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Sam zacznę

Gdzie mogę znaleźć u Asmodian trenera od Extract Vitality (gahteringu resów). Mam 99lvl skilla jeśli to ważne jest
Pandemonium w dzielnicy crafterow. Pierwszy budynek na prawo od wejscia

Aenima napisał(a):
jak wyglada pvp?
Jest Open PvP, Nie ma BG wiec wszyscy leja sie na otwartych terenach, glownie walki odbywaja sie w Abyss gdzie mozna przejmowac Fortece za ktore dostaje sie % gold z tranzakcji odbywajacych sie na tym samym serwerze po twojej stronie konfiktu. Mozna rowniez przejmowac artefakty dla serwer wide buffs i efektow przydatnych podaczas podbijania fortecy.
Sa rankingi gildi, graczy, jest pvp gear i specjalne skile dla najlepszych graczy z pvp. Detale ponizej, niestety orginalna strona juz nie istnieje wiec musialem wkleic niesformatowana wersje ponizej.
Ponadto mozna przechodzic przez Rifty aby zaatakowac przeciwna strone na ich terenach. Wiecej detali na temat Riftow tutaj
http://excessum.darkbb.com/aion-china-general-f4/aion-ulitimate-faq-t63.htmAbyss Contents Description Fortress Sieges In the Abyss, 9 Fortresses and 31 Artifacts exist, all waiting to be conquered by players from both playable factions. The fight for fortress possession begins after defeating the Fortress Guardian.
Artifacts Artifacts add a dynamic element to the cross faction pvp during fortress sieges. These artifacts once activated will activate a skill which affects a very large area on the battle front. The types of skills range from: protective barrier to friendly forces, protective buffs to healing type classes, mass polymorphing to enemy targets, and offensive buffs to damage dealers.
Dreadgion It is impossible to predict the outcome if a battle between the factions when the Baluar are involved. The Baluar exist to balance the power between the Elyos and Asmodians but also have their own agenda and can pose a threat to both factions. At the center of the Baluar is the Dreadgion. The Dreadgion is a giant battleship and can randomly appear at the Abyss. Once it appears, a number of Baluar minions may drop down from the ship, or at the ship may directly engage players in battle.
Abyss Quests While questing in the Abyss, monsters as well as other faction players will have to be watched out for. Additional Abyss Points will be rewarded by participating in PvP and RvR battles.
Abyss Rewards One can achieve hero status by acquiring Abyss Points in PvP combat. Upon achieving a high rank a set of skills opens up that boosts the player up to a force-group level and is able to overpower normal players with great strength.
To enter the Abyss Each faction has 4 quests which must be completed in order to gian access to the Abyss. The quests are obtained at level 25, and compared to the other quests, has a higher difficulty level.
The final quest requires the player to fly through a set of gates within a time limit and can be very difficult, so the locations of all the gates must be known prior to starting the quest as well as having all the necessary flight improvements.
Abyss Quests Unlike the quests which require you to travel to the enemy faction zones to complete, Abyss quests are done by both factions within the same zone, so one must be alert of their surroundings while questing in the Abyss. Ganking is very common in the Abyss.
How to enter the Abyss Each faction has Abyss Gateways in particular zones, which are used to enter the Abyss. These gateways can only be used once Abyss entry quests are all completed.
The Elyos have gateways in the skies above Verteron Fortress and one floating above Eltenen Fortress. Asmodian gateways are located in the skies above Altgard, Morheim and Belruslan Fortresses.
After going through the Abyss gateways you will arrive at Teminon Stronghold(Elyos) or Primum Stronghold(Asmodian).
Faction Strongholds Upon entering the Abyss, players will start at their faction strongholds, Teminon(Elyos) or Primum(Asmodian).Various NPCs and quest givers are available at the strongholds. While in the Abyss, players can earn Qina as well as Abyss Points, which can be used tot purchase equipment and items.
Abyss Points can be earned by completing quests, killing monsters or players of the other faction. Items can be purchased with Abyss Points from the rewards NPC. Various towers are placed at the strongholds. These towers can teleport players back to their faction towns for a small fee.
The Abyss Structure As already mentioned, the Abyss consists of Lower, Upper and Core sections, with each section containing monsters of varying levels. It is recommended that players level or quest in the zones appropriate to their character level.
There are 9 fortresses and 31 artifacts scattered around the Abyss. Fortress and artifact siege status' can be viewed from the ingame map.
To reach the Upper Abyss, one must travel through the beam of light on either East Rateslan or West Rateslan. Travel can also be done from the teleporters inside the fortresses depending which faction owns the fortress.
The Divine fortress at the core of the Abyss can be reached from the Eye of Eleshuranta in the Upper Abyss. If the core is held by either the Elyos or Asmodian factions, the teleport route to the core will be available.
