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Posty: 541
Dołączył(a): 24.06.2004
PostNapisane: 25 paź 2005, 21:23 
To jest opis parunastu questow na Mustafa. Opis sciagnalem z SOE Station, a napisal go SonGouki. Potem jak bede ktorys z adminow mial czas dobrze by bylo dac to do dzialu Questy. W razie mozliwosci bede to tutaj uaktualniac.

Podstawowe questy na MUSTAFAR

1) Symbols of Chu-Gon Dar [non-combat, ryzykowne]
Nagrody: Chu-Gon Dar Cube, A Barely Glowing Old Cup, A Barely Glowing Datapad, A Barely Glowing Worklight
Poczatek: Ithes Olok, [435,-1215], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Find the Ruins - Located at [326,-2975]
Czesc 2: Locate the Tablets - Ancient Tablets: [336,-2981], [329,-3023], [262,-3021]; Radial menu: “Copy tablet”
Czesc 3: Zwrocic notatki Ithes Olok

2) Miner Madness [combat]
Nagrody: Mustafarian Modified Disruptor Pistol (CL55, Pistoleer:Master)
Poczatek: Chief Armstrong, [309,-1269], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Travel to the Poisoned Miners’ Camp [-2716,-2025]
Czesc 2: Use the Tracking Computer [-2716,-2034] - Radial menu: “Activate Tracking Computer”
Czesc 3: Wait for Track - Takes about 10 seconds
Czesc 4: Track the Crazed Miners - Homing Beacon Location [-2499,-1210]
Czesc 5: Destroy the Crazed Miners - Combat: 10 Trilom Infected Miners (CL69) will spawn when you reach the homing beacon location, kill them all
Czesc 6: Return to Chief Armstrong

3) Being A Good Samaritan [combat]
Nagrody: Wild Force Shard (Offensive Burst)
Poczatek: Pwwoz Pwwa, [449,-1118], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Scene of the crime - Pwwoz’ camp site [-2505,-1232]
Czesc 2: A flea in a haystack - Combat: A bunch of Lava Fleas (CL65) spawn in the camp, kill them until you get the crystal
Czesc 3: A decision to be made - Return to Pwwoz; You can choose to either give him back the crystal or keep it
Option A (keep):
If you choose to keep it you’ll finish the quest and get the shard, but 2 ??? (CL??) will spawn and attack you (you don’t have to fight them though)
Option B (give):
Czesc 4: Possessed - Combat: If you choose to give it back you’ll have to fight him, Pwwoz Pwwa (CL83 Elite Jedi); You only get the reward if you defeat him; If you die you can go back and fight him again

4) A Collector’s Business [combat (voluntary)]
Nagrody: 10K Credits, Sith Holocron (Forbidden Knowledge I)
Poczatek: Q4P3, [430,-1230], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: In search of a droid - Last known droid coordinates [-1455,-1307]
Czesc 2: Collecting a memory - Broken Droid [-1537,-1317]; Radial menu: “Plug in scanner”
Czesc 3: Target located - Possible Codex location [-1585,284]
Czesc 4: Can this be it? - Pile of Rubble [-1578,284] and [-1583,278]; Radial menu: “Search rubble”
Czesc 5: Ambush - Combat: A Trinity Assassin (CL83 Elite Jedi) will spawn when you search the second rubble pile; You don’t have to defeat it, you can run instead
Czesc 6: Head back - To Q4P3

5) The Serpent Shard [combat]
Nagrody: 20K Credits, Shard of the Serpent (Harmonious Counteraction)
Poczatek: Ikt, [365,-1155], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Tracing back the steps - Head to the Southern Jedi Ruins [-1683,230]; After receiving the popup message to search the area go to the Altar at [-1656,216]; Radial menu: “Closely inspect”
Czesc 2: Stakeout - A few seconds after inspecting the Altar a NPC will spawn somewhere very close by, named Illiv Orfa, converse with her; Combat: Illiv Orfa (CL84 Elite Jedi)
Czesc 3: Shard retrieved - Go back to the Altar [-1656,216]; Radial menu: “Inspect shard”
Czesc 4: Another one - Return to Ikt

6) An Archeologist’s Problem [combat]
Nagrody: 5K Credits, Mustafarian Distance Globe (Mustafarian Heat Shock)
Poczatek: Doctor Mi Fon Lu, [-1755,320], Southern Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Defeat 10 Blackguard - Combat: Blackguard NPC’s (CL72 to CL80 Elite); Found around the ruins at [-1518,208]
Czesc 2: Return to Dr. Lu
Czesc 3: Defeat Vansk of the Blackguard - Combat: Vansk of the Blackguard (CL80 Boss Jedi) [-1478,173]
Czesc 4: Return to Dr. Lu
Czesc 5: Defeat San’sii the Kursk - Combat: San’sii the Kursk (CL82 Boss Jedi) [-1500,255]
Czesc 6: Return to Dr. Lu

