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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2008, 18:52 
nie napalaj się tak, bo Ci żyłka pęknie ... w kilku miejscach :lol:

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 345
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2008
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2008, 19:19 
Ja słyszałem że DFO = epic fail ale to niepotwierdzona informacja.

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2008, 19:29 
No właśnie ponoć Reuters już potwierdził.

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Posty: 17021
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2008, 20:26 


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2008, 23:00 
Dana napisał(a):
No właśnie ponoć Reuters już potwierdził.

Daily planet również, dzięki wspaniałemu reporterowi Clarkowi Kentowi.

edit: specjalnie dla Ciebie, z dedykacją od developera
Denny Lindberg napisał(a):
Just so people don't confuse anything.... Beta development is not the same as Beta Testing.

Keep that in mind please.

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 19 gru 2008, 23:52 
Wrzucili trochę info o combacie plus pierwsze ingame screeny... Trzeba będzie kupić nowa grafę... ... Player.jpg

lpha Combat System in short

This is a description of how combat works in the Alpha (2008-12-01). Everything is subject to change.

First of all, many of the features described here might not sound much compared to a “regular single or multi-player FPS”, but are in fact a minor revolution to include in a MMO, and we are very proud of them!
We are of course aware that there are a lot of stuff that could be improved if there were no limits, but please remember that a lot of things are made a certain way because it’s the only way, or because the system is the lesser of two evils

Also, most features described here have corresponding in-game skills. These skills may affect everything from chances of success, damage, speed, or whether or not you are able to execute a certain action at all. But as they are too many to include and would further complicate the description, we decided to leave them out.

You never have to target someone to attack them. Targeting is used for keeping track of enemies and/or friends, letting you see their names and status (although very limited). It is also used for certain skills and spells.

- Hold target button and hover the target-crosshair over character(s) to see their names.
- Release or tap target button to add target to target list (and make that target the “active target”).
- Target list shows each targets healthbar but without numbers.
- Target list shows each targets flag/color.
- Target list may contain several targets.

The Stamina Bar has two values, Current Stamina and Max Stamina.

Max Stamina is the long-term value (the "length" of the bar itself). It's representing your general condition and is affected by for instance how long you've been active without resting or food. The Max Stamina is your "stamina cap" that determines how much Current Stamina you can possibly have. It's worth to mention that the cap itself won't actually be affected until you've been going without rest for quite some time.

Current Stamina is the short-term value (how "full" the bar is). Current Stamina is used for many actions, like jumping, sprinting and combat actions. It drains very quickly, but also refills in a short time. Your actions also slowly reduce the Max Stamina until you rest.

Combat Stance
In Combat Stance you are preparing yourself for incoming blows as well as for dashing them out yourself. You will automatically draw your pre-selected weapons (if any, unarmed fighting is also possible). In Combat Stance you move much slower by default, and sprinting costs more stamina. Your defense is higher and you have a small chance to auto-block incoming blows.

Depending on what weapon you wield, there may be up to three different stances to switch between: 1. Default. Used for slashing/sweeping/cutting. 2. Thrust. Used to precisely aim thrusts and prods. 3. Ranged. Used for throwing and shooting.

An attack consists of two "phases": charge and release.

By holding the left mouse button (LMB) you charge your attack (for a minimum of 1/2 sec but for as long as you want). As long as you charge you are open for attacks, blocking as well as auto-blocking is disabled, although you may move around freely. When you release LMB, the attack comes instantly, followed by a "recovery" that leaves you vulnerable as you cannot strike or block/parry during that time either. Charging currently does not affect amount of damage (it probably will affect it slightly later on) but enables you to fully control the attack, as you’ll strike instantly upon release.

The two phases are also used when simply clicking the LMB, although they are handled as one seamless move: The attack will be charged and then immediately released when the charge is completed (minimum 1/2 sec).

Running and attacking will result in a “power strike” that is different depending on the weapon you wield, but it drains a lot of stamina.

The first thing you’ll learn in MO’s combat is that timing is crucial, and simply spamming the LMB won’t help you in any way. The slight time it takes to charge an attack (whether you hold or click the LMB) makes the combat feel a bit non-instantaneous at first (compared to average shooters where bullets are fired directly when clicking), but opens up for much more tactical and “realistic” combat, as well as manual blocking.

