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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 10:52 
"My overreach dmg seems to be 1/2 of what it was before todays patch..

Did you notice any other differences?"
-guardians forum

Funcom naprawde zaczyna w kulki pogrywac z ukrywaniem zmian, ktorych dokonuja w patchach.


Posty: 703
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 10:58 
Tez mnie to wkurwia ostro. Na dodatek zawsze coś muszą spierdzielić - poprzednio zmiana instów, teraz problem z kopaniem, jeszcze wcześniej z cottonem.

WoW: Shadowsong Boomkin - active
WAR: RP@K8P, WE@Azgal - retired
WoW: Sporeggar RP-PvP shamzor - retired
EvE Online, AoC - retired


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 11:06 
Ekhrmm przecież przez całą betę tak było, że w patch notes było max 30% zmian faktycznie wprowadzonych. Swoją drogą to fakt, że jest to irytujące/niepoważne.


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 703
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 11:08 
Beta to była beta, teraz mamy retail (a raczej retail-beta, heh) i wypada jednak poinformować swoich klientów o zmianach.

WoW: Shadowsong Boomkin - active
WAR: RP@K8P, WE@Azgal - retired
WoW: Sporeggar RP-PvP shamzor - retired
EvE Online, AoC - retired


Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 11.12.2006
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 11:11 
w becie to oni mogą wyłączyć serwer na miesiąc, dać 10 patchy na dzień i nic o tym nie mówiąc!! Ale retail jest płatny i zawieramy z FunComem pewna umowę z której my wywiązujemy się płacąc za produkt który oni dostarczają więc tak jak od sprzedawcy butów masz prawo domagać się informacji czy te buty są ze skóry czy z skóropodobnego materiału tak ja od FunComu mam prawo domagac się kompletnego patch note! eot


Posty: 703
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 11:15 
Dae napisał(a):

Nie. :)

WoW: Shadowsong Boomkin - active
WAR: RP@K8P, WE@Azgal - retired
WoW: Sporeggar RP-PvP shamzor - retired
EvE Online, AoC - retired


Posty: 3152
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 11:16 
Odrozniajcie bete, od platnej bety ;)


Posty: 146
Dołączył(a): 22.08.2007
PostNapisane: 10 cze 2008, 23:06 
oni sami nie wiedza co zmieniaja w patchu to nie pisza w patchnotesach.

za mala ekipe imo maja i sprawy im sie wymykaja spod kontroli. FC zachowuje sie troche noobersko biorac pod uwage ich bagaz doswiadczen z mmo...

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 03:48 
Minusem funcomu jest slabe informowanie o tym co sie dzieje teraz w grze, malo informacji o planach i nad czym pracuja, powinni brac przyklad z blizza lub nawet z mithic, ktore to firmy pieknie potrafia wmawiac wszystkim ze biale jest czarne.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 2206
Dołączył(a): 27.03.2006
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 06:40 
embe napisał(a):
Minusem funcomu jest slabe informowanie o tym co sie dzieje teraz w grze, malo informacji o planach i nad czym pracuja, powinni brac przyklad z blizza lub nawet z mithic, ktore to firmy pieknie potrafia wmawiac wszystkim ze biale jest czarne.

napisał betatester pełnej wersji gry ;)

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 07:39 
Disclaimer: These Notes are subject to change as they are not "Officially Final". These notes Are legit, and should be used as an instrument to give you an idea of what to expect. Again, these can/could change, and additions and/or subtractions could be made before all of these items are released live. They are from the non-public test server. This is likely Alot of the items that will be pushed Live this Thursday 6/12/2008. I have attempted to contact moderators to verify thay it is not against rules to post these notes, and havent been told it is. I bring this for positive discussion. Not flame wars and immaturity. You will notice that some of these Items actually went into the game yesterday, while a majority of them have not been made live yet.
__________________________________________________ __________________________

* Animations updated for both Male and Female characters. The most noticeable change would be that Female's no longer seem quite as sluggish as they used to.
* Victim of "I eat your heart" will not fall into the attacker's mesh anymore.
* Picts will no longer raise their eyebrows at people after having been killed by a fatality
* Players should now use proper animations when interacting with items while swimming.
* By popular demand we have added a new "Level up" sound effect.
* Character Creation: Avatars can no longer be rotated after selecting enter game.
* New audio options in the options menu has been added for control of background music frequency.
* Doing a fatality will no longer cause your character to increase in size.

