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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 kwi 2008, 18:47 
Book 13: Crafting the Content of Forochel

Epic Story

Somewhere within the frozen northlands of Eriador lies the remaining piece of a puzzle that both the Free Peoples and the servants of the Witch-king seek to claim as their own…

The Content team for The Lord of the Rings Online has been working day and night to bring you our latest free content update; Book 13: Doom of the Last-king! Due to the solo nature of the Bay of Forochel the majority of Book 13 will be soloable as well, but players should expect to have to team up for at least one chapter against the denizens of this icy region .

Doom of the Last-king was a very fun part of the Epic storyline to write; bringing in the Lossoth* against one of their ancient enemies, Angmar. We wanted our players to see and visit a number of important locations and people in Book 13, including the ancient Dwarf-mines, the ill-fated elf ship, and maybe even get a glimpse of an ancient spirit whose deeds remained unfulfilled. Hopefully the Book 13 epic will provide a few twists and turns that you won’t see coming!


In Book 13, the Content team was finally able to do something we had been waiting a long time to do: implement a new region with its own reputation. Players will start off viewed as “Unfriendly” with the Lossoth but will progress quickly through the lower tiers of reputation by completing quests, collecting item drops, and completing a series of new daily reputation quests for the Lossoth. This is the first region where reputation was built in alongside the creation of the region, and we think that Forochel will be a showcase for how great our reputation system can really be.

Daily reputation quests are a new variety of quests that will allow players an alternate method of obtaining reputation (without collecting reputation item drops) after they have completed all of the non-repeatable quests that give out reputation. These quests can only be acquired after players have reclaimed one or more locations for the Lossoth, fighting back the invading Gauredain, an event that occurs periodically throughout the day.

Lossoth reputation rewards include unique armor sets, weapons, a new mount, housing decorations, and even a few class specific items! The Content team worked very closely with the Game Systems and World teams to ensure that players will be rewarded with a variety of different rewards at each reputation tier.


The Lossoth Culture

One of the biggest challenges in the development of Forochel was creating an entire culture out of a six paragraph reference in the appendix of The Lord of the Rings as well as other unique source material**.

Working with artists, world builders, and our own in-house lore-masters, we believe we have created a true-to-the-books take on the Snow-men of Forochel. Players will encounter NPCs that can run on the ice with bones on their feet (be nice to these guys; pushing them around isn’t appropriate or funny), and sleds without wheels.


The Creatures of Forochel

What would a new region be without new creatures? A few months ago, members of the Content, World, and Systems team locked ourselves in a room and fought to the death over what monsters we would be making for Forochel.

After a few trips to the hospital, a visit from Human Resources, and the hire of a few replacement employees, we came up with a fairly comprehensive list of new monsters and skills for Forochel.

Forochel introduces six new monster types and a host of new monster skills. What are some of these new creatures? Players will encounter moose, winter-worms, and Gauredain war-mammoths, just to name a few. Stay tuned for more information on our other new monster types as we get closer to launching Book 13.


An eye for Soloability

With the release of Book 9, Evendim attempted to fill the solo gap for players in their mid-thirties. Noticing the same need in our higher level content, Forochel will provide a mostly solo experience for players from level 44 through 50. With over one hundred new quests and an area similar in size to the North Downs, players willing to dare the cold will have hours of adventures ahead of them in Book 13: Doom of the Last-king.


* The Lossoth

The survivors of the Forodwaith, the ancient people from whom the northern lands of Middle-earth took their name. The Lossoth lived mainly along the northern shores of the Icebay of Forochel, but also explored the lands around its southern rim. They had a culture well adapted to their icy existence, constructing houses out of snow (apparently similar in principle to igloos), and travelling on sleds and bone skates.
The Lossoth entered history near the end of the second millennium of the Third Age, when they gave aid to Arvedui, last King of Arthedain, who had fled into the north to escape his kingdom's destruction. When an elven-ship came to rescue him, he rewarded the Lossoth for their friendship with the Ring of Barahir. His hosts sensed approaching disaster, and warned Arvedui not to board the ship. Against their advice, he did so, but a great storm overwhelmed the ship and last King of Arthedain was lost in the cold waters of the far north.