7) Symbiosis [combat (voluntary)]
Nagrody: Caller of Storms (CL55, Fencer:Master)
Poczatek: Bag (“Inspect”), [1328,-2508], Mining Fields, Mustafar
Czesc 1: A virus? - Examine the dead Treasure Hunter corpses in the immediate area; Radial menu: “Examine corpse”; Combat: Spawns 2 Unknown Arachnoids (CL67) each time; After examining 2 corpses you’ll get the next part of the quest
Czesc 2: Dangerous indeed - Grab the contents of the Bag [1328,-2508]; Radial menu: “Seal and grab container”
Czesc 3: Stop the plague - Lava river [1296,-2275]; Travel to the waypoint and you will throw the bag into the lava
Czesc 4: Looking for clues - Corpses [1335,-2516]; Examine the dead Treasure Hunter corpse up on the hill [1346,-2565]; Radial menu: “Examine corpse”
Czesc 5: All you can do - Combat: After the second popup message you get the reward and 6 Unknown Arachnoids (CL67) will spawn, you don’t have to fight them though

8) The Man-eater [combat]
Nagrody: 5K Credits, Mounted Tulrus Spine
Poczatek: Chief Ulon Glost, [449,-1156], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Collect the Contents of Tulrus’ Stomachs - Combat: Kill 10 Tulrus, any kind will do (CL78 to CL81); Found around the Tulrus Nesting Grounds [1160,655]
Czesc 2: Message from Chief Glost - Received via comlink immediately after killing the tenth Tulrus
Czesc 3: Travel to Area of Most Recent Attack - Most Recent Attack Location [2459,91]
Czesc 4: Destroy Foehorn - Combat: Foehorn (CL82 Elite Tulrus); Spawns when you reach the waypoint
Czesc 5: Return to Chief Glost

9) Beasts from the East [combat]
Nagrody: 7K Credits
Poczatek: Ivory Tulrus Tusk (“Study Horn Closely”), looted from Tulrus
Czesc 1: Kill 20 Tulrus - Combat: Kill 20 Tulrus, any kind will do (CL78 to CL81); Found around the Tulrus Nesting Grounds [1160,655]

10-1) The Cursed Shard [non-combat, dangerous]
Nagrody: brak
Poczatek: Menth Paul, [385,-1155], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: What to do? - While traveling around Mustafar and you will be attacked on two occasions:
Combat: 3x Tulrus (CL70) area around the Crystal Flats POI marker (was at [-997,-1589] for me)
Combat: 2x A Smoldering Lava Flea (CL80 Boss) area around The Burning Plains POI marker (was at [-363,2107] for me)
You don’t have to fight them, just trigger the attacks; A few minutes after the second attack you will get the next quest

Starts “The Cursed Shard, Part II” quest...

10-2) The Cursed Shard, Part II [non-combat, risky]
Nagrody: Microsensory Mesh Gloves
Poczatek: Continuation of “The Cursed Shard” quest
Czesc 1: You now have a choice in the way you can rid yourself of the obviously cursed shard...
Option A (destroy):
Czesc 2: Destroy the menace - Throw the cursed shard into the lava river from the bridge to the Central Volcano [10,1502]
Czesc 3: What it wants? - Once you arrive at the bridge proceed to the half way point on it [34,1334] and you will throw the shard into the lava below; A few steps later you will get the reward
Option B (sell):
Czesc 2: Not your problem - Sell it to the man at the bar in the Mensix Mining Facility (???)

11-1) Fragments of the Past [non-combat, dangerous]
Nagrody: brak
Poczatek: Old box (“Inspect”), [-1506,190], Southern Jedi Ruins (Blackguard section inside long building), Mustafar
Czesc 1: Crystal splinters - Walk around [-1500,235] until you get the popup message that says the splinters are humming; Search the area for some “Crystal splinters” [-1490,253] (/target crystal); Radial menu: “Gather up splinters”
Starts “Fragments of the Past, II” quest...

11-2) Fragments of the Past, II [combat]
Nagrody: brak
Poczatek: Continuation of “Fragments of the Past” quest
Czesc 1: Reunited? - You have to find 4 Shard splinters around Mustafar (in any order). In order to do this you must first get a “humming” popup message and then a “Splinters awake” task, where you must search the nearby area for a splinter. This process is repeated for all 4 splinters. One is found on the ground, for the others you must defeat bosses to get them.
Shard splinter 1: Humming message [2176,3068]; Find the splinter on the ground at [2135,3161]; Radial menu: “Gather up splinters”
Shard splinter 2: Humming message [-1447,412]; Combat: Defeat Xos (CL88 Elite Jedi) [-1407,340] for splinter
Shard splinter 3: Humming message [1020,955]; Combat: Defeat Magma Horn (CL82 Elite Tulrus) [998,1012] for splinter
Shard splinter 4: Humming message [3344,2880]; Combat: Defeat Phantoms Bandits (CL69) in the area around the escape pod until you get the splinter
Czesc 2: Splinters awake - Need to complete this part for each of the Shard splinters
Starts “Fragments of the Past, III” quest...

