592
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 00:04 
jeszcze jedno małe info o tej czwartkowej tech becie


There might be some confusion to what you've seen as the next announced Tech test which will be held at this coming Thursday. Some of you have been invited while others haven't. This has been a somewhat random pick from our database. Some are picked from this community (very few), while others are picked from the beta applicants who do not have access to any beta. Basically to fill the spots available (we have to control the numbers to reach our magic numbers).

Obviously we do not want to keep you out of tests but it is important that we stick to the numbers needed in order to create a controlled test environment. You guys have been supporting us, helping us test different environments and now we want others to go through the same process. Tech tests are special in a way.. they are much less stable than the one you find here. Meaning it can be good that we have some new testers give it a try. Some fresh eyes.

On the plus side, we won't close down the General Beta during this run since not everyone got invited. Also, we are planning more PVP runs etc. in the near future. Our goal is to release a schedule, listing the tests where you all will get invited (General Beta testers, meaning you guys). With the schedule it might be easier for you to plan on which tests you are able to participate to. Our goal is to have different scheduled runs with you guys every second weekend. :)

More info on this will be announced very soon



Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 00:35 
Teoretycznie nie musza robic open bety ale praktycznie na starcie maja duzy minus bo wielu jest juz uprzedzonych do crapowatych nowych gier

Z jednej strony tak. Z drugiej strony open beta moze zniechecic wiecej osob, niz przyciagnie z uwagi na swoja crapowatosc... No ale to tylko spekulacje. W koncu maja jeszcze dwa dlugie miesiace, zeby ukonczyc gre.

A co do "open bety", to bedzie jakis deal ze stronami typu WarCry. Nie liczylbym juz na open bety w pelnym tego slowa znaczeniu w przypadku tytulow tego kalibru.

"We are planning to have an open beta for the game as we get closer to launch, however, it will be through specific partners and require an application/registration process, much like most of the other betas for most other games."

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Posty: 7080
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 00:46 
jak znam życie, to akurat będę cały dzień poza domem, a wieczorem już nie będzie kluczy :wink:

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Posty: 3592
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 00:51 
RufeN napisał(a):
jak znam życie, to akurat będę cały dzień poza domem, a wieczorem już nie będzie kluczy :wink:

będą na ebay'u ;)



Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 11:09 
Najnowszy beta leak :


They can't shut down the milk fox. So instead of quoting others from AoC beta forums, I'll just point some things out from my own experiance. About me: I have taken 2 classes up to level 80, and I have multiple classes in 20s 30s and 40s (one in 60s). Just for the record, you can have up to 8 characters.

Right now everybody in beta is waiting for the miracle patch that's supposed to happen sometimes in January. Beta testers call it that because that's what it will take for AoC to be all that it can be, a miracle.

Here is a quick run down of THE BAD:

0. Formations are not in the game

1. Can't play as female.

2. There is only one skin for one set of equipment. Meaning all polearms look the same, all swords look the same, all maces look the same. They are missing 80%+ of items.

3. NO PVP. Border Kingdoms are not in the game, which means Battlekeeps are not in the game. There have been few (3?) TECHNICAL test events to test pvp, but there is currently no pvp in general beta build.

4. MOST spells and feats are not working

5. Majority of things are missing text, like item or spell descriptions, just about anything aside from quests.

6. We were promised like 35 zones at launch. Currently there are like 14 zones in the game, of which NONE are fully complete and few are barely playable.

7. NO ECONOMY what so ever.

8. Lich and Scion Of Set are cut, we now have 12 classes.

9. Ranged combat is a joke at the moment. In fact it is a step backwards. In wow at least you had to face the mob, in AoC you don't. This will hopefully get fixed, but given the current state of ranged combat mechanics, it can only get so much better. It's your standard crap, select a target and keep pressing attack button, there is no aiming. You can however ZOOM into first person mode, and little croshair will show up, when you align a mob with your crosshair, you "select" that target and you fire at it. This method is semi OK, but it takes no skill to aim, cone seems to be so big that it seems like you are trying to hit a house. I'm sure this can be adjusted to be a better system, but who in their right mind will chose the hassle of aiming in 1st person mode if you can simply TAB-select/click-select targets and fire away in 3rd person view. Also, arrows have only 2 flight paths, if you have mob selected, that's one, and if you don't have mob selected, it just goes stright horizontally, you can't for instance aim above you or below you and fire an arrow, i mean you can, but arrow will not go that way, unless you have mob selected.

10. Magic is also your standard nuke-em bullshit. We all know that they said there will be no fireballs and shiny little things, but this is what the magic is all about. There are few neat looking spells but for the most part these are buffs and not dmg attacks. There are VERY few so called 'cone" magic attacks, but 95% of the time you will be nuking with a fire strike (fire ball with different name). Just plain typical system with even less diversity. There is no mention about spellweaving what so ever, it's possible that this system has been scrapped altogether.