** The Very Secret Diary of Arvedui Last-king
With love to Cassandra Claire

- Day One

Unhappy. Witch-king came over uninvited; didn’t want to play board games. Decided to leave, should have brought more snacks.

- Day Ten

Cold. Should have brought long underwear. Only company is whining Dúnadan. Maybe Dwarf-mines have cable?

- Day Fourteen

Very bored. Palantíri couldn’t get signal in Dwarf-mines. Snack supply drastically thin. Might go watch the ice skating championships these Northerners keep raving about.

- Day Thirty

New Years Day; Disenfranchised. Círdan hasn’t come to visit me yet even though I keep writing. Ice skating not as boring as I first thought. Ice beds colder than I thought.

- Day Ninety

Haven’t heard from Círdan in months. He couldn’t even bother to come find me himself? Palantíri ominously silent; northern lights must be muddling their signal, tin foil antenna woefully ineffective.

- Day Ninety One

Ship finally arrived. Ice Skaters think I should stay with them; very worried. Maybe Palantíri will get a better signal on the ship?


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 3 kwi 2008, 21:35 
I think you are 2 days late ;) ...


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Posty: 7080
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2005
PostNapisane: 3 kwi 2008, 22:11 
jak dzisiaj do mnie przyszedł mail z informacjami o promocjach na to nawet pomyślałem, aby kupić LOTRO za te ~85zł, ale niestety "nakład wyczerpany" - po cholerę ślą nam informację z takimi "okazjami"?! :/


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Posty: 2382
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2001
PostNapisane: 4 kwi 2008, 12:35 
No przeciez nie beda oddawac towaru wartego 169zl za polowe ceny ;) Teraz juz wiesz, czemu oferta przyszla teraz, a nie wczesniej, kiedy mieli jeszcze pare egzemplarzy.


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Posty: 586
Dołączył(a): 25.03.2007
PostNapisane: 4 kwi 2008, 12:48 
RufeN napisał(a):
jak dzisiaj do mnie przyszedł mail z informacjami o promocjach na to nawet pomyślałem, aby kupić LOTRO za te ~85zł, ale niestety "nakład wyczerpany" - po cholerę ślą nam informację z takimi "okazjami"?! :/

Jakiś tydzień temu widziałem w Saturnie (Warszawa, Złote Tarasy) Lotro za ~80zł. Może jeszcze mają...

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 13 kwi 2008, 10:25 
Troche wiecej oficjalnych informacji o Book 13 i Forochel:

Book 13: Welcome to Forochel! (or…How to Make a Region Without Trees)

After weeks of teasing the Isengard players and later the Live forums, it is now known without a doubt that Forochel is the newest playable region for The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM. With the launch of Book 13: Doom of the Last-king, players will get the opportunity to explore this brand new region (aimed at level 44-50 characters) and earn the trust of the Lossoth - the native folk of the Northern Wastes.
Forochel is a region that many of us on the World and Content teams have been looking forward to for a long time now. It is off the beaten path of the Fellowship, which affords us a lot of flexibility in terms of design. This new landscape also gave us an opportunity to try out some new tools that were just recently developed for our upcoming expansion, Mines of MoriaTM!

World Design Goals

By the time we started development of Forochel, we were quite familiar with wintry landscapes. Between the Misty Mountains, the Coldfells, and portions of Ered Luin (and New England being what it is), we know snow! The trick with Forochel was coming up with a presentation of a snowy landscape that didn't look like our previous areas.

