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Posty: 4017
Dołączył(a): 26.02.2005
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 13:28 
zostałem zmiażdżony screenem z tym stateczkiem nad corriban, planeta wygląda dokładnie tak jak sobie wyobrażałem :o

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

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Posty: 10236
Dołączył(a): 5.11.2004
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 13:33 
Ta, zajebisty screen.

Anyway, czekam na malkontentow, ciekawe co im sie tutaj nie spodoba :)

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Posty: 10140
Dołączył(a): 13.10.2005
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 13:45 
No screeny nie pokazują chujowej animacji więc prezentują się ładnie.

Może być, szału nie ma ale narzekać też za bardzo nie można.

wodny napisał(a):
wolałbym by ludzie pukali się w pupę niż mieli broń.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 14:05 
Podoba mi sie tworzenie postaci. Proste i szybkie. Jestem starym dziadem i nie chce mi sie siedziec 3h i palowac w customizowanie postaci zeby jak najmniej przypominala koczkodana. Dla mnie + ...



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Posty: 949
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2010
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 15:22 
A ja bardzo lubie rozbudowane kreatory postaci. Nie bardzo rozumiem jak mozna byc ich przeciwnikiem. Nic grze nie ujmuja, tylko dodaja. Jak ktos nie chce sie dlubac ma presety - proste i szybkie.

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 16:02 
Templair napisał(a):
Podoba mi sie tworzenie postaci. Proste i szybkie. Jestem starym dziadem i nie chce mi sie siedziec 3h i palowac w customizowanie postaci zeby jak najmniej przypominala koczkodana. Dla mnie + ...


Ja tak samo.

Zawsze mam ambicje stworzenia fajnej postaci, ale po 2 min grzebania przy suwakach mam dosc i z reguly mi jakis mutant wychodzi.

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Posty: 949
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2010
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 16:11 
Jak juz powiedzialem, zawsze sa presety, mozna postac poskladac na szybko. A ci co sie lubia bawic kreatorem maja taka opcje.


Posty: 9233
Dołączył(a): 6.06.2010
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 17:11 
Zgadzam się z Lorath-em , wolę też rozbudowany ,a jak mi się nie chcę grzebać to wybieram jakiś preset i szybko zmieniam parę detali i voila 3 min i po sprawie ,a przynajmniej mam fajną opcje jak mi baja wskoczy żeby się jednak dłużej pobawić w tworzenie.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 17:16 
Lorath napisał(a):
Jak juz powiedzialem, zawsze sa presety, mozna postac poskladac na szybko. A ci co sie lubia bawic kreatorem maja taka opcje.

W wiekszosci przypadkow presety sa gowno warte. Losowo wybrane cechy i wychodzi smiec. Siedzisz i cisniesz presety w nieskonczonosc ...



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Posty: 949
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2010
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 17:44 
O czym ty mowisz? Presetow nie da sie w nieskonczonosc wciskac bo ich liczba jest ograniczona i nie sa to zadne losowe liczby tylko przygotowane przez devow modele. Moze sie nie zrozumielismy - ja nie mowilem o guziczku z napisem "random".


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 18:00 
Co za roznica. I tak presety wygladaja jak randomy. Z reszta laleczki to nie core feature mmo. W tym przypadku mniej=lepiej. Niech wiecej pary wloza w gameplay niz modelowanie Ashoki ...



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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 18:05 
A co tu modelować. Trzeba odpowiednić edytor postaci zapropgramować.

Dla mnie w MMO, brak możliwości zmiany wzrostu, muskulatury (podzielonej na kilka segmentów nogi, ręce, brzuch, klata), to spory minus.
Idealny kreator postaci ma AoC tbh.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 18:07 
Templair napisał(a):
Z reszta laleczki to nie core feature mmo. W tym przypadku mniej=lepiej. Niech wiecej pary wloza w gameplay niz modelowanie Ashoki ...


Moze nie core, ale dla wielu ludzi jest to bardzo wazny element.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 18:08 
Jestem w stanie to zrozumiec ...




Posty: 9233
Dołączył(a): 6.06.2010
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2011, 19:48 
Inne rozwiązanie.