Active blocking/parrying is a very difficult feature to handle in a MMO due to server response time and network traffic. We’ve had to make several compromises (like attack-speed and the chance to auto-block) but are very proud to have a working manual blocking-system.

Blocking is done by holding the right mouse button. It takes approximately 1/4 of a second to enter “blocking-state” (raising your shield or weapon). Likewise, it takes about the same time to exit blocking when you release RMB. It’s pretty fast, but not instant. Holding RMB slowly drains stamina, and so does every blow you manage to block.

Blocking will absorb damage (but the shield or weapon used to block will sustain damage). When blocking, there are three different outcomes:
1. If you are struck from “behind”, blocking will not help at all.
2. If you are struck from the “front” or “side”, blocking will absorb only a small amount of damage.
3. If you manage to block the blow with the actual shield- or weapon-mesh, you’ve made a Perfect Block. A Perfect Block drains less stamina, reduces the damage done to your shield/weapon, and gives you a chance to follow up the block with a special counter-attack if you time it really well.

When holding RMB, an alternate attack can be triggered by LMB. (If you are using a shield for example, this will trigger a shield-bash.)

Most weapons and shields will give you a small chance (modified by a skill, of course) to auto-block incoming blows. An auto-block happens instantaneously, and is there to compensate for not being able to block instantaneously yourself.

One-handed weapons may be combined with a shield or another one-handed weapon (or for instance torches). If a shield is equipped, it will automatically be used for blocking by RMB instead of the weapon (although the weapon might still be used by the auto-blocking system.) When dual-wielding two weapons, tapping a direction and then LMB will “charge” the corresponding weapon. When charged, simply releasing LMB will make a standard attack, but tapping RMB will instead execute two quick strikes in a row.

Shooting is of course aim-based. Unfortunately it’s too early to tell if we will be able to have simulated trajectories and arcs, but if it’s in any way doable we will.

Armor and Hitboxes
We are excited to announce that we’ve managed to have as much as 10 individual hitboxes(!) per character in the Alpha. This means very accurate hit-detection, and also that the armor of each body part is used when calculating damage. Additional effects for striking different parts may be added later (such as greater chance for knockback when hit on legs or feet, critical hits on head, chance of being disarmed when hit on hands etc.), but so far only damage is in. On a side note, equipping and un-equipping armor pieces take time, and although it isn’t as slow as in real life it’s definitely not recommended to do during combat.

The majority of spells that deals with real-time PvP have been classified as “Battle Magic”. By reducing the number of Battle Spells (to about 20), we’ve managed to work out a system where strategy, tactics, actions and reactions define the outcome in a mage-duel. There are very few, if any, “buffs/debuffs”. There are very few types of damage or resistances in PvP (no fire, water, earth, wind, holy, unholy etc.). In short, you have to have good coordination and you must really try to read your opponent to be successful. In many ways, it’s comparable to old UO

(The Battle Magic is separated from the other Magic Schools that deals with semi- or non-direct PvP magic, like summons, enchantments, music etc. Also, in PvE creatures will deal different types of damage and there will be different kinds of resistances and spells to affect them. But those systems will not interfere with the PvP.)

We are currently evaluating two types of spell casting:

1. The first system is based on targeting, where you switch between the targets in your Target List. Some spells are simply auto-aiming, some requires that you face the opponent, and some requires that you actually aim and “hit” them.

2. The second system is based on aiming-only, like a FPS. The first system means that once you’ve targeted your opponents, you have to use coordination (and sometimes aiming) to be successful, but in a way it’s less “fps-interactive”. The problem with the second system is that aiming-only gets very twitch-based and more like a shooter. Also, the number of Combat Spells will probably have to be even more reduced - compare it to a FPS-game where you have to keep track of 20+ weapons and how to counter them while moving around :P

This will definitely be tested and worked on during this phase.

Mounted combat
We have worked hard with the first-person view on mount, which is what we are using now in the Alpha. This also means there’s a good chance there won’t be a third-person view in MO at all. Mounted combat works in exactly the same way as described above, although the control scheme is a little bit different. You can use different stances, attack, block, shoot, dual-wield and cast spells etc. The higher the velocity of your mount, the more damage is added to your strikes as well as an increased chance to knock opponents over. Hitboxes are separated, meaning you can hit either the mount or the rider.

Fatalities, Mercy and Death
If the last blow that hits you and makes you reach 0 HP isn’t extremely heavy (which would instead result in a spectacular bloodbath), you will enter a semi-unconscious state where you are only able to speak. Your opponent may hit you once more and then you die - perhaps s/he even decides to end it in a really theatrical way - or s/he may decide to spare or bargain with your life. If you are left alone, you will eventually regain a couple of HP but be much weakened.

Wygląda i brzmi nieźle...


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 20 gru 2008, 00:29 
Mało czarów kkthxbai jesli o mnie chodzi :P.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 20 gru 2008, 00:34 
Kilka lat zajelo uwierzenie w features DFO, a w to mamy w kilka miesiecy uwierzyc?

Tylko ten target list jakis dziwny (nie pasuje do reszty).

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 2780
Dołączył(a): 16.08.2004
PostNapisane: 20 gru 2008, 01:38 
Target list rozumiem, bo niektore czary, ktore nie sa jakoś specjalnie mocne (lekkie klatwy czy cos w ten desen), nie powinny miec dodatkowo utrudnienia w postaci celowania, albo powinny bynajmniej nie miec fazy lotu jak np fireballe, tylko aim, click i jest trafienie przeciwnika instant.

Natomiast co do walki, to imo za dużo będzie zależało od szczescia. Te jakies autoblocki, disarmy, criticale...

Rozdzielenie systemow na PvE i PvP tez smierdzi z daleka.

Co do ilosci combat spelli, to jeżeli beda dobrze zrobione, to nie musi być to jakims wielkim minusem.


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 20 gru 2008, 02:54 
tomugeen napisał(a):
Kilka lat zajelo uwierzenie w features DFO, a w to mamy w kilka miesiecy uwierzyc?

Zazdrośnik się znalazł.
DFo to żaden wyznacznik developingu gier.


Screeny z alfy po prostu miażdżą bez dwóch zdań. Pierwsze pytania które ruszyły w stronę developerów nie czekały na odpowiedź dłużej niż kilka minut. Jednak można jeszcze tworzyć grę z pasją i wiarą w sukces oraz znaleźć czas dla fanów.

W tym momencie chyba tylko jebnięcie meteorytu w szwecję byłoby w stanie zatrzymać developerkę tej gry.
Aczkolwiek w lato przyszłego roku ciężko uwierzyć, ale końcówka roku jest całkiem realną datą wydania.

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 249
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2007
PostNapisane: 26 gru 2008, 20:04 
Bardzo chciałbym zobaczyć jak prezentuje się ta grafika w ruchu.

Ktos wie jaki maja budzet i jak duza jest ekipa? Wiem ze moge sam poszukac, ale przynajmniej dyskuje ozywie ;)

Unreal Engine 3 kosztuje podobno w okolicach 500 tys. dolarów....

Originally Posted by Rhade:
Just sit back, relax and enjoy the forumfall.
Darkfall is just an after-party, really.


Posty: 90
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2007
PostNapisane: 26 gru 2008, 20:40 
no mi wylania sie z tego obraz jakiegos misz maszu.
niby fps combat style ale jest targeting, autoblock? no super spedzimy czesc gry, zeby podnosic % z 'block' ew. 'parry'.
albo robia gre pve albo pvp...

poza tym pytanie laika, czy w przypadku engine'u unreala nie bedzie ograniczen dosc znacznych odnosnie ilosci osob w jednym miejscu?
czy nie oznacza to rozwiazan w stylu AoC, jak pojawi sie 101 osoba w danej lokacji to uruchamiamy kolejna instancje?


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 26 gru 2008, 22:35 
Autoblock to rzeczywiscie nie wiem po cholere, ale system zaklec bylby fajny w obu wersjach. Combat system mozna wzbogacic na wiele innych sposobow, nie musi to byc koniecznie targetowanie kazdego mozliwego spella.