11-3) Fragments of the Past, III [combat]
Nagrody: Wild Force Shard (Defensive Burst)
Poczatek: Continuation of “Fragments of the Past, II” quest
Czesc 1: Assembling a crystal - Enter the Old Research Facility at [2109,3104], an instanced dungeon with plenty of CL80+ droids and creatures in it (see “Maps” links); Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):
Main Floor:
1) Power Access Terminal (“Activate Power”) to open the door to the 1B Floor
1B Floor:
2) Storage Chest (“Open”) for the Access Key Card
3) Door Terminal (“Use Access Card”)
4) Journal Screen (“Inspect Closely”) for the Security Code
5) Door Terminal (“Use Security Code”)
6) Security Station (“Override Security”) to open the doors on the 2B Floor
2B Floor:
7) Photon Fusion Welder (“Start fusion process”)
Czesc 2: Process under way - Wait 10 seconds for the fusion process to finish
Czesc 3: Finished - Access the Photon Fusion Welder again (“Retrieve crystal”) to get the reward

12-1) A History Lesson [combat]
Nagrody: Mustafar Lore Disk, Target Enhancement Helm (Battle, Assualt, or Recon version)
Poczatek: Epo Qetora, [443,-1229], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Ancient bunker - Old Research Facility [2109,3104]; Receive next part once arriving nearby at [2194,3051]
Czesc 2: Data search - Enter the facility, an instanced dungeon with plenty of CL80+ droids and creatures in it (see “Maps” links); Proceed through the dungeon as follows (use “/target” to find objects):
Main Floor:
1) Power Access Terminal (“Activate Power”) to open the door to the 1B Floor
1B Floor:
2) Storage Chest (“Open”) for the Access Key Card

3) Door Terminal (“Use Access Card”)
4) Journal Screen (“Inspect Closely”) for the Security Code
5) Door Terminal (“Use Security Code”)
6) Security Station (“Override Security”) to open the doors on the 2B Floor
2B Floor:
7) Venitlation System (“Start Ventilation”)
8) Air Systems Terminal (“Open Stuck Vents”)
9) Defeat the Ancient Tulrus (CL85 Boss, Immune: Armor Break)
10) Box of Computer Parts (“Open”) to get the replacement computer command core
Main Floor:
11) Defeat the Ancient Xandank (CL87 Boss, Immune: Armor Break)
12) Main Computer Terminal (“Install”) to replace the computer command core (necessary?)
13) Main Computer Terminal (“Reboot Computer Systems”) (necessary?)
14) Log Access Terminal (“Scan terminal”); All group members with quest need do this
Czesc 3: Computers - Kill Security Droids in the facility until you get the Decryption Key
Czesc 4: The right key? - Go back to the Log Access Terminal and select “Use decryption key” from its radial menu
Czesc 5: Mission accomplished - Return to Epo Qetora
Opens “A History Lesson, Part II” quest...

12-2) A History Lesson, Part II [combat]
Nagrody: Mustafar Lore Disk II, Coynite Disruptor Rifle (CL55, Rifleman:Master) OR ??? Carbine OR ??? Pistol
Poczatek: Epo Qetora, [443,-1229], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar; Continuation of “A History Lesson” quest
Czesc 1: A second lesson - Travel to the Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins at [3207,1260]
First tablet piece - Pile of rocks [3208,1042]; Radial menu: “Seach rubble” for tablet piece
Second tablet piece - Remains [3259,1389]; Radial menu: “Search remains” for tablet piece
Third tablet piece - Combat: Defeat Scavengers (CL72) around [3207,1260] until you get the tablet piece
Fourth tablet piece - Combat: Defeat Skar (CL84 Elite Jedi) [3068,1613] for tablet piece
Czesc 2: All done, hopefully - Return to Epo Qetora

13) A Hidden Treasure? [combat]
Nagrody: Modified Fusion Reactor Schematic (Shipwright:xx4x)
Poczatek: Buried Tablet (“Inpsect”), [2916,1410], Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Czesc 1: A vault? - Secret vault [1750,1214]
Czesc 2: Disabling the security system - The following instructions are given once arriving at the vault:
1) Turn the left Dial to 8 (“Turn to 8”)
2) Click the saber symbol on the Holocron (“Click saber symbol”)
Czesc 3: A hidden treasure, the choice - Choose between the left or right Lever on the vault; Radial menu: “Pull lever”; The reward is the same for pulling either lever, but the events are different leading up to it
Option A (right lever):
Czesc 4: The ancient guardian - Combat: Guardian Droid (CL78); Spawns if you pull the right Lever
Czesc 5: A strange schematic - After killing the droid you will get the reward
Option B (left lever):
Czesc 4: ??? - ???

14) Sickness of the Storm Lord [combat]
Nagrody: ?
Poczatek: Jural, [3321,2139], Berken’s Flow Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Destroy the Storm Lord Minions - Combat: Kill 15 Storm Lord Minions (CL80); Found all around the ruins at [3207,1260]
Czesc 2: Return to Jural
Czesc 3: Destroy the Storm Lord Zealots - Combat: Kill 10 Storm Lord Zealots (CL83) ; Found all around the ruins at [3077,1259]
Czesc 4: Return to Jural
Czesc 5: Defeat the Prophet of the Storm Lord - Combat: Prophet of the Storm Lord (CL87 Boss Jedi) [3195,770]
Czesc 6: Return to Jural
Czesc 7: Defeat the Storm Lord - Combat: The Storm Lord (CL90 Boss Jedi) [3069,1131]
Czesc 8: Return to Jural