Niech zrobią podstawowy edytor gdzie jeden suwak zmienia więcej i łatwiej jest w miarę postać "zaprojektować" i przycisk "advanced" po naciśnięciu którego edytor się zmienia i ujawnia się więcej szczegółowych opcji.

Patent wykorzystywany podczas projektowania menu programów użytkowych od lat, zresztą nawet w grach często jest (szczególnie w menu dot . ustawień grafiki jeżeli gra nie jest portem z konsoli).

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Posty: 565
Dołączył(a): 29.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 sie 2011, 08:03 
Nowe Q&A z ciasteczek:

SWTOR Exclusive Tester Q&A #14

Q: Has anything been said about reducing the size of the screen-consuming light/dark side choice indicator?

A: To my knowledge, no, although with the new build (8/2/11) the light/dark/Companion Affection Indicators all got a make over and look a lot more familiar.

Q: If i were to play as a sentinel or marauder do i have to use dual light sabers or is it a viable option to just have one, is there any costs or penalties to this?

A: Really would depend on the content you were doing. If it was 3-5 levels below you, I could possibly see this being accomplished if you're pretty good with your class, but you'd basically lose half your skills that are Dual Wielding only. That and why wouldn't you just roll Jugg/Guard if you wanted one Light Saber?

Q: How complex are the boss fights in higher level flashpoints? Any complex fights in the class stories?

A: This is a opinionated question, which will receive a biased answer. Yes/No/Kind Of. It all depends on your level, game play skill and your awareness. Personally I have yet to fun into a Instance that me and my group couln't conquer, and I have yet to see any quest I couldn't solo that was meant to be solo'd.

Q: Can you detail specifically a few of the vanity pets you've encountered and how they were acquired?

A: "X is bought from vendor Y" "X drops from mob Y in area Z"
I'm not a vanity pet kind of guy. I've seen a couple vendors have droids, but I haven't bought them, they serve no purpose other then following you around, so in my opinion, they're a waste of my time.

Q: In the current build, by what percentage will your movement speed increase when using a typical level 25 vehicle?

A: 60% I believe, although I swear the tooltip is bugged, it still seems like the 90% of last build.

Q: Can you describe some of the more exotic lightsaber blades you've seen?

A: They still look like lightsabers, but sound nothing like a lightsaber, they'll get your attention.

Q: Is there a reputation system in the game and if so do you gain any reputation based upon your lightside/darkside actions?

A: As far as I have seen, and unless I am totally blind and missed it (possible), there is no reputation aside from Light/Dark and Companion Affection. Kind of sad, but either something that isn't implemented yet, or just never will be.

Q: Would you consider yourself a BAMF or a hero?

A: I consider myself the Anti-Hero. I'm not a BAMF or Hero with my character, I'm the guy who goes in fulfills his mission, kills anything in his way, then goes home with Mako and has a few drinks and sleeps comformtably.

Q: The Legacy races, are you able to change your race to one of them once you max level? Could I level a human to fifty and change to a Chagrian once I've unlocked that race?

A: Haven't seen that yet, the new build just went up, the only 50's are the ones from the previous build, and half of them are completely unusable due to some game changes messing up characters permanently.

Q: This entire question is about skills from trainer, not from tree (shared or not). Are skills from trainer, not tree, that we can get are for our new AC (i.e. Jedi Guardian) or for our basic class (i.e. Jedi Knight)? Are i.e. Jedi Guardian get exactly the same skills with exactly same requirements as Jedi Sentinel? Or for example Jedi Sentinels skills are same as Jedi Guardians, but will require two lightsabers to activate?

A: No, your skills are entirely different. You share the same base Jedi skills, but when you pop over to the Guardian/Sent tab at the trainer, the skills are completely different.

Q: Can you give some examples of the more "interesting" titles in-game? I know there are many, but choose a few good ones, preferably from a variety of classes. Thanks.

A: Well, you can get the Merciless, the Heartless, etc, but the cool ones I can't give out or where you get them, us testers need something to brag about for a few days after launch hehe.

Q: At what point does the story transition from chapter 1 to 2? From 2 to 3? And is it a drastic or subtle change in your story?(Please no spoilers)

A: Transitions From 1 -> 2 then 2 -> 3 is roughly 30ish and then early 40s, the story moves along real fast once you finish chapter 1.