To achieve that biome difference, we hit the photo and film references. Like all of our regions, we called upon references from the real world to develop a set of textures and assets that would make Forochel stand out. During this process, we decided upon a distinct lack of trees across the majority of Forochel as being one of the region's distinguishing factors. The lack of trees led to some interesting challenges; trees add a lot to our landscape - they fill space, provide decoration, and easily break up sight-lines and can make an area feel more interesting and varied. We still used trees in some portions of Forochel (primarily as a way to introduce players to the region) but this goal forced us to think differently in how we decorated our landscape.

One of our chief goals for Forochel was to make it feel massive, and we were able to achieve this in two ways. Since the completion of Book 11: Defenders of Eriador, the World team has been working on Forochel. This allowed the World team plenty of time to develop and polish the landscape before heavy content development on the region occurred. This also allowed the Content team the time to fill the landscape with quests, and at the end of Forochel's development, we have a region that rivals the North Downs in size. In addition to the scope of the playable landscape, we wanted the region to feel expansive, so we used region-impassables that are much lower than those found in our other regions. This gave us the opportunity to develop forests and tundra beyond the playable areas, giving this already large area a much larger feel. This also provides an excellent opportunity to expand Forochel in the future if we so desire.

Another special addition to the landscape of Forochel is the introduction of some brand new landscape technology - Dual Heightmap Landscape. This feature allows us to develop more organic cave settings on the landscape (similar to the Dwarf neighborhood) without having to use large numbers of rocks to plug the ceiling. This tech offers some very exciting possibilities for the future and we‘re happy to introduce this feature to players in Forochel.


Oh the Things We've Learned!

We've spent a lot of time working on LOTRO now, and over the years, we've learned a number of lessons:

We've learned that players like a healthy mix of monster moods on the landscape.
We've learned that elite monsters within mixed spawns are a bad idea.
We've learned that players aren't fans of roads with heavy monster patrols.
Is there a theme? Yes there is! Forochel is very much a culmination of all the lessons we've learned from the Beta Program and the areas of Evendim, Tâl Bruinen, High Pass, and Angmar. I can't say we've ironed out all the issues that annoy people (because some of those are by design, sorry!) but we did look very intently at the feedback we've received and put it into action in Forochel.

Travel was also a big component in the "Things We've Learned" category. Over the past few updates, you may have noticed more travel routes (particularly in Angmar and Evendim). For Book 13, Forochel will launch with a broad travel network across the region. This network will offer a variety of normal travel routes as well as Reputation-gate Swift Travel Routes.


The Environment Hates You! (and sometimes, it shows you a little love)

The concept of using the Environment as an enemy has been floating around the LOTRO Dev team for a long time now - as far back as the Lonelands development period. We toyed with this notion a little bit with Tâl Bruinen (brambles and rocks in the road) and the High Pass (rare monster-driven blizzards). In Forochel, we're taking that concept a few steps further.

The first reaction your avatar will have to the environment will show in its breath. Book 13 sees the introduction of the cosmetic temperature system. This system allows the environment to have various cosmetic influences on your character. In this case, when you enter Forochel, the Misty Mountains, the Coldfells, and portions of Ered Luin, you'll see your breath on the air. The deeper into wintry territory you trek, the greater the visual effect you'll see. This feature has no gameplay impact; it is purely an extra bit of immersion.

Blizzards are receiving a significant visual update for Book 13 and play a key part in Forochel, both as part of the normal weather system and as part of our Rare Monster System. Some blizzards have bitter winds that chill you to the bone, leaving you less able to combat the effects of cold. Don't worry though - you won't be defenseless against the bitter cold.

The Ice Bay of Forochel is the last bit in the "Environment Hates You" Department. This large bay opens to the northern seas and, much like the land around it, this water is cold! So cold, in fact, that staying in it can seriously impact your morale and can (in some locations) lead to incapacitation. Because of this, the water acts as a northern impassable for Forochel, barring passage beyond the bay.