15) Activate the Miner Markers [non-combat, risky]
Nagrody: 5K Credits per area (35K Credits total), Tanray Heart Crystal (?)
Poczatek: Surveyor Jo Keslev, [313,-1267], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Travel to each of the miner’s markers and use “Activate Marker” from their radial menu. Note that you can (and should) grab all the quests for each of the marker sets (seven total) from Keslev at the same time, they don’t have to be done individually. The Credits are rewarded automatically upon activating all the markers in an area. Return to Keslev when you’ve activated ALL of them to receive the Tanray Heart Crystal reward. BTW, these markers also serve as great waypoints to a lot of quest destinations around Mustafar, so it’s a good idea to keep them handy.
(thanks goes to Altyrell for originally posting a set of these waypoints in the ToOW Beta forums)
The Mining Field Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Chu-Gon Dar Ruins [336,-2920]
- Southern Lava Falls Marker [2143,-3170]
- Koseyet Bridge Marker [3046,-3180]
- Destroyed Mining Facility Marker [842,-2270]
- Mensix Mining Facility Marker [-69,-1679]
The Crystal Flats Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Crystal Flats Bridge Marker [-2325,-471]
- Crystal Fields Marker [-1136,-543]
- Crystal Falls Marker [-1771,-1286]
- Salvage Bandit Camp Marker [-3033,-2880]
- Crossroads Marker [-1372,-2805]
The Smoking Forest Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Northern Jedi Ruins Marker [-2579,3213]
- Burning Plains Bridge Marker [-1553,1982]
- Field Miner Camp Marker [-2277,1266]
- Southern Jedi Ruins Marker [-1404,402]
- Western Smoking Forest Marker [-3339,1413]
The Central Volcano Markers - Activate the Three Miner Markers:
- Kubaza Beetle Cavern Marker [-881,430]
- Old Republic Cruiser Crash Site Marker [102,174]
- Main Lava Flo Marker [-98,1196]
The Burning Plains Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Berken’s Flow Bridge Marker [766,2535]
- Temple Ruins Marker [88,2942]
- Central Volcano Bridge Marker [92,1610]
- Central Burning Plains Marker [70,2159]
- Northern Burning Plains Marker [-1612,2931]
The Berken’s Flow Markers - Activate the Five Miner Markers:
- Droid Factory Marker [3269,-755]
- Tulrus Isle Bridge Marker [2305,-481]
- Jedi Ruins Marker [2958,997]
- Old Republic Facility Marker [2267,3053]
- Berken’s Flow Marker [2375,705]
The Tulrus Nesting Grounds Markers - Activate the Three Miner Markers:
- Sher Kar Cave Marker [909,1095]
- Tulrus Nesting Grounds Marker [1080,60]
- Tulrus Nesting Grounds Entrance Marker [1221,-532]

16) Exploration of Mustafar [combat]
Nagrody: Mustafar Map (taka jak stoi w przedsionku kolo shuttle.
Poczatek: Planetary Map (“Study Map”), [410,-1321], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Explore Mustafar - Travel to the each of the areas and do something specific there
Travel to Tulrus Isle [1920,-525] - Hunt 5 Tulrus - Any (CL78+)
Travel to the Berken’s Flow [1055,2466] - Hunt 5 Xandank - Any (CL75+)
Travel to the Central Volcano [44,1367] - Examine the Crash Site - [-2747,3534]
Travel to the Burning Plain [-1177,2038] - Hunt 5 Kubaza Beetles - Any (CL74+)
Travel to the Smoking Forest [-2196,-242] - Hunt 5 Blistmoks - Any (CL67+)
Travel to the Crystal Flats [-1180,-2950] - Hunt 5 Lava Fleas - Any (CL65+)

17) The Jagged Teeth [combat] ---repeatable
Nagrody: 8K Credits
Poczatek: Medical Hologram (“Use”), [386,-1080], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Collect 15 Jagged Jundak Teeth - Combat: Kill Jundak (CL78+) until you get 15 jagged teeth

18) A Strange Gem [combat] ---repeatable
Nagrody: 5K Credits
Poczatek: Kubaza Beetle Beads (“Study Lava Beads Closely”), [366,-1256], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Collect Kubaza Beetle Beads - Combat: Kill Kubaza Beetles (CL70+) until you get 15 beetle beads

19) Skull of the Jundak [combat]
Nagrody: Jundank Skull
Poczatek: A Bleached Jundak Skull (“Study Skull Closely”), [372,-1259], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Collect Skull of an Ancient Jundak - Ancient Jundak [1264,1299]; Combat: Ancient Jundak (CL84 Elite)
Czesc 2: Bleach the Skull - Vat of Bleach [442,-1220] inside the Mensix Mining Facility; Radial menu: “Bleach Skull”
Czesc 3: Bleaching the Skull - Wait 10 seconds and then use the Vat of Bleach again to “Remove Skull from Vat”

20) Skin the Blistmoks [combat]
Nagrody: Blistmok Skin Rug
Poczatek: Blistmok Skin Rug (“Use”), [443,-1124], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Collect Rug Materials - Collect the following to create your very own Blistmok Skin Rug:
Collect Pristine Blistmok Skins - Combat: Kill Blistmoks (CL67+) until you get 10 pristine skins
Collect Preservatives - Collect 3 preservatives from Chemical Lockers in mining camps around Mustafar:
[14,-3248], [-2676,-2020], [2477,100], [-2484,1444], [-519,2346];
Radial menu: “Take Preservative” ; Can take only one from each locker
Czesc 2: Gather Skin of Ura Jen [-903,-334] - Combat: Ura Jen (CL80 Elite Blistmok)