Q: If you've tried them (most of the Q&A testers say they haven't), how deep/complex are the romance arcs?

A: Not as deep as you would think. I mean they're nice, but it's not extremely passionate or anything.

Q: With companion killing confirmed as taken out, does that also mean that the other feature we were told about (Getting a companion to leave/betray us with a low enough approval score) is out as well? Can we torture any of our companions?

A: "Can we torture our companions?" Are you okay there buddy? The people who help you out by crafting for you and taking the hits and you want to torture them? Tsk tsk... but honestly no, basically the worse you can do is berate them or call them names for the most part (Aside from Vette, who you can shock).

Q: Will our companions acknowledge each other's existence, and move around the ship, or do they just stick to their hide-y hole on the ship and not move, and not talk about each other?

A: They kind of just stand there.

Q: Have you "tanked" for a group during your testing and, if so, how would you compare the experience to tanking in world of warcraft? Would say it's better, worse, or about the same experience?

A: Yes, I rolled a Powertech this build and must say it's more fun to tank then WoW, but essentially it's the same experience. I say it's more fun because there are no mods, it's just pure skill guiding you.

Q: Do you know if any Aussies have managed to sneak into beta?

A: No, I don't know, but I highly doubt it, it seems to me and this is in NO WAY OFFICIAL, but the ony regions getting into beta are the regions launching first, the so called "green zones", but I can in no way confirm this, it's just what I have seen. That and NA makes up a good portion of the server (a decent bit of Canadians too).

Q: If so, are they having any problems with latency? Thanks!

A: No Aussies in Aussie land are testing to my knowledge.

Q: What does the Sith Assassin's DPS charge, Lightning Charge, and more importantly their TANK charge, Dark Charge, do?

A: They all do different things, extra damage, extra armor, extra threat, etc. Think of them like Warrior Stances for those of you who played WoW, they're situational in a way (i.e solo'ing with Khem Val, you don't really need extra aggro).

Q: Can both ACs of the Jedi Consular use double bladed lightsabers, or just one? And which one would you say is more fun or better for dps?

A: Just the Shadow. Haven't played a Consular at all, but knowing they're a mirror image for the most part of the Inquisitor, I'd say go with the Sage, casters can get fun with the proc's.

Q: We've seen the Esseles video and everyone chose the dark side on the "how to unlock the door" question. Would the light side choice just result in a different video or would the players really need to destroy some extra stuff to proceed?

A: Without spoiling anything (you didn't really see much of the instance) it takes longer and adds in certain things you wouldn't get otherwise. It's like Killing the Captain or Not.

Q: Does a color crystal (or any other mod for a weapon) get destroyed, if you remove it from the item?

A: Once you modify a weapon with a hilt, crystal, power pack, barrel, etc you won't get it back, if you place in a upgrade over that component, the old one is destroyed.

Q: From what I have read the dps tree for Sith Juggernauts seems to be pretty good. What I would like to know is the dps tree for the Bounty Hunter Powertech viable at all for leveling or would you be gimping yourself?

A: In this new build (8/2/11) Bounty Hunters got a extreme make over, Heat Dissipitates much faster, we now have Gas Cylinders (like Stances) for aggro, DPS, etc, we got some new moves, the old moves sort of got reworked, etc. FOr instance, Flame Thrower is now a 3 second channel and will kill basically a 3 mob group if you aim it right, or severly cripple them to the point 1 basic attack to kill them if you stack the proper stat (Aim).

Q: Devs and testers claim all three healing classes (Sorc, Operative, Merc) can "primary heal." Which, in beta, is the class regarded as the "best" pure healer if specced right and how do each class differ from one another in terms of how they heal? (ie Large heals, HoTs, etc)

A: They're all viable right now, but I would have to go with Operative and Merc as the 2 main ones for the longer fights, Sorcerers, at least from what I have seen can't really keep up in the long fights without serious Force management, but they have the best burst healing, imho. I love tanking with a Merc healer.

Q: How good is the Jedi Guardian. What is your opinion on the skill trees? Is it worth the DPS to go vigilance?