* Champion of the Honorguard now correctly drops T1 shoulders for Priest of Mitra instead of T3 shoulder for Ranger.
* Herald of Xotli raid gear has been fixed and should now offer proper bonuses
* Widowdusk Fauld should appear correctly now in inventory and in game.
* Crafted crossbows should now appear correctly in the character's hand.
* Added bow/crossbow fighting idles as baseanims to unarmed attacks
* Updated item names to Gold Carcanet and Filigree Gold Carcanet
* Fair Meat: will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Drinking cape should no longer clip with chest item

* The Killer Rhino and War Mammoth have received a minor increase to their trot and gallop speeds. The trot (default movement speed) should now be slightly faster than a jogging player, while the sprint should only be slightly slower than a sprinting player.
* The Standard Horse has received a moderate increase to it's canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to a sprinting player, while the gallop should be slightly faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Armored Horse has received a moderate increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be a slightly faster than a sprinting player, while the gallop should be moderately faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Swift Horse has received a substantial increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to twice the speed of a jogging player, while the gallop should be only slightly slower than three times the speed of a jogging player.

* Field of the Dead: The dusk wolf pack has developed an aversion for bridges, and has changed hunting grounds.
* Waudreen has been resupplied with an ample amount of armor.
* The Champion of the Honorguard now uses its correct abilities again.
* Toirdealbach's reset behaviour has been fixed.
* Wulfere has lost his overly large belly, and gotten a head that is the same color as his body.
* Sergeant Vargus and his troopers have gotten a visual overhaul
* Obenathis got a visual update
*Fixed so the Axeman play they're animation when they get back up.
* City of Tortage: The Town crier has realised he is not
* Cimmerian. He is Stygian. So he can, in fact, cry... and he now will.
* Conalls Valley: Hydallan has had a potential dialogue loop fixed.
* Conall's Valley: Kinkaid's dialogue has been tweaked.
* Pyramid of the Ancient: Pashi dialogue updated.
* Captain Mycus's dialogue has been updated to reflect his new career as a wagoner.
* Alyssa in the Thirsty Dog Inn has had a false level warning removed.

Player Character

* 18 new robe assets added to the game for the mage classes
* Players can no longer be knocked back while in spellweaving state
* A large number of abilities had a tendency to not trigger in some situations. This should be fixed now.

* Assassins in Unholy Stance will now generate a Soul Fragment from performing a Sneak Attack.

* If a Barbarian performs a unarmed attack after executing their * No Escape ability they should no longer slide around without animating their legs.
* Unstoppable should stop functioning when the feat is untrained
* Finishing Blow damage boost after charge should always cancel (even when missing the target) - Finishing blow it should scale like this : 1 point = 2x damage, 2 points = 3x damage, 3 points = 4x damage.
* Decapitation feat should scale better when more than one point is spent in the feat.

*There is now a 5 minute cooldown on the resurrection effect gained through your Furious Inspiration ability. This cooldown is on the character offered the resurrection, not the conqueror, so you can still resurrect multiple people in the team, just each of those people cannot be brought back to life by you more than once every 5 minutes.

* Fires of Gehenna (Rank 1) will now correctly inflict fire damage.
* Inferno of Amher (Rank 4) now has the correct casting time.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.

Herald of Xotli
* The effect of Demonic Fortitude has been increased to convert 10/15% mana to 10/20% stamina.

* Significantly lowered the manacost of your nukes and dots.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.
* Corruptors, Mutilators, Necrotic Bombs and Harvesters will now correctly trigger Bone Horde.
* Pets no longer have the base monster miss chance. They no longer have an innate chance to miss their attacks.
* Fixed Life Leech so that it will tick correctly on a monster that was not initially aggro to you.

Priest of Mitra
* Armor of Faith is no longer canceled by Holy Light triggering.

Tempest of Set
* Tempest of Set spellweaving should now have all abilities enabled.

* You should no longer get stuck in Renton's House.
* There should no rain and lightning in Toirdelbach's Tomb now
* Treasury of the Ancient Ones: You will no longer fall through the world when climbing up the statues. There has also been a revamp with a new event for both solo and group players. Special rewards await those who dare to take the challenge in Epic Mode.