21) The Jedi’s Guard Dog [combat]
Nagrody: 10K Credits, Mustafarian Miner’s Boots
Poczatek: Data Recorder (“Activate Recording”), [-3136,-3052], Salvage Bandit Camp, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Find Cobak - Combat: Kill Cobak (CL80 Elite Xandank) [1672,1854] to get the keycode from his collar
Czesc 2: Open the Chest - Old Locked Chest [1672,1853]; Radial menu: “Enter Keycode”; Keycode: 78452

22) A Moral Choice [combat (voluntary)]
Nagrody: 20K Credits, Hologram (Executive from Option A *OR* Miner from Option B)
Poczatek: Mining Cororation Executive, [307,-1222], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
You have a choice with this quest, either to do as the Exec asks and sabotage the striking miners or to do the ‘right’ thing and see that the truth behind the miner’s stike is made public...
Option A (sabotage)
Czesc 1: Dirty business - Striking miners camp [-2387,1515]; Power Generator; Radial menu: “Tear out cables”; Combat: Spawns 2 Miners on strike (CL70), don’t have to fight them though
Czesc 2: Take the core - Power Generator; Radial menu: “Steal core”; Combat: Spawns 2 Miners on strike (CL70), again, you don’t have to fight them if you don’t want to
Czesc 3: Return - To the Mining Corporation Executive [307,-1222] to get the executive holo
Option B (truth):
Speak with the Mining Strike Leader [-2385,1508] instead of sabotaging the Power Genartor and let him know what you were sent there to do...
Czesc 1: Switched sides - Bring the disk to the Mining Network Terminal in the Mensix Mining Facility [371,-1215]; Radial menu: “Upload data”; Combat: At some point 3 Corrupt Security Guards (CL70) will spawn and attack you in the Mensix Mining Facility, you don’t have to fight them though
Czesc 2: Mission accomplished - Striking miners camp [-2387,1515]; Return to the Mining Strike Leader [-2385,1508] to get the miner holo

23) The Strike [non-combat, risky]
Nagrody: 10K Credits, Mustafarian Mining Suit
Poczatek: Urup Fal’co, [306,-1226], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Talk with Foreman Nurfa Laz’op - Striking Miner’s Camp [-2500,1464]
Czesc 2: Steal Tulrus Eggs - Travel to Tulrus Isle [1220,-530]; Look for Tulrus Nest Sites along the edge of the inner valley:
[983,705], [1109,993], [1204,524], [1243,318], [1105,185], [938,-83], [1306,-33], [1353,-208], [1335,-281], [970,-326];
Radial menu: “Steal Egg”; You need to get 10 eggs
Czesc 3: Return to Foreman Nurfa Laz’op [-2517,1471]
Czesc 4: Return to Urup Fal’co

24) Clear Out Beetle Nest [combat]
Nagrody: 10K Credits, Mounted Kubaza Beetle Head
Pocztaek: Foreman Donko Jen, [446,-1173], Mensix Mining Facility, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Travel to the Mining Camp - Kubaza Beetle Infested Mining Camp [-506,2355]
Czesc 2: Destroy the Four Kubaza Beetle Nests - Look around the outside of the camp area for Kubaza Beetle Nests; Radial menu: “Place Charges”; Move a safe distance away and wait 10 seconds for them to go off; Combat: Spawns 5 Plains Kubaza Beetle Soldiers (CL 77 Elite) per person in the group with the mission, you need to kill them all (not easy!); Repeat for all four lairs...
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-544,2383] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-518,2401] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-497,2395] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Destroy Kubaza Beetle Nest [-469,2381] - Defeat Kubaza Soldier Beetles
Czesc 3: Clean up Any Remaining Kubaza Beetles - Combat: Kill 5-6 Kubaza Soldier Beetles (CL80) around the area
Czesc 4: Return to Donko Jen

25) Unlocking the Secrets [combat]
Nagrody: 10K Credits, DP-23 Rifle (CL55, Bounty Hunter:Master)
Poczatek: Pletus Croix, [-2911,2832], Northern Jedi Ruins, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Find the Three Glyphs - Locate each of the glyphs; Radial menu: “Copy Glyph”
Glyph of the Mustafar in Change [-2414,3009]
Glyph of the Mustafar that Is [-2504,3051]
Glyph of the Mustafar that Was [-2415,3108]
Czesc 2: Return to the Historian [-2911,2832]
Czesc 3: Defeat the Coyn’s Commanders - Get the 2 missing glyph chunks from the following enemies:
Defeat Commander Razor - Combat: ? (CL?) [-2420,3014]
Defeat Captain Starkill - Combat: Captain Relgon Starkill (CL82 Boss) [-2553,3040]

26) The Deadly Raptors [combat] ---repeatable
Nagrody: ?
Poczatek: Blistmok Heart (“Study Heart Closely”), looted from Blistmok
Czesc 1: Kill 25 Blistmok - Combat: Kill 25 Blistmok, any kind will do (CL67+); Found all around Mustafar