A: It's the same as the Juggernaut, so go for it, IMHO better DPS then the Marauder, but I can't really prove that without a parser.

Q: Are there currently same-gender romance arcs within the game?

A: No, it seems that they won't be in the game, which IMHO is a shame. Some people choose to live their own lives that way (nothing wrong with that, even though I disagree) and they can't play their character as a extension of their real life persona.

Q: I will be duoing the whole game with my wife, who really wants to play a Consular Sage. I think the Consular Shadow looks pretty fun, but I'm concerned about playing the same class. I read that you can't both complete a class quest at the same time (you basically have to do it once for each). I'm also concerned about "fighting" for loot drops. Do you think these are serious issues and we should be a different combo? Or do you think things like smart crafting will make loot a non-issue while leveling? Is end-game loot more class-specific or AC-specific?

A: As far as playing together, I'd highly suggest Going Knight/Consular if you want to get the full experience together. As far as end game loot, I can't say how it's changed in this build, I am re-leveling currently and am only in my 20's.

Q: If i would spend my talentpoints into the shared madness tree as a Sith Assassin, would it then still matter which AC i have chosen??

A: Yes, shared tree or not, each AC has a different play style.

Q: Can you explain the difference between a SI, sorcerer with all points in the madness tree vs. a SI, assasin with all his points in the deception tree? Is it "just" stealth and dualsaber??

A: Melee/Ranged is about as much as I am confortable saying without just saying with no personal experience to back it up.

Q: Im planning on levelling with my brother. He wants te be a SW and im leaning towards SI. Can the two of us do 4-man flashpoints with us and 2 companions? I guess what im asking if the companions are good enough to tank and/or heal in the flashpoints or do we need 4 "real" ppl. for it?

A: As of right now in this current build, you can easily do Black Talon/Esseles with companions if you hit 10 and get your AC's. The diffuculty was bumped up slightly so without your ACs I'd suggest not doing it until you're comfortable with the game.

Q: I was wondering how viable the Shared Skill Trees for being the main spec? For example, I would love to be a Trooper and toss out a ton of grenades and explosives by going Assault Specialist focused, but is that really going to be a viable skill tree? Or is it more designed to be a compliment tree for the Gunnery/Tank Trees?

A: As it stands now, every spec is viable in one way or another, and for a Trooper, I can't really say more then that, no personal experience beyond level 12.

Q: Hi there. I was wondering if there is any discussion on the beta forums for SI Purebloods? I understand that the combo is still in beta, is it popular? Also, now regarding the SW, does it seem like they'll get another race other than cyborg (lame excuse of a race imo)?

A: For the Legacy System, I can't say. As far as SI Purebloods, I don't see too many of them, and they don't really fit into the story seeing as the Inquisitor starts off as a former slave who overcomes the odds.

Q: Can you have different faction characters on pvp servers currently?
A: Yes, you can have both on a PvP server as of now, subject to change of course.

Q: To the best of your knowledge, does the word ‘Midichlorian’ appear anywhere in this game?

A: No, to my knowledge it does not.

Q: How much do your choices effect your gameplay? In the recent Esseles walk through, they had the choice between killing the engineers or running around the ship to turn off conduits. How much would saving them have affected the flashpoint, for example?

A: Long term, not much of a change, the only change would be bosses/length of the actual instance itself.

Q: On the same topic, are there any chances to influence actual gameplay with your decisions? I’m thinking of the Sith academy in KOTOR, where, depending on what you did, you could poison one or both of the headmasters to make the fights with them easier. Are things like this common or present at all?

A: Can't answer this with more then a maybe, not exactly sure what you're asking and I don't want to spoil a class story for anyone.

Q: Did you ever kill one of your companions before the option was removed? If you did, how obvious did BW make it that an unchangeable choice was coming. And does losing a companion make such a huge difference as BW and some people claim?

A: No, I never killed a companion. The option though was made clear enough that it was a dumb decision, but yes, if you weren't paying attention (it happens sometimes, you forget that Companion X is the only one you have) and pop goes the weasel and you have only one companion left, who can't even fight. Yes, it really made a huge difference. Although I wish you could kill perhaps one companion.... *cough* Khem Val *cough*

Q: You (if you’re the same person who wrote QA13) mentioned that you thought November was an optimistic release date, and yet others have said the game seems pretty complete? What makes you think it won’t (or perhaps shouldn’t) make a November release?