Now, after all that hate - how about some love? With all the things the landscape of Forochel could do to you, we wanted to provide some things it could do for you. In order to combat the bitter winds and freezing waters of Forochel, players will be able to warm themselves in the villages and camps of the region, on the various geothermal vents scattered across the region and at campfires they themselves can make. Using these locations and/or items, players can strip the cold from themselves and, in some circumstances, provide themselves with defense against chilling environment.


In Conclusion

Forochel is a region that we've spent two update cycles working on. We've taken the lessons learned from our previous landscape releases and have attempted to include the good, and skip the bad, for Forochel.

Personally, I am really happy to bring Forochel to LOTRO. It is an area I've wanted to see realized for a while now; it is a land of little lore, which gives us plenty of room to stretch creatively but just enough lore to have some very interesting hooks. Have fun exploring it!


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 13 kwi 2008, 10:33 
Ostatni developer chat:

Mapa Forochel:


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2008, 17:57 
Patch notes (naprawde duzo mniejszych i wiekszych zmian):

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 19 kwi 2008, 18:14 
Wywiad z Mattem Elliottem na temat Book 13:


Posty: 935
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2007
PostNapisane: 29 kwi 2008, 22:13 
A czytaliscie o aferze z soft porno przy zaciaganiu b13 ?

Na przy sciaganiu Book 13 pojawiala sie reklama nowej komedi , ktora leci w MTV o nazwie Fur TV

Codemasters szybko zareagowali i reklamy tego programu zostaly na drugi dzien zdjete z

Przepraszaja za to na swoim forum:

"The Gamershell link has been removed from the available list of places to download the Standalone patcher for Book 13. However the patch is still there for those who wish to use it.

More sources have been listed which host the patch so there should be plenty of variety to choose from now

I'd like to apologise for any inconvenience the advertisment placed on the Gamershell page the LOTRO Europe standalone patcher was hosted has caused."

a oto ta kontrowersyjna reklamowka, ktora sie wyswietlala przy sciaganiu patcha

troche faktycznie przegieli

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Posty: 6496
Dołączył(a): 17.01.2005
PostNapisane: 3 maja 2008, 23:06 
Jako, ze jestem mlodym graczem najbardziej ciesze sie z tego ze Old Forest dostalo wlasna, prywatna mapke :)


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 22 maja 2008, 14:24 
Book 13 Patch 1 Notes


Toggle Skill Fixes: The following skills are no longer disabled by disarm.

Stance: Strength - no longer requires a ranged weapon

Stance: Precision - no longer requires a ranged weapon

Stance: Endurance - no longer requires a ranged weapon

Guardian's Defence - no longer requires a shield

You can once again move items around in your inventory while crafting.

“Disarm” will now only disarm the Main-hand weapon. This change opens a few known-issues, see below.

Graphics Issue: When a player is first disarmed their Secondary Weapon/Shield disappears briefly.

When a dual-wielding player is disarmed they are unable to auto-attack with their secondary weapon.

Lore-master: The Improved Sign of Righteousness's icon effect will now last the full 60 seconds.

Fixed hunter guide skills failing to guide you out of private encounters.

Fixed Minstrel "Tale of Heroism" and other group benefiting skills (i.e. Hunter's "Find the Path") within Raids.

Fixed an issue that was causing timing issues with ranged and channeling combat skills. These issues were primarily seen by Hunters (e.g. the skills “Quick Shot” and “Focus”) and Lore-masters (e.g. the skills “Burning Embers” and “Blinding Flash”).

Fixed a rare issue that could cause a rented mount to be player-controllable, but would also prevent dismounting.


Crafting (Cooking): Fixed incorrect icons for both the "normal" and "superior" versions of all five types of craftable fish meals.

Loot: Fixed a bug that was preventing scholar recipes from dropping in loot (Actually, there was a very tiny chance of getting a scholar recipe. Now normalized.)

Craft: NPC Taddyn has been updated to exchange Small Wight Barrow Treasure for the new item used in recipes (Small Treasure).