27) A Whole Pack of Trouble [combat]
Nagrody: Mounted Xandank Head
Poczatek: Miner Renlo Hens, [-2523,1452], Striking Miner’s Camp, Mustafar
Czesc 1: Travel to the Pack’s Last Location - Xandank Pack Last Location [-1900,1498]
Czesc 2: Search the Area - A xandank resting spot [-1896,1501]; Radial menu: “Examine Tracks”
Czesc 3: Follow the Pack’s Trail - Xandank Pack Location [-1481,1498]
Czesc 4: Search the Area - A xandank resting spot [-1458,1485]; Radial menu: “Examine Tracks”
Czesc 5: Follow the Pack’s Trail - Xandank Pack [-1706,2128]
Czesc 6: Eliminate the Pack - Eliminate All Members of the Pack and Collect Head of the Packleader:
Eliminate the Xandank Pack - Combat: Kill 6 Xandank Pack Mates (CL75) found around the area
Remove the Head of the Packleader - Combat: The Xandank Packleader (CL79 Elite) [-1704,2133]
Czesc 7: Return to Miner Renlo Hens - Striking Miner’s Camp [-2500,1464]

Reszte screenow, tj. NPC i Rewardow znajdziecie

Mess with the best, die like the rest. Founder of Atlantis - Eclipse

Ostatnio edytowano 29 paź 2005, 00:42 przez scorpio007, łącznie edytowano 6 razy

Posty: 541
Dołączył(a): 24.06.2004
PostNapisane: 27 paź 2005, 10:31 
A oto pelny quest na YT-2400
Opracowany przez Kindarin Chiin’Tal.
Tlumaczenia Scorpio007


Pierwsze questy spokojnie mozna zrobic samemu (spokojnie jak macie 80cl. jak nie zabierzcie kumpla).

--Poczatek – Foreman Chivos, Mining Facility--
1. Pogadaj z Foreman Chivos w Mustafar Mining Facility (334, -1125). Zgodz sie na dostarczenie zapasow do obozu gorniczego.

2. Pojdz tam gdzie wskarze WP i uzupelnij zapasy w “Field Supply Locker” (-20, -3237).

3. Jak to zrobisz Foreman Chivos skontaktuje sie z Toba przez radio i poprosi Cie abys oczyscil 4 kanaly wentylacyjne naokolo Mining Facility. Oto ich lokacje:

A. (-7, -1587)
B. (-185, -1613)
C. (-277, -1647)
D. (-502, -1600)

4. Wroc do Foreman Chivos i odbierz kolejna misje polegajaca na znalezieniu 4 "power core rods" wokol obszaru, gdzie rozbil sie statek Starej Republiki.

Pierwsze "power cores" leza na:

A. (136, 259)
B. (146, 104)
C. (137, 659)

Czwarty trzeba odzyskac znajdujac i zabijajac “Salvage Bandit Chief” (gdzies w okolicach 147, 130, respawnuje sie co ok 2 minuty, CL80 Elite).

6.Wroc do Foreman Chivos i odbierz “Miner’s Medallion” (+25 Fire Resistance necklace). Odesle Cie do Milo Mensix.

--Digging up the Past – Milo Mensix, Mining Facility--
1. Odwiedz Milo Mensix w the Mustafar Mining Facility (301, -1224). Odbierz od niego misja na znalezienie "working terminal" w rozbitym statku Starej Republiki.

2. Pojedz na miejsce katastrofy i wejdz na mostek (261, 23). Sprobuj uruchomic znaleziony tam “Working Terminal”.

3. Udaj sie do “Damaged Terminal” (210, 286) i przeszukaj go. Nastepnie bedziesz musiaz znalesc 4 "circuit boards" u Salvage Bandits…wiec zacznij zabijac! (Najczesciej dropuja w punkcie spawnu niedaleko mostku).

4. Wroc na mostek i wloz "circuit boards" do terminalu. Nie spiesz sie z czytaniem historyjki…fani KOTOR powinni byc zachwyceni. Otrzymasz WP do nastepnej czesci questa.

I tu sie zaczynaja schody. Przyda sie jak najwieksza grupa. Chyba wystarczy, ze jedna osoba zrobila wczesniejsze questy, ale najlepiej jak by wszyscy je mieli. Ostatni quest jest powtarzalny (jak np. NK na koszyku) wiec kazdy moze zdobyc YT ale slyszalem, ze trzeba skonczyc caly quest aby nim moc latac.

Kubaza Beetle Cavern- Mapa nizej!
1. Pojedz do Kubaza Beetle Cavern (-724, 507; podziemia). Przyprowadz ze soba dobra grupe, najlepiej aby bylo was z 8 i przynajmniej jednym healerem, przygotujcie sie dobrze na to zadanie - jest dosc trudne i podstepne.

2. W jaskini jest pare rzeczy: Drone Beetles, Worker Beetles, Soldier Beetles, gniazda i Droid NPC...

-Droid NPC biega po jaskini ustawiajac “Markers.”
-Drone & Worker Beetles biedaja ni niszcza “Markers”, ktore Droid NPC ustawil.
-Gniazda spawnuja Worker & Drone Beetles.
-Soldier Beetles zaczyna wychodzic \by skrzywdzic ciebie lub Droid NPC kiedy zaczniesz atakowac gniazda.