A: I', not the guy from QA #13, I am the guy from #10+11. I'm not going to lie that guy had no real idea what he was talking about, this game will easily hit a November. This new build is rough, but they took 5 steps foward, but only 2 back. We're figuratively 3 steps ahead of where we were, you'll see this game in November.

Q: About how many abilities do most classes juggle in combat? Does it ever get overwhelming?

A: Depends. I only use roughly 5 abilities, because the others aren't really worth it. I use Flame Thrower, Basic Attack, Rockets, Electro Dart and Rail Shot with a Rocket Jump opener. Now, if I were to fight say a Elite, yes I use a lot more, but for your standard questing experience, it's not overwhelming unless you make it overwhelming.

Q: It was mentioned in QA13 that the UI can not be changed or manipulated. Has BW said on the forums whether or not they intend for it to be the same at launch, or have they just not gotten around to it because its not currently that high of a priority?

A: I haven't seen them mention this, and IMHO it's not a High Priority right now with the other things that are wrong.

Q: One of the devs mentioned at Comiccon that they are undecided whether or not to include racial abilities or other ways your race might effect your class. Any idea what these might be?

A: As of now, there are no Racial Abilities or anything in game. They're all the same, and unless they plan to implement that at a later date in testing, I'd say don't worry about it.

Q: Asked this before, but griefers always find something new. Any fun ways people have griefed by abusing bugged items or conditions, like WoWaids or the Baron Geddon Auction house bomb?

A: Not really abusing bugged items or conditions this build, but since Revan is now a PvP server, it's always enjoyable when you outlevel someone by a large enough margin that they can't kill you to just keep killing their companion over and over. Essentially they're gimped and you're not doing anything wrong.

Q: Is here any old blaster-shoot sound from star wars movies(I II III IV V VI) for player's weapons? Just like those sounds but i've heard only some new "BOM-BOM-BOM" sounds when it shoots.

A: Yes, but mostly blasters are new and interesting sounds. The rarer the more ear catching they are.

Q: One of beta-testers said that we're able to keep a sword we grab everywhere and if we like it. We need just to modify it and can use it everytime we want. Can we do the same with vibro-swords? Could it be a good substitute for a lightsaber?

A: Sure, you can keep any weapon you find and use it whenever, but if you're still using the same lightsaber you got at the end of your Origin world after level 20 you're a idiot, plain and simple, any other lightsaber will be better. If you're nostalgic, you can keep it, otherwise get rid of it, it's a hindrance.

Q: About Sith Inquisitor - Sorcerer. Which class from WoW it looking like? I mean casters ofc (Mage/ ShadowPriest/ Warlock/ ElementalShammy/) I expecting only the basics and mechanics.

A: Majorily Mage with a small, small hint of melee capability.

Q: I would like to know if when in conversation, you are imune? I mean, you can be attacked when, e.g., you are receiving a quest?

A: You're safe. Just when you're done you can be attacked.

Q: I’m curious, just how much of your player character can you customize, and how many options are there for each thing, such as hair, eyes, etc?

A: Think your typical MMO. Enough to be happy, but not enough to spend 9 hours customizing every little detail. Only people obsessed with character appearance will be upset.

Q: Besides fixing bugs, can you name one thing you'd change in each of these areas?
-Solo Combat -
A: Make it Everquest hard. It's not enjoyable when you know you can't die if your eyes are open and both hands are working.

-Party Combat -
A: Again, make it harder. As long as either your tank or healer is competent it's essentially easy mode and retarded DPS can be carried.

-The "M" in MMO--social, economy, messing around -
A: I'd like to see some Invasions occasionally, like on Balmorra (as EMpire) every once and a while have the Reistance attack the main city (Sobrik) and the outposts, and it's up to the players to defend, stuff like that, to get people talking and playing together.

Q: When does one chapter begin and end and what happens, does the main plot change or what?

A: It changes, yes, and it's very obvious that it has changed.