11. Current combat AI is worse then most of the games out there. It works like this, you are walking, mob sees you, if that mob has other mobs standing next to him, they all come, you fight to death, that's it. They don't run to get more help, they don't use any strategy, it's just plain and basic. I see you, I fight you to death, head on, method. Also, mobs CAN NOT jump or fly. So a smallest obsticle on the ground will make them run 10 meters around to get to you, instead of just jumping over to you, and few wingged mobs that there are in the game likey demon bats and vultures, they can't fly...they fly on the ground, it looks pretty weird when they are going up the stairs.

12. Most of the zones are designed in such a way that they make you feel trapped. Even tho actual zone might be 4km x 4km, you can only use as little as 20% of the real estate. Everything is pathed, you can't really roam freely throughout the zone, there are predefined paths that you are expected to follow. There is always a hill, cliff, river or simply invisible wall that stops you from going off course. THIS IS THE BIGGEST concern among beta testers right now, because this is not something that can be changed, so we are stuck with this. Of course, some of the zones are designed little better, like Khopshef Province, there are less restrictions (but there are handfull still). However, most of the zones that are currently in are pretty damn restricting in terms of exploration and freedom of wandering around.

13. Female NPCs throughout the world are rarely complete. They are either naked, or bald or both, and the worst thing is you will see a body of super-model girl that gives you hard-on with the head of 300 old witch. Females are way behind in all aspects. Also, children models are not in the game yet. There is only one boy model that made it in, and he is just a 3D render, with no life and and no animations, and he looks like a scarecrow, in terms of how his body is positioned (spread arms and legs).

14. Performance is pretty bad. There is also way too much loading, and loading takes too long 30-40 secs on my PC, and I have pretty high end PC with 8800 GTX and 4GB RAM. There is also memory leak associated with loading, so after you switch about 3 zones, you will have to restart the game. By that time game will use 90% of your RAM and your FPS will go from 50FPS to 3FPS or very often to SPF (Seconds Per Frame). Their current rendering engine is piece of shit. Just by turning around FPS can jump from 50FPS to 5FPS. It is next to impossible to run on a horse through the zone, as horse travels faster, rendering engine can't catch up and you can end up crashing the game client if you keep pushing it. A lot of this is expected to be fixed in upcoming Cheetah 2.0 engine that we are supposed to get pretty soon (currently they are using cheetah 1.x engine)

15. Prestige classes are not in the game, and it doesn't smell like they will get here anytime soon. This means that there is NO CRAFTING and no resource gathering, which means NO PVE towns.

16. DESTINY QUESTS are a joke. Well, in Tortage, 1-20, they actually did pretty damn good job with destiny quests. But after you leave Tortage and enter real MMO world, you get 3 more destiny quests....THAT"S IT! After Tortage you get to do your destiny quest at lvl 30, lvl 50 and lvl 60 (I'm pretty sure it's not complete and there is at least one more past lvl 60). However, 20 levels between destiny quests? It really doesn't feel llike it's one continuous quest. I mean the quest themselves are pretty good in terms of quality, it's just that they need to add more, every 5 levels or at least every 10 levels.

17. INVISIBLE WALLS are all around the world. Some are bugs they claim, some are there intentionally to prevent us from going somewhere. This is probably the second biggest in-game issue in beta community. It's not that you run into them every now and then, but they are everywhere, in every zone, at every corner, as soon as you go off the path you'll run into them.

18. MOUNTS. We finally got a mount few weeks ago. All we have is one horse. You have to be level 40 to ride a mount. Yeah, WTF, that's what I said too. But anyway, since this is pretty new feature, I'll be as opstimistic as possible. That said, the purpose of the mount at this stage is exactly what Funcom said it will not be, and that is to get from A to B. Mounted combat at this stage is simply.....I don't know what the right word is, but USELESS comes to mind. We'll see if this will change at all.

19. After about 2 weeks, game gets boring. This is being reported all over beta forums, people are getting tired of the game. I'm still OK, not excited as I was at first, but I'm still enjoying the game. The reason why people get bored or don't log in to play could be for number of reasons at this stage. No incenitive to level up and progress, when you reach the end, that's the end. Things like resource gathering and crafting are not in, neither is pvp, and no real economy, there is really nothing to drive the players to come back and play at this stage - combat and quests alone certainly aren't enough.

20. GUI needs tons of work. EQ had better and more costumizable GUI. We currently can't bind our own keys, but I'm sure that will be available soon. Also, grouping mechanics are BAD at best, as a lot of times they are simply borken.

21. Towns/Villages/Cities/Settlements are pretty dead. Almost all of the NPCs are static (some places have few patroling guards, that's it). Every place seems like the last one, dead and boring.