Zasadniczo bedziesz musial "kupic" czas dla Droid NPC aby rozstawil 11 “Markers” aby pojawil sie “Beetle Foreman” (boss). Kiedy sie pojawi, bedzie z nim pare Defender Beetles. Jest jeden trik aby to w zasadzie wszystko zadzialalo, jezeli zostanie Ci 20 minut na zakonczenie misji (jesli masz inna metode, daj znac):

A. Biegnij do gniazd i zniszcz je, jest ich razem 4. Czasu jest niewiele, wiec ignoruj Beetle variants jak tylko mozesz.

B. Rozdziel sie i zabij wszystkie Worker & Drone Beetles. Kiedy juz wszystkie beda martwe, nie bedzie zagrozenia dla “Markers”,ktore rozstawia Droid NPC.

C. Wybij Soldier Beetles aby Droid NPC zrobil swoje, eskortuj go z punktu do punktu kilkoma czlonkami grupy, a w miedzy czasie niech reszta biegnie przed siebie.

D. Kiedy juz wszystkie 11 “Markers” sa postawionepojawi sie Foreman.

E. Atakuj Defender Beetles i NIE DOTYKAJ Foreman. Te mobki beda leczyc Foreman i nie bedzie mozna go zabic. Mozesz zignorowac reszte Beetle variants podczas tej akcji, ale wiedz, ze kiedy bedzie nowy spawn Drones i Workers dadza Foreman buff na Speed/Defense.

F. Kiedy juz zgnial pozbadz sie Foreman! Wg. mnie najlepiej miec ze soba jakis healerow i tankerow i trzymac sie na dystans. Jesli uda mu sie dopasc kilku z Twojej grupy, nie przejmuj sie tym za bardzo. Zaciagnij swoich healersow w bezpieczne miejsce, rezuj ich i sprobuj jeszcze raz.

3. Kiedy skonczysz Kubaza Beetle Cavern, udaj sie z powrotem na mostek statku, zakoncz dyskusje z Working Terminal i skieruj sie do Old Research Facility.

Old Research Facility- Mapa nizej!
1. Upon arriving at the Old Research Facility (2107, 3099; Instanced Dungeon), make sure your group is ready and head on in (this dungeon is not particularly "difficult" and able to be completed with just three to four players, but if you have the same group of eight from the previous mission you can fly through it and have a ton of fun doing it).

The Old Research Facility is made up of three levels and has you running around completing a series of tasks to bring it "up and running." Upon entry, you have one hour to complete your work inside the facility.

**If you happen to have Epo's "A History Lesson" quest you can complete it while you're in here…follow the steps up to step 11, run out and kill a few Droid NPCs until you receive your encryption key (watch the screen, it’s a quest-auto-loot item), and return to point “I” on the map to complete the quest.

**If you have all five crystal shards from the “Fragments of the Past” quest you can complete that in here as well…follow the steps up to step 6 and in that very same room (“E” on the map) you will find a machine that can fuse the shards together to complete the quest.

2. Now inside, head to the "Power Access Terminal" ("A" on the map) and activate.

3. Head down to level two and retrieve the "Access Key Card" from the chest ("B" on the map).

4. Open the door with the newly received keycard to room 2-QC and continue through to inspect the "Journal Screen" ("C" on the map).

5. Continue on the same level to security room and access the "Security Console" ("D" on the map).

6. Head down to level three and straight into the newly-unlocked room 3-GS and access the "Ventilation System" ("E" on the map).

7. Run into the now-open power core, pause a moment to stare and grin. It's awesome to see. Then close your mouth and run to the "Air Filtration System" ("F" on the map). Be particularly careful in this area as CL87 Elites and plenty of creatures are here, and it is VERY easy to become overrun. I recommend pulling the first two Elites into the core room before going in.

8. With the air filtration working now, head to the next room to grab the "Spare Computer Parts" from the box ("G" on the map). BE CAREFUL GOING IN, this will be your first boss battle...CL87 Gold boss creature. Get your tank in quick, don't bother with Armor Break (it’s immune to it), and heal like mad. Shouldn't be too tough.

9. With the Spare Parts in hand race on up to the first level again, fighting through the respawned droids & creatures (pretty quick respawn rate in here).

10. Head through level one's power core, take out the CL 87 Elite Guardian droid, and get ready for another boss fight almost identical to the last (same deal, just different creature model).

11. Select "Install spare parts" on the Main Systems Terminal ("H" on the map) and then reboot the same terminal...just to be told to get to terminal Delta-5!

12. Head to the second level's power core room to find terminal Delta-5 ("J" on the map). Take your time reading, and once you receive your quest update converse with the terminal again for a little laugh.

13. With the Old Research Facility completed, you're now on your way to the Droid Factory on the eastern portion of the map.

Droid Factory- Mapa nizej!
1. Pulling up to the Droid Factory (3410, -997; Instanced Dungeon), be mindful of the occasionally spawning CL88 "CWW Class Eradicator" that likes to wander around the front doors. This place REQUIRES at the aboslute very least four group members, as it is the first dungeon (I've seen) that has team-based puzzles in it.