Q: Are there any armor sets for the Imperial Agent that include a proper helmet? Not goggles or a hat, but a full-on, face-covering mask?

A: Can't say that I have seen one.... yet. But with the amount of new gear they added recently, I am sure there is one like that.

Q: Can I send a /tell to an enemy player?
A: No.

Q: How do Twi'leks look with helmets on? Do their lekku just get chopped off?

A: Honestly, I have seen 1 Twi'lek player since the new build started, and it was around level 4 when there are no helmets, I'd imagine they're still being chopped off, and will hopefully be fixed pre-launch.

Q: When looking at other players companions do you see their name or just so and so companion I.E. If another player lets call him DarthCake has Vette out what do you see on your screen-Vette or [darthcake's companion=""] ?

A: Vette
[darthcake's companion=""]

Q: A surprising number of MMOs I've played have gotten tab targeting wrong. Assuming there is tab targetting in SWTOR, is it good? In other words does it tend to target the mob you would expect it to target when you press tab?

A: It works like it's worked in every other MMO, you push tab, you target a enemy. But I don't use it, why risk tab targetting the wrong group when you can just right click to initiate?

Q: We see a lot of skills that knockback or stun "standard or weak" enemies. In PvE, does this refer to elite / normal mobs? What are players considered in PvP, standard or weak or none of these two?

A: There are 5 grades on NPCs in PvE. Weak, normal, Strong, Elite and Boss (with the occasional world boss thats stronger). Honestly, I haven't PvP'd since the last build, so it might have changed, no sense in telling you what it was, when it could have changed and get you guys all riled up.

Q: Lets say your lower lvl friend is getting picked on in PvP by a group of other low lvl people. Is it possible to go to his side, stare down the punks, flip on the lightsaber and make them drop a brick in their underwear because they know they are about to get dominated HE KILLED THE YOUNGLINGS!
Basically what I am asking is: can a force user manually switch on his lightsaber while out of combat? Similar to say, WoW, where you could pull out your weapons by pressing "Z"

A: Yes, but depending on the group size, you might have signed your death warrant, as a group of 5-6 level 20s can easily take on a 40, unless the 40 is Pretty Decent in PvP and has Experise gear on (Resilience).

Q: What is the color coding from WORST/WEAKEST items to BEST/STRONGEST items in SWTOR?

A: Think basically any MMO. Grey,White,Green, Blue and Purple

Q: How does the GUARDIAN/JUGGERNAUT damage compare to SENTINEL/SITH WARRIOR damage? Is there a massive difference?

A: No, all classes do the same DPS overall, it's just burst vs sustained.

Q: Generally how long can you actually hold onto a piece of gear that you love before having to switch to something you might not like as much just because of better stats?

A: 10 levels if you put a lot of credits/commendations into upgrading it.

Q: Wondering how truly explorable the planets are and if there are any benefits to actually going off the beaten path?

A: Relics, if you want to make them, you're going off the beaten path.

Q: What is the single most fun thing to do in SWTOR?

A: Kill stuff.

Q: Is there anything, any game system in SWTOR that you actually think is TERRIBLE or just really lacking?

A: It's not a game system, per say, but replayability is just horrible, in my opinion. If you level a Sith Warrior, then decide to level any other Empire class, 75% of your quest content will be repeated. The only difference will be your class quests, otherwise it's still the same. You get 2 play throughs before it's head bangingly numbing. (1 Empire, 1 Republic)
*I just want to note that this is purely MY OPINION. Some of you may agree, some of you may disagree, don't take my opinion as law, try the game for yourself when it comes out.

Q: It is well known that a big part of character development is the morality system with both the light side and the dark side having rewards. What I'd like to know is if there are any rewards for staying in the gray morality or if they punish you for it.

A: Yes and no. So far, since I am going Dark on this character, that Grey's lose out on the gear, but they should (no official word, just a suggestion made to them) put up gear similar to Dark/Light required gear that requires you to be neither Light or Dark and have similar stats.

Q: In your last Q & A you mentioned that leveling as a healer is slow and painful. Can you elaborate on why a bit?

A: The last guy (#13) was a idiot. Leveling a Healer and Tank is the same as leveling a DPS, there is no real noticeable difference. My Powertech in +Defense gear is actually out killing Merc DPS players. If your a healer, spec'd as a healer, as long as you wear appropiate gear, there is no real difference.