22. World map does not exist. I mean there is a world map, but it's just a map of Hyboria that you can probably find somewhere on the internet. It does not represent anything in-game, it's not related to the game, it does not show where you are, where each region is. There are however zone maps, which are A LOT like google maps. It works just like google maps in Sattelite view, you zoom in/out and you see exact representation of what's on the ground.


FIrst off all, this is not necessarely THE BAD thing, I'll give a general overview of the combat (melee). Well, I really like it, there are things that could be done to GREATLY improve this, but I still find it interesting. Current combat and combo model in AoC really DOES NOT BRING ANYTHING NEW to the table. I personally find it fun, but there is nothing new here. Well, really it is a new feature that you can freely swing your weapon anytime you want and hit anything in the path, but current combat forumla makes that feature useless. Right now EVERYTHING IS ABOUT COMBOS. You would really have to be retarded not to figure our that just spamming combos will take you 100x further than playing around with directional attacks trying to hit a mob where they have less shields. You could apply very little strategy to the order in which you execute your combos, to better match shield markers of the mob, but in the end it all comes down to spamming combos.

Combat system was EXTREMELY fun from about level 1 - 15. You paid attention to where shield markers were and executed maybe one or two combos during a fight. After that, especially post lvl 20, game is balanced around spamming combos. Shield markers are almost nullified with current formula, it's like they don't exist. You just end up looking at the cooldown icons waiting for first combo to be ready so you can execute it again w/out even noticing shield markers.

COMBOS need a lot of work. Combos are what makes this game just another mmo. Fine in let's say City Of Heroes, you press a skill/power from a hotbar and it executes it. Well, just imagine pressing one extra button and you get AoC Combos. They could have as well remove that one extra step, it serves no purpose, it doesn't make you think, it doesn't make you involved more, it dumbs down the entire combat system since game is balanced around spamming combos and not around using strategy and taking adventage of the shields. Also, most of the time you will find yourself clicking on the combo icons, which is a huge step backwards from their original system, this really makes it feel like just another game.

Now, here is THE GOOD:

1. Graphics are, hands down, the best in MMO marked, and they are better than 90% of single player games. From character details to environment fluff, everything is top notch, you will simply be amazed how this game looks, especially if you have good computer and can enable higher shader resolution.

2. Rez spots. Rez spots are located throughout the zone. You need to discover it before you can use that rez spot. When you die, you have option at which spot you want to rez. This comes in pretty damn handly.

3. Fatalities are AWESEOME!!! This is one thing that makes combat a little more different. Most combos have their own fatalities, and trust me, theere are a lot of combos. They don't happen often enough tho, in my persona lexperiance. Also, when you get fatality, you get like double exp from that mob and you get A LOT of stamina back, which is a nice perk and probably a reason why fatalities don't happen often enough.

4. Sound is just, I don't know how to describe it, it's EPIC. From combat music to background music to special effects to NPC voices, it's just great all around. (I should note that NPCs do not have voice overs once you get out of Tortage. We don't know if this is temporary or not, but currently that's how it is).

5. Setting of the game is pretty dark. There are some pretty messed up themes associated with quests. This makes this game feel a little more unique.

6. Quests......well, some people like them, some don't, I like them. This is one of the very very very few MMOs where quests are worth doing. In fact, exp reward is so good that it kind of forces you to do quests. You can grind if you want, but compared to quest exp, you would have to be and idiot not to do quests. Some people complain about this, but it personally does not bother me.

6B. There are some out of the box quests, especially in Tortage, 1 - 20. A lot of quests are nothing new, just the same old go kill x, go get this, go deliver that, go find that etc. However, a lot of them are represented in such refreshing way that it in fact feels like something truly new. On top of that, there are no grind quests, like go kill 40 x. If you get "go kill x of z mobs" it's usually around 10 mobs, and never more than 20. The most I've had to kill if I recall correctly was 18. Also if you get a quest to go and collect 10 Vanir Amulets, then you go and kill 10 Vanir soldiers and you are done, you don't grind 50 of them hoping for a 10% drop chance. That all said, as you progress into higher zones, quality of the quests gets worse and worse. When you get to lvl 50 zone, there you are faced with standard bullshit quests that you have done 290 times in other mmos. I hope this is work in progress.

I'm pretty sure I forgot about some things, so feel free to ask if you have any questions. I will keep you updated as we get more stuff.