To enter, ignore the terminals on either side of the doors and simply activate the radial menu for the Blast Doors, hover over "open" and then select "Decrepit Droid Factory" above it. Then assemble your group and head in!

2. Once inside get ready for a good load of combat right off the bat...head to Access panel ("A" on the map) to open the door, and then run counter-clockwise around the room destroying the CL83 Elite Droid NPCs that line the walls (three on each of the room's four walls).

3. Stage a single group member at each of the three Code terminals ("B-1," "B-2," "B-3" on the map), and another at the Access terminal ("C" on the map). Here's the deal:

-Each Code terminal gives you two numbers out of six total numbers in the code (i.e., Al gets "22XXXX" and Bob gets "XX07XX".

-The second the first one is accessed, they all countdown from 10 seconds and then reset the code.

-The lucky player at the Access terminal has to hit the stuff in on the panel in time.

SO....taking lag in chat into consideration (and making sure Access terminal-player knows who is giving what 2 numbers), get everyone in position and start by having the player at the Code terminal with the first 2 digits of the code say "go," and report their 2. Do it quickly and no worries, you can move on to my favorite part (/sarcasm).

4. Fight your way through to the Security room and you will find yet another Access terminal ("D" on the map), and two Sensor panels ("E-1" & "E-2" on the map). This puzzle was particularly painful for my group to go through, so give a moments pause in memory of that bloodshed for this:

-The Sensor panels have two options in sequence. First, you "Obstruct" it. Open the radial again and you "Seperate" it. FORGET THE SEPERATE is a trick.

-If you use the Access terminal too early, too late, or just for fun three CL83 Elite Droid NPCs will spawn in the room. Every...single...time.

-To unlock the door and progress, you must disable the sensors and access the terminal before the Sensor panels reset (seems to be 3-5 seconds, though I'm leaning on 3 seconds).

The solution to this is to have one player sitting in front of a Sensor panel, ready to go. Second one accesses BOTH the Sensor panel and Access terminal. Increase your Field of View in the graphics options if you need to, but have the double-tasker keep both items in view and when ready say "Go". Guranteed, you will not be able to finish saying "Go," access "Obstruct" on the Sensor panel and use the Access terminal before your partner does his one measly duty and've got yourself and open door.

5. Fight your way on through, keeping an eye out for the CL85 Super Battle Droid gold bosses ("F" on the map) and wipe out the droids in the "Flame Room" ("Flames!" on the map...and no, it's not really called this but you get the pleasure of lighting on fire and staying that way for the moment so tell your Docs not to bother trying to smother the flames).

6. The first circular room attached to the "Flame Room" has an Access terminal in it ("G" on the map), and the second has "Environmental Control" ("H" on the map) in it. What worked best for my group was I asked one of the players to go straight for the Environment controls while I ran to unlock that door. By the time I was in the room unlocking the door, the rest of the group was engaging and the designated player was shutting off the flames. We engaged, the Doc put out the flames, and all was good.

7. Run on through the remainder of the map, wiping out resistance as you see it. It is pretty straightforward from here on, and once you come to the Power Generator ("I" on the map), switch it on. A "Droid Facility Guardian" will spawn back on the catwalk, still a CL85 SBD gold boss (though this one is immune to armor break). Kill him and mission complete!

8. If you don't feel like waiting for five minutes to get kicked from the dungeon, access the door terminal ("J" on the map), run into the room and use the terminal to leave ("K" on the map).

The Enemy Revealed-
1. Head on back to the Old Research Facility (2107, 3099) but don't only need to pull up by the front door, don't even bother getting off of your vehicle. A screen will pop-up to reveal who the TRUE enemy is (if you have played Knights of the Old Republic OR read the HK-47 link I posted above you should really have figured this out by now), and you receive a quest update.

2. Head back to the Mining Facility and report your findings to Milo Mensix (301, -1224). He will point you to the next big task of the quest.

The Koseyet Mining Camp-
1. Report to the "Mustafarian Scout" (3430, -3130) with your full group. This is a very tough fight, so make sure everyone is ready for the hardest combat you have seen so far in this quest. When ready, have your Group Leader speak to the NPC to be sent to the Koseyet Mining Camp (Instanced Dungeon).

2. Upon arrival, speak to the Foreman NPC to let him know you are ready, and he will direct you down the hill to another camp. Make use of your time wisely here, for the Droid Army will be attacking fairly quickly.

3. At the foot of the hill is the second camp, with two Mustafarian NPCs allowing the conversation options of "Follow Me" and "Deploy your men here." There are also some demolition charges on the ground you can pick up.

**And that's about it for now, folks...unfortunately Beta ended a little "abrubtly," so we were unable to complete the last two parts...Koseyet Mining Camp and Volcano Crater. We fought a little just to test the waters at the KMC, but were killed quickly with only three people. This definitely seems like the best part so far though, had a blast out here. Should have the remainder of the guide posted either tonight or tomorrow night!

Mapki lokacji:


Mess with the best, die like the rest. Founder of Atlantis - Eclipse

Ostatnio edytowano 27 paź 2005, 17:43 przez scorpio007, łącznie edytowano 2 razy
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