Craft: Taddyn now exchanges "Scarred Huorn Heartwood" for the newer item "Scarred Heartwood"

Craft: Taddyn now exchanges "Very Sharp Aurochs Horn" for the newer item "Torn Claw"

Loot: The old craft recipe for “Superb Leather Leggings” will no longer be created when using scroll cases.


Fixed an issue that was causing avatars to get stuck in the fishing animation when jumping while a fish was on the line.

Fishing supplies can now be purchased from Garbert the fisherman in the Trollshaws.

The "Basic Fishing Pole" can now be purchased from any Fishing Supplier.

You can no longer use combat skills while fishing.

The "Fisherman's Foe" quest can now be advanced and completed. If you had this quest underway, it will be removed from your quest log and you will have to restart it.


Various mapnotes (stable-masters, etc) in Forochel now conform to the fog-of-war state.

The “To Evendim” button now shows up on the Forochel map correctly.


Sorting the Who panel by quest will no longer crash the client.

The name of the quest now appears in the tooltip on the who and open fellowship panels when a quest is specified on the player's LFF or LFP entry.

Your fellows’ quest status should now be shown properly when returning to a fellowship from being link-dead.

Since you cannot fellow with Rangers or group with Trolls, their entries have been removed from the available classes on the open fellowship UI.

Auction: The Trophy sub-category under Crafting should now list trophy items used in craft recipes. Important Note: If you currently have a trophy item listed on the auction house you will need to cancel the post and re-post it before it will be displayed in the correct auction category.


Crossbows returned to normal size when Hobbits sheath them on their backs.

Fixed an issue that was causing NPCs killed through drama events to enter their t-pose.


Fix for the horse whistle. There will now be two shorter and cleaner whistles only heard on the client-side. No more hearing entire groups whistle for their trusty steeds!


The quest "The Choicest Cut" now gives its intended reward item.

We have greatly increased the respawn rate of the Caged Warg needed for the "An Audition" quest.

Fixed quest directions for “Fisherman's Foe.”

We increased the movement speed of the Raven in the "The Raven" quest in Forochel, so the escort portion of the quest should advance more quickly. We also thinned the number of monsters that spawn to attack him.

Replaced the description for the Small Trap reward (Forochel).

We fixed the guidance text in the "Who Burgles the Burglar?" quest.

We have made the "Wayward Bull" a little less aggro-tastic.

The "Lost Fellowship" deed now advances on completion of "The Choicest Cut," instead of "Hungry Bear-friend." If you have already completed this deed or have completed "The Choicest Cut," you will be unaffected. If the deed previously advanced for you due to completion of "Hungry Bear-friend," you will need to complete that event of the deed again.

Monster Play

The “Eyes of Unnerving” icon will no longer stack on the Warg. It will now be properly removed when the Warg toggles off the “Eyes of Unnerving” skill.

Defiler heals no longer require the Defiler to face the target of the heal.

Defiler heals no longer break Wargs from stealth.

The Defiler skill, “Fire Gourd,” has had its resist category removed. This skill can still be missed, blocked, parried, or evaded.

The Defiler skill, “Curse of the Sticky Feet,” has had its resist category removed. This skill can still miss. This change puts this skill in line with other similar skills.


Defeat in portions of the Lossoth village of Kauppa-kohta will no longer send players to Breeland.

A defeat volume found on the northern shores of Talvi-mûri has been removed. No longer shall you get smacked down for just wanting to walk out on a fjord.

A Zigilgund miner is now no longer deluded enough to believe that Arnmorth the Exacting can be defeated solo, and will advise you to bring allies.

We have added the rewards that were missing from the "Venturing Forth" quest bestowed in Kauppa-kohta. These rewards will allow you to complete the "Defender of the Lossoth," "Protector of the Lossoth" or "Hero of the Lossoth" item sets. If you have previously completed this quest, you will be able to take it again and choose your reward.

Loot: Fixed a bug that was preventing Frost Grims from dropping trophy items.