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 3592
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 12:07 
dobra, potwierdzam wszystko tylko z jednym się nie zgadzam
2. There is only one skin for one set of equipment. Meaning all polearms look the same, all swords look the same, all maces look the same. They are missing 80%+ of items.

jak na chwilę obecną performance to najgorsza sprawa, reszta przyjdzie z czasem, a wtedy cud miód i orzeszki, inne mmo mogą lecieć do kosza


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Posty: 2382
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 13:13 
Maja jakis miesiac na skonczenie gry (potem trzeba sie zajac jej wydaniem) no chyba ze w dniu premiery bedzie trzeba nowke juz patchowac, wtedy odrobina wiecej czasu. Jak maja w tym czasie praktycznie zrobic gre? :) Bo z tego co sie czytuje, to tam narazie niewiele rzeczy wogole jest w polowie zrobionych, a do konca to nic (no, moze muzyka jest nagrana w calosci).


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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 14:19 
Pamietaj ze to co jest na closed becie i technical becie to spora roznica, nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie by juz tloczyc plytki, a patchowanie i tak bedzie, maja troszke odmienna metode beta testow.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 14:50 
Hmm, ja wiem czy odmienna? Nie zwracalem na to zbytnio uwagi, ale z tego co pamietam, patchowanie MMO w dniu premiery to standard.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 15:42 
Kolejne 2 screeny. 1280&1024 wszystkie ustawienia na max : ... b6cad.html ... b032f.html


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 274
Dołączył(a): 15.06.2006
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 20:11 
Wreszcie jakis solidny leak i czlowiek ma jako-takie pojecie :)

Posty: 35
Dołączył(a): 18.03.2006
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 21:08 
Post Viracepta trochę mnie zaniepokoił. Zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że jest to beta. Devsi wciskają do beta-buildu to co ich zdaniem działa słabo i wymaga poprawy - to chyba oczywiste - w końcu po to jest beta, wielu graczy przyzwyczaiło się po prostu do darmowych open-bet które tak naprawdę są zwykłą reklamówką gry... Nie wydaje mi się, ze finalny build będzie zawierał te niedociągnięcia i "braki" w contencie.

Staram się na to patrzeć okiem optymisty (chociaż zwykle w życiu widzę szklankę w połowie pustą =p). Funcom chociaż nie ma zbyt wiele produkcji na swoim koncie - ma doświadczenie w grach mmo. I to nie najgorsze - w końcu zrobiło jednego z największych mmo'sów który dziś istnieje - i nadal zarabia.

Pozostaje czekać na kolejne leaki :). Bo kaska już odłożona.



Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 21:55 
Świeżutki beta gameplay, który właśnie wynalazłem:


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 2382
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2001
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 22:35 
KrisK napisał(a):
Staram się na to patrzeć okiem optymisty (chociaż zwykle w życiu widzę szklankę w połowie pustą =p). Funcom chociaż nie ma zbyt wiele produkcji na swoim koncie - ma doświadczenie w grach mmo. I to nie najgorsze - w końcu zrobiło jednego z największych mmo'sów który dziś istnieje - i nadal zarabia.

No wlasnie, Funcom ma doswiadczenie. Doswiadczenie w zbyt wczesnym wypuszczaniu gry na rynek, gry w polowie ukonczonej. Gry z ogromnymi mozliwosciami i cieszacej sie ogromnym zainteresowaniem. Gry, ktora stracila wiekszosc swoich wielbicieli w ciagu pierwszych 3 miesiecy i juz nigdy wiecej nie podniosla sie z kleczek po tej stracie, chociaz w koncu ja dopracowano.
Funcom zarzekal sie na wszystko co swiete, ze nie popelni drugi raz tego bledu, ktory popelnil przy Anarchy Online...
Moze i by tak zrobili, gdyby mieli cos do gadania. Ale to nie oni trzymaja kiese.
Co sie wykluje, zobaczymy juz za 2 miesiace.



Posty: 620
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2008, 22:55 
Cytuj ... re=related

I'm buyin!

[GM]Dave>> Hail, Adventurer.
[GM]Dave>> What begins with B and rhymes with Ban?
Player>> Umm...
Player>> Ban?
[GM]Dave>> If you insist.


Posty: 83
Dołączył(a): 6.12.2005
PostNapisane: 16 sty 2008, 00:47 
hehe, uśmiałem się nawet 8)

. . .


Posty: 193
Dołączył(a): 22.10.2007
PostNapisane: 16 sty 2008, 09:04 
hahah ale wypas :-)

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Posty: 9369
Dołączył(a): 18.07.2002
PostNapisane: 16 sty 2008, 11:33 
Viracept napisał(a):

grafika nie brzydka, jaki sprzet?

Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me

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Posty: 7080
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2005
PostNapisane: 16 sty 2008, 12:13 
Aenima napisał(a):
Viracept napisał(a):

grafika nie brzydka, jaki sprzet?

z tego co pamiętam, to Viracept wrzuca screeny z 8800 gts.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 16 sty 2008, 14:21 
Tak. A co do lejącego npca....ten filmik ma co najmniej pół roku :)


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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