Q: I was wondering about the Jedi consular .. In recent leaked footage the early level consular shows as having a single saber instead of a double sided saber. What benefit if any, would be provided by getting the dual?

A: You don't get it until level 10 when you get your AC and go Shadow. And there is no real benefit aside from the fact that as a Shadow, some abilities require a dual bladed Lightsaber.

Q: At what level can you learn professions? Are there trainers on your starting planet?

A: Once you get to your Capital planet you can learn them.

Q: Can you respec in your advanced class(from one tree to another)? How often can you do it and is there a fee for doing so?

A: There is a fee, and you can do it until your hearts content. And no, AC Respecing is not in as of yet, it should *hopefully* be in soon. And for those of you who don't want it, QQ moar. You'd be the first to cry when you realize you made the wrong choice and have to relevel.

Q: What are the major changes from the new build?

A: Too many to list really, but chat got a facelift, enemy nameplates, class revamps, performance increased, it's just, IMO way ahead of the previous build.

Q: How does pvp gear differ from pve gear? Is there an emphasis on any particular stat?

A: Expertise, your TOR version of Resilience, and your classes main stat.

Q: How big is the inventory on your ship?

A: At what level? It changes a few times.

Q: Do items have any flavor text? Like ""Helm of the Mandolor" Once owned by the great Mandolor himself. Died of flying pig disease. Wear this helm at your own risk.""

A: Not that I have seen.

Q: So I get the feeling that there is an ideal combination when it comes to crew skills. I'm just trying to get a feel for the right combination of skills you need to be self sufficient enough to make one type of item. Say I take "artifice" (so I can make inlays, etc for my gear) does it make sense to train treasure hunting and scavenging as my two other skills so I can gather all the materials to make gear with the "artifice" crafting skill (via missions and manual gathering)? Or does another combination work/not work? -- Thanks.

A: For those of you played WoW, Rift, etc. There are synergies. You don't choose mining to be a leatherworker. If you get Bioanalysis you go BioChem, etc, it's not really mix and match if you want to be self sufficient.

Q: Hello, I have a question about the flash points. It has been mentioned a few times that flash points are not a good source of LS/DS points, however are they a good source of experience for people who do not want to do quests? Also, every time you do a flashpoint, do you still have to go through all the dialogue again if you have already been there before, or is there a way to "skip" the cut scene?

A: I don't know who told you instances aren't good for LS/DS, but if you plan on doing it over and over, it's very good. As far as repeating a instance goes, yes, you're listening to the dialogue again, unless the group decides to skip it.

Q: For TOR what is the class equivalent of the Rogue class in WoW?

A: Assasin/Shadow.

Q: In regard to Flashpoints, we already know there will be several and you will be doing them for story and all, though I was wondering how long does it take to clear a Flashpoint all the way, at the level the Flashpoint is designed for (and of course in a full human group).
So lets say, how long did it take you to clear Black Talon/Essele the first time and then in one of the speedruns? Or how about one of the later Flashpoints?

A: About an hour for a full clear, and never did them a second or third time, the dialogue really gets to you after the first time, when you want to skip it, and the other 3 people don't.

Q: The Scoundrel uses a Scattergun in close combat. Does it make damage or is it just a knock back tool?

A: No idea, I haven't played a smuggler beyond level 2.

Q: In Q&A 13, the tester says "not all stories are created equal" and that the "Jedi Knight story is pretty bland and repetitive". Could you give a light overview of each class story (as far as you know) in terms of quality? I'm trying to figure out what class to play and it is basically an 8-way tie.

A: Well, as far as the Tester from QA #13, he really misled you guys on a lot of things and as far as stories go... Jedi Knights have one of the better ones, once you get to Act 2 and 3, I mean... some classes have cool Act 1s, then suck for 2 and 3, others have horrible Act 1s but get good later on.

Q: Question about equipment and modifications, are the base stats of a random item typically AC specific, class specific, trinity role specific, or free for all?

