mrynar napisał(a):
To jest bardziej gra zrecznosciowa polegajaca na szybkim wciskaniu klawiszy (w przypadku gitary). Z prawdziwym graniem to ma bardzo malo wspolnego.
To jest taka ciekawsza wersja Beatmanii.
RufeN napisał(a):
nie, bo to gra disneya i jest skazana na fail.
i dobre podsumowanie tego:
This doesn't actually teach guitar, though.
It teaches you how to play songs, but you won't learn the instrument. You won't have a damn clue what the name of the chord you're playing is, you won't know scales, you won't learn keys, time signatures, chromatics, whatever else. It's just Guitar Hero with more buttons, in effect.
My roommate last semester hated people who learned guitar by tabs because while they could play songs, they had no concept of the instrument or how the music was formed, and he was right. Learning an instrument isn't "learning how to play songs on the instrument", it's learning how music is formed on it and then applying that to songs. I started piano at 9, flute at 11, guitar at 14, trained vocalist at 16. I know my music and this crap isn't cutting it.
So this AND Guitar Pro are a bucket of fail. At least with GH/RB we aren't pretending like we know music because of it.
tl;dr to nie nauczy nikogo grać na gitarze tylko szarpnąć pare prostych kawałków a guitar hero przynajmniej nie udaje, że czegoś uczy.