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Posty: 5072
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2007
PostNapisane: 27 gru 2008, 09:21 
Tu nie chodzi o targetowanie, zaznaczamy gosci tylko po to zeby wiedziec gdzie oni sa, ile maja hp itp ;) I nie jest to konieczne, ale ulatwia sprawe poprostu.


Posty: 90
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2007
PostNapisane: 27 gru 2008, 11:10 
no jesli to sprawi, ze bede wiedzial gdzie jest inny gracz to rzeczywiscie nie jest konieczne ;p


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2008, 02:32 
tiomor napisał(a):
Tu nie chodzi o targetowanie, zaznaczamy gosci tylko po to zeby wiedziec gdzie oni sa, ile maja hp itp ;) I nie jest to konieczne, ale ulatwia sprawe poprostu.

widzieć jakie hp itp ? o czym ty człowieku mówisz ?
Patrząc na normalnego człowieka widzisz jego hp/sp/mp/stamine/ilość_litrów_kri/poziom_inteligencji/etc ?
Może o tetrisie nawijasz, gdzie widać kolejny bloczek który wyjedzie ? Bo na pewno nie o MO.

Wspomniano tu o autoblocku, ale czytać to już kurwa nie łaska, bo po co ?
Your defense is higher and you have a small chance to auto-block incoming blows.

"Smal chance" to "oczywiście" po polsku "100% chance".
Ale o strzałach czy broni białej ześlizgującej się po pancerzu w zależności od zadawanego ciosu, to już pomyśleć nikt nie raczył.

Nie chce mi sie tu nawijać. Normalnie gorzej niż na

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2008, 10:58 
Ty sie zastanawiasz chociaz sekunde przed wklepaniem czegos w klawiature, czy przychodzi ci to zupelnie bez wczesniejszego namyslu? Patrzac na normalnego czlowieka widzisz jego hp/sp/etc. - tak. Reszte tez da sie stwierdzic, jesli podniosles wystarczajaco wysoko percepcje - np. jesli dostrzezesz kogos, kto wylazi z kibla w (night) robe, ma podpuchniete oczy (od czytania starozytnych manuskryptow) i trzyma w reku, ew. pod pacha, jakis magiczny scroll to zdecydowanie znaczy, ze jest to mag i ma niewiele staminy, a do tego doslownie wysral sie z pokladow many i najprawdopodobniej przez nastepne pare godzin nie bedzie w stanie rzucic nastepnego fireballa. Mozesz zauwazyc wiele rzeczy, ktorych nie zauwazysz w grze fantasy MMORPG z uwagi na ograniczenia technologiczne. Tak samo ma sie sprawa jesli chodzi o jego reakcje na pewne twoje zachowania i np. ataki - predkosc z jaka bedzie staral sie ich unikac (jesli w ogole itd.). W grze tego nie ma i nie bedzie, bo MMORPG to nie symulator. Rozumisz? Ok.

MO wzoruje sie na UO, w UO w kazdym momencie mogles obserwowac health bary dowolnej ilosci osob bedacych w twoim zasiegu. W grze PVP powinienes miec mozliwosc obserwowania hp przeciwnika lub (jesli wynajda inny system) byc caly czas w stanie stwierdzic czy ma 95 czy moze 10% hp.


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2008, 11:41 
Ja sie zastanawiam czy Ty choć przez ćwierć sekundy ogarniasz całą cytowaną kwestię ?
Bo gwoli sprostowania, plułem do zaznaczania cudzego avatara, nad którym wyskakujei olśniewający pasek z HP. Przyjamniej JA tak zrozumiałem wypowiedź przedmówcy.
Świecisz ?

Bo co do MO, to nie mam wątpliwości że jakikolwiek tzw. fatigue będzie istniał. Pytanie tylko czy będzie to również widoczne w samych animacjach avatarów, czy tylko przez wygląd zewnętrzny.

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2008, 13:12 
To moze tak... Wyskakujace paski z HP to dobre rozwiazanie w grze RPG.


Posty: 1388
Dołączył(a): 14.02.2002
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2008, 16:35 
Robia wrazenie ludzi , ktorzy znaja sie na rzeczy[Lepsze niz ekipa dfo]. widze ten tytul optymistycznie.

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