The Warrior's Blade is once again a part of the Warrior of Rivendell item set.

“Blackened Wight Skull" mentions in the description of it being used in crafting but the information was not correct. The item is not used in crafting and the description has been updated.

A few pieces of Angmar jewelry that were buffed up in book 12 were debuffed accidently in book 13. They have been returned to their book 12 status.

Niko’s Bow and Niko’s Crossbow now have the correct ranged item stats.


You should no longer see reputation updates for -000 in red text when earning reputation in a region for the first time.

Fixed a stuck location in the Thrang encounter in the Rift.

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Posty: 2223
Dołączył(a): 8.07.2005
PostNapisane: 22 maja 2008, 23:28 
Kurcze patrząc na to jak się ta gra rozbudowuje korci mnie czasem żeby wrócić do Lotro :har: Piękny świat, świetny klimat, ale szkoda, naprawdę szkoda, że to tylko dobra gra, a nie coś więcej :-?


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 23 maja 2008, 10:40 
Kassei napisał(a):
Kurcze patrząc na to jak się ta gra rozbudowuje korci mnie czasem żeby wrócić do Lotro :har: Piękny świat, świetny klimat, ale szkoda, naprawdę szkoda, że to tylko dobra gra, a nie coś więcej :-?

Dal takiego casuala jakim sie ostatnio stalem to gra idealna. Zadnego wyscigu po lvl czy item. Gram z przerwami od premiery i mam 35 lvl dopiero. :D

Robie powoli questy, craftuje, nasycam sie lore, przy okazji jeszcze raz zaczalem czytac Tolkiena i sobie porownuje gre z ksiazka.

Klimat jest naprawde fajny, potrafie godzine siedziec i sluchac jak ludzie graja na instrumentach.

Jak wyjdzie Moria to pewnie juz dobije do tego 50. :)

(dzis zaczynam Conana - moze wykrzesa ze mnie jeszcze troche hardcoru, do zobaczenia na Fury)

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Posty: 2223
Dołączył(a): 8.07.2005
PostNapisane: 23 maja 2008, 12:19 
mrynar napisał(a):
(dzis zaczynam Conana - moze wykrzesa ze mnie jeszcze troche hardcoru, do zobaczenia na Fury)
Do zobaczyska :P A co do AoC to też gra się milusio :P Główny plus jest taki że nie trzeba się ustawiać w kolejce po mobki/resy bo wystarczy sprzątnąć konkurencję ;) Co do samej gry to cudów nie ma, ale szczerze mówiac spodziewałem się że będzie dużo dużo gorzej ; )



Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2008, 20:32 
Hehehe - tam gdzie nowe MMROPG tam i MY :D Op - zdaj mini relacje z Conana - czy gra warta swieczki (w paryzu to 50 euro :roll: ).
Ostatnio sie spalilem na vanguard - wiec musze miec pewnosc ze Conan jest spox - w ostatecznosci wroce do LOTRO :D


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2008, 20:48 
Mam 20+ lvl dopiero wiec dopiero liznalem gre.

Narazie Conan bardzo mi sie podoba. Ladna grafika, fajna muzyka, super zrobione questy - jak w dobrych rpg. Do 19-20 lvlu jest ciekawy watek fabularny, ktory przechodzi sie w trybie single player.

Gra niestety ma bugi, ale trafiaja sie na tyle rzadko, ze nie zniechecja do grania. Troche rzeczy jeszcze jest niedorobionych, ale patche sa prawie codziennie i z dnia na dzien jest lepiej.

Na serwerach pvp dodatkowa atrakcja to ciagle walki miedzy graczami juz od pierwszych leveli. Jesli nie zraza cie gankowanie to polecam pvp.

LOTRO tez jest fajny, ciagle dodaja nowe rzeczy, ale to dwie zupelnie rozne gry. LOTRO jest taki sielankowy, a Conan to hardcore z krwia chlapiaca na monitor.

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