Abyss PointsAbyss Points are required to increase PvP ranks and the purchasing of PvP items. Your current Abyss Points and rank can be checked from the Abyss tab in the character information window.
Abyss Points are gained from killing players of the opposing factions and monsters, however being killed in PvP or PvE combat will decrease your points. Purchasing items with Abyss Points will also decrease the amount of points you have.
Your current Abyss Points will determine your rank, so using your points up could lower your rank.
Gaining and losing Abyss PointsGaining Abyss Points Losing Abyss Points
● Killing other faction players
● Killing other faction NPCs
● Killing Abyss monsters
● Completing quests ● Dying to other faction players
● Dying to other faction NPCs
● Dying to Abyss monsters
● Purchasing Abyss items
Abyss Ranks Possessing a Fortress in the Abyss, killing enemy faction players and NPCs, and completing quests are ways to receive Abyss Points. Abyss equipment and consumables may be purchased with Abyss Points, however it is the amount of points a player has that determines his/her Abyss Rank. Purchasing Abyss gear will lower your Abyss Points and may affect your rank, so one must decide whether to keep their rank or to purchase better items.
There are 18 ranks in total, and below is a table listing the different ranks, titles and amount of Abyss Points required per rank. Grade 5 Officers to High Commander will have access to special skills. These skills surpass the abilities of regular skills by far, and can only be used within the Abyss. Ranking up further will allow these skills to become even more powerful. Dropping below the Grade 5 Officer rank will take away these abilities.
Abyss RanksElyos Title Asmodian Title Rank Required Positions Points Gained Points Lost Required Points(Cumulative)
Elyos Grade 9 Soldier Asmodian Grade 9 Soldier 1 - 120 24 -
Elyos Grade 8 Soldier Asmodian Grade 8 Soldier 2 - 168 37 1,200
Elyos Grade 7 Soldier Asmodian Grade 7 Soldier 3 - 235 58 4,220
Elyos Grade 6 Soldier Asmodian Grade 6 Soldier 4 - 329 91 10,990
Elyos Grade 5 Soldier Asmodian Grade 5 Soldier 5 - 461 143 23,500
Elyos Grade 4 Soldier Asmodian Grade 4 Soldier 6 - 645 225 42,780
Elyos Grade 3 Soldier Asmodian Grade 3 Soldier 7 - 903 356 69,700
Elyos Grade 2 Soldier Asmodian Grade 2 Soldier 8 - 1,264 561 105,600
Elyos Grade 1 Soldier Asmodian Grade 1 Soldier 9 - 1,770 885 150,800
Elyos 1 Star Officer Asmodian 1 Star Officer 10 1000 2,124 1,195 214,100
Elyos 2 Star Officer Asmodian 2 Star Officer 11 800 2,549 1,616 278,700
Elyos 3 Star Officer Asmodian 3 Star Officer 12 500 3,059 2,184 344,500
Elyos 4 Star Officer Asmodian 4 Star Officer 13 300 3,671 2,949 411,700
Elyos 5 Star Officer Asmodian 5 Star Officer 14 100 4,405 3,981 488,200
Elyos General Asmodian General 15 30 5,286 5,374 565,400
Elyos Great General Asmodian Great General 16 10 6,343 7,258 643,200
Elyos Commander Asmodian Commander 17 3 7,612 9,799 721,600
Elyos Supreme Commander Asmodian Supreme Commander 18 1 9,134 13,229 800,700
※ Points Gained: Abyss Point gained from killing opposing faction players and Balaur NPCs
※ Points Lost: Abyss Points lost from dying to opposing faction players and Baluar NPCs
※ Required Points: Total Abyss Points required to reach this rank
Elite Rank Skills Rank Icon Skill Name Description
14 Abyssal Storm I Inflicts 1016-1020 physical damage to up to 6 targets within 20m around the caster.
14 Polymorph: Divine Guardian I Temporarily transform into an avatar. During this transformed state all negative status effects will be resisted; and HP and MP will continuously regenerate. Attack power and defense will be increased; movement and flight speed will be increased by 10; and during combat, damage will be boosted by 50%.
15 Summon: Abyssal Strength I Summons a servant that will inflict magic damage to up to 6 targets within 20m surrounding the selected target, which must be within 20m of the caster.
16 Abyssal Shield of Reflection I For 1 minute, up to 600 damage will be reflected to enemies within 5m.
17 Abyssal Wave I Stuns enemy targets within 20m surrounding the caster for 5 seconds.
18 Abyssal Tsunami I Inflicts 1616-1620 physical damage to a target within 30m.
18 Abyssal Execution I Inflicts magic damage after 5 seconds to a target within 30m.
※ Depending on future game balance, skill descriptions or effects may change(current as of 11 Feb 2009)
Magisteri napisał(a):
Czy po wyjsciu z poczatkowej wyspy obczary sa otwarte? Bo na tej wyspie czuje sie jakos tak odciety i liniowy - mozna isc tylko jedna droga a wokol same gory

Tak masz otwarte tereny. Tylko Newb zone jest zamkniety. Innymi slowy, ograniczony jestes tylko do momentu jak zrobisz Ascention Questy i dostaniesz skrzydla

Morgul napisał(a):
kiedy eu?
Oficjalna premiera podana jest na okolice wrzesnia ale nigdy nie wiadomo tak naprawde. Powoli sa juz klucze do EU preview Aion wiec jest nadzieje ze Retial bedzie wczesniej

Z tego co ujawnil Ncsoft to w planach jest wypuszczenie gry wraz z jak najwieksza iloscia nowych patch juz na starcie