A: Base stats are now linked to a class, as the system has been changed. Each class is now basically looking for Endurance, and their classes stat. Bioware decided that apparently having more then 1 stat per class was too hard, so now it's basically Endurance and your Stat, then +Critical or +Defense. (Kind of a simplification, but no too much)

Q: What sorts of armor restrictions are there between AC's? example Mercs wearing powertech armor?

A: It's basically, if you can wear Heavy Armor, you can wear ANY heavy armor, but if you're a Merc/Powertech and you put on +strength gear... you're a idiot unless it's for Role Play purposes.

Q: Are the assault cannons locked down to only the Commando AC for Troopers? Or is it still possible to use one as a Vanguard, even if it is with a slight decrease in stats?

A: Commando only.

Q: Are there different quality settings for shadows? While watching the Developer Walkthrough (Tatooine), I thought the shadows under Darth Silthar were very... distracting. I have seen the shadows look the same way in some of the leak videos as well, and they felt similarly distracting. Are there any options to help the shadows look more real?

A: Yes, but shadows are very degrading on performance, at least in my opinion, easier to turn them off and get 100+ fps, then have them on and get 45ish in combat.

Q: How/When are romance arcs handled with companions? Are they something that's universally handled towards level cap? or is it different for every romanceable companion. For example, as Sith Warrior can I choose to romance Vette before ever getting to meet Jaesa?

A: It's a combination of Story Progression and Affection. You might get it earlier or later then someone else, there is no clear cut path to Romance.

Q: Could you speak on the new companion overhaul that was introduced in the newest build?

A: It's a lot more dynamic. They have a skill bar, like we do, where you can either have them auto cast everything, or do it on your command. And if you leave it on auto, you can fold the bar up, so it looks exactly like it did in the last build, and go on your merry way. As far as appearance changes, what used to be Kits for your companion are now appearance modification kits. You don't get to choose what your companion looks like beyond the provided kits. But I guess it's better then nothing. I still use the default though, because it looks the best on the majority of Companions, IMHO.

Q: I have a question about the multiplayer dialogue system. I know that when there are multiple people in a dialogue scenario you have limited amount of time to choose an option and then roll against the other player(s) for who gets to talk. I'm just wondering, what happens if, say there are 2 people in the group and no one chooses anything by the time the time limit expires? I know if one person doesn't choose something they effectively roll a 0, but what if no one does? Does the time limit become extended until someone finally does? or does it choose something for you?

A: Never been in that situation, I'd imagine nothing would happen as a option needs to be selected to progress the conversation.

Q: I know that is a training droid available in the pre-order. What this think do? Can you get training points from him? Can I buy it in-game?

A: I have no idea. The game hasn't launched yet.

Q: Crew skills? how many are is a character able to pursue? How much depth do you feel the system has?

A: 3 per character on your account.

Warto też zajrzeć na jest gameplay IA w wersji stealth i kilka screenów. :wink:

'..i on wtedy ciach! ciach! Tymi nożycami!'


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 10 sie 2011, 09:58 
Gefaran napisał(a):
Q: Is there anything, any game system in SWTOR that you actually think is TERRIBLE or just really lacking?

A: It's not a game system, per say, but replayability is just horrible, in my opinion. If you level a Sith Warrior, then decide to level any other Empire class, 75% of your quest content will be repeated. The only difference will be your class quests, otherwise it's still the same. You get 2 play throughs before it's head bangingly numbing. (1 Empire, 1 Republic)
*I just want to note that this is purely MY OPINION. Some of you may agree, some of you may disagree, don't take my opinion as law, try the game for yourself when it comes out.

Oooops ...



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Posty: 7080
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2005
PostNapisane: 10 sie 2011, 10:11 
w WOWie tez sie koxalo na tych samych q caly czas ;) a potem end-gamowe wciaz te same intancje i daily questy 8)



Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 10 sie 2011, 10:16 
Nie no jasne ale liczylem, ze poszli o krok dalej w sprawie questowania ;) ...



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Posty: 949
Dołączył(a): 15.08.2010
PostNapisane: 10 sie 2011, 11:04 
No niestety. A tak sie chwala rzekomo rewelacyjnym 'replay value'. Nieladnie :/ Z drugiej strony... i tak nigdy nie lubilem altow :P

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