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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 15 kwi 2006, 11:55 
jaki przepakowany LS lol....
4 completne reliki :o

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 15 kwi 2006, 12:52 
swordsman napisał(a):
jaki przepakowany LS lol....
4 completne reliki :o

CC za osiem lat tez bedzie mial!!!

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Posty: 2291
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 15 kwi 2006, 12:55 
mrynar napisał(a):
swordsman napisał(a):
jaki przepakowany LS lol....
4 completne reliki :o

CC za osiem lat tez bedzie mial!!!

No tak, ale za osiem lat beda juz Relic ver. 2 albo ewentualnie Relic+1(0) :]

Hana wa Sakuragi,
Hito wa Watashi...


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 15 kwi 2006, 13:03 
Na tego chlevnika tez bym sie przeszedl!

Spharai ladny dmg robia! ale taki uber monk i jajko nosi...

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 17:44 
Fajne sa takie szybkie limbusy.

Mamy nowego WHMa, na Ultimie sie szczegolnie przyda.

Desh --> staraj sie szybko 75 zrobic. Na 73 mozemy cie brac czasem do naszych merit party.


1. Bodziu 33

2. Zjawcia 26

3. Zetoriush 25

4. Stokrotka 23

5. Galenros 18

Napiszcie kto chce w tym tygodniu monety na AF. Mysle ze jest realna szansa na upgrade dla dwoch pierwszych osob.


Moja propozycja kalndarza:

Czwartek (Thursday) 20.04 - