Kurde ktos wie jak usunac swoj nr karty kredytowej od nich ? Bo do reaktywacji konta nie trzeba wpisywac wiec pewnie go trzymaja
Wprawdzie wlamali sie tylko na game serwer niby ale ja cos w to nie wierze .....
Posted by simoniker on Wednesday May 28, @10:58AM
from the serious-hack-attack dept.
Vanguard(DC) writes "There was a major hacking incident last night on the servers of Shadowbane, a newly released MMORPG by UbiSoft/Wolfpack. The attackers wreaked havoc on at least one game server, with apparent god-like capabilities in-game. There's already an official statement on the forums - 'Ubi Soft and Wolfpack Studios are now working with law enforcement, and we promise all of you that these individuals will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.'" There's a little more information via a post on the SBCatacombs messageboard - apparently the carnage (including many less powerful players getting killed) involved "..teleporting people all over the world, teleporting hostile guards into the safe-holds, bringing in hordes of special event monsters, and teleporting everyone to a city at the bottom of the sea."