https://hackernoon.com/how-it-feels-to- ... .gr6sq4kpsim dalej w las tym lepiej
So if you wouldn’t include the libraries directly in a CDN, how would you do it?
-I would transpile it from Typescript using a Webpack + SystemJS + Babel combo.
Typescript? I thought we were coding in JavaScript!
-Typescript IS JavaScript, or better put, a superset of JavaScript, more specifically JavaScript on version ES6. You know, that sixth version we talked about before?
I thought ES2016+ was already a superset of ES6! WHY we need now this thing called Typescript?
-Oh, because it allows us to use JavaScript as a typed language, and reduce run-time errors. It’s 2016, you should be adding some types to your JavaScript code.
And Typescript obviously does that.
-Flow as well, although it only checks for typing while Typescript is a superset of JavaScript which needs to be compiled.
Sigh… and Flow is?
-It’s a static type checker made by some guys at Facebook. They coded it in OCaml, because functional programming is awesome.
OCaml? Functional programming?
-It’s what the cool kids use nowadays man, you know, 2016? Functional programming? High order functions? Currying? Pure functions?
I have no idea what you just said.
-No one does at the beginning. Look, you just need to know that functional programming is better than OOP and that’s what we should be using in 2016.
taki JS landscape z przymrozeniem oka
a to zdanie
It’s what the cool kids use nowadays man, you know, 2016? Functional programming? High order functions? Currying? Pure functions?
to jak bym czytal posty Alda, ktory wydaje sie byc takim wlasnie lamusem
duzo jarania sie jakims gownem ktore wszyscy normalni ludzi maja w dupie