* Den of Wolves: The Plains Wolf population has increased.
* The Curse of the Werewolves: Quest NPCs population has increased., Corinocht Slayers also update the quest now.
* Wolf Hunt: The Yukagi Wolf population has increased.
* Hunting the Vanir: Increased the number of Vanir in the SE camp, also increased their respawn rate.
* Toirdealbach's Tomb: Fixed the respawn rate, fixed the lighting and Toirdealbach's behaviour has been adjusted.
* Water for the Soldiers in Thunder River: Updated the waypoint for Guard Captain Marcus.
* Wagon Wreck: Added a missing waypoint for the quest The Wagon Wreck.
* The Chieftain's Vengeance: Updated waypoints for the goals "Destroy Vanir Supply Crates" and "Kill Crazed Vanir" in the quest "The Chieftain's Vengeance".
* Finding Safe Passage: The player now has to kill 7 Lupine Hunters. The waypoint has also been tweaked.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Removed Skull of an Alpha Wolf pickup item, this skull can now only be gotten as a loot drop. Added mobs and reduced the respawn time of most mobs.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Added the missing waypoint to the "Collect Wolf Blood".
* Wagon Wreck: Removed the level requirement for the handing in of the quest Wagon Wreck. The player will now see the ? above the NPCs head.
* A Silver Bracelet: Fixed requirements on Bartholomo's dialog, so he won't show destiny dialog during daytime.
* Phoenix of the South: Made sure the destiny quests are resolved and spawned in the right order, to prevent full quest journals to break the destiny quest.
* The Awakening I: The quest reward has received a revamp based on feedback.
* The Awakening I: An intermittent stall when watching the cutscene "Nadini's Vision" in the Destiny Quest has been resolved.
* In Defense of Beauty: quest can be completed now.
* Get Mantis Scales: The description was improved to better indicate where to get the scales.
* Chaos in the Fortress: Burning the tents will now provide team credit.
* Emerald Eyes: Quest classification has been corrected.
* Family Matters: Quest description has been corrected.
* Khopshef Province Quest: Updated the waypoint to Rami's Position
* Kalutma: The dialogue has been tweaked to be more logical.
* Lions and Lambs: The quest cannot be 'stolen' by other players now.
* Lost Bottles: Wine bottles will correctly show as quest items in the world.
* Seven Years: The text has been updated to be more accurate.
* The Worshipers' Demise: Certain NPCs on white sands have been eating those worshipers with glee and will now have a much higher chance of dropping their gems.
* Ante Up: Giants Approaching has had it's quest marker adjusted so that it appears in the proper location.
* Path of the Raven: Rogan will now give the player 3 feathers for the quest.
* Conall's Valley: Destroying the Ymir Totem has been updated to reward group credit

Kolejne zmiany, ciekaw jestem jakie sa ukryte bugi lub zmiany ;)


Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 11.12.2006
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 07:49 
a skąd masz te patch notes?

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 07:58 
Dae napisał(a):
a skąd masz te patch notes? ... 612421/p1/


Posty: 490
Dołączył(a): 12.03.2006
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 08:16 
Nerfneli Guardiana srogo, wypowiedz system designera Jayde:
It is unfortunate that this change did not go in the patch notes, however due to the combination of last Thursday's and this Monday's patch and notes already above 100 entries, I'm sure it is easy to understand how a couple issues slipped through on accident. I apologize for this not being in the notes, however I can confirm that the rebalancing of this combo line was an intended change.

The damage coefficient on the combo of 200% was unintended and completely out of line with the cooldown and the debuff when considering the normal target DPS of the Guardian class. The coefficient was thus adjusted down to 120% target DPS over the duration of the combo (including the time to execute it). Despite the debuff, the Overreach line is still the highest damage over time combo available for 1h+Shield Guardians.

While I understand this change will disappoint some, it was never intended to be a "one-shot" ability, but instead to provide a significant (~20%)--but not extreme--damage increase for a single combo at the price of a smaller debuff afterwards. While we may review the design of this ability in the future, a return to the original coefficient should not be expected.

Już 78 stron płaczu na EU forum guardow, w wywiadach przed wydaniem gry tasowali sie ze guardian to bedzie fantastic tank with significant amounts of dmg, mogliby najpierw naprawic drzewko polearmow a potem nerfic burst dmg ability z drzewka juggernaut.

WoW - retired ...?
AoC - failed
Aion - never even started

Posty: 44
Dołączył(a): 10.04.2005
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 08:22 
w ostanim patchu poprawili npc w miastach i wogule nie pojawiaja sie przed nosem za zakretem :) nie wiem czy o tym pisali czy nie
dosc wazna zmiana wg mnie


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 09:49 
Nareszcie nerf combat auto reza u conq. Dotychczas to było team z cong>team bez conq w pierwszym starciu.


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 11:53 
niech nie sciemniaja, ze wypisujac patch notes, z ktorych czesc i tak nie dziala, byloby to problemem dorzucenie prawdziwych zmian majacych duzy wplyw na rozgrywke.
po prostu graja w chuja od samego poczatku zmieniajac klasy bez opisywania tego.
chyba powoli zdaja sobie sprawe, ze wymyslili sobie fajne skille i featsy tylko nie przemysleli ich w ogole w aspekcie pvp i teraz probouja to na sile i randomowo naprawic.

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 15:00 
Wydaje mi sie ze wiecej juz poprawili z klasami niz w WoW po roku ale nie ma co bronic Funcom bo ja wole miec zrypane klasy, a dzialajace miasta, wlaczone siege i wiele rzeczy zwiazanych z endgame.
Funcom nie ma za duzo czasu na powazne patche bo zdenerwowane tlumy graczy, ktorzy przybili z wow-a moha stracic cierpliwosc jak nie dostana tego co oczekuja lub tego co bylo zapowiadane.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 15:27 
Embe co mają tłumy ludzi z wowa do faktu, że nie ma end game, t3 miasta nie można budować, miasto nie daje bonusów a sieges były obiecywane na launch day ?


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 11 cze 2008, 15:31 
Tak jak pisze, ludzie beda odchodzic jesli tego nie wlacza w czerwcu, a najszybciej ci w/w bo jojca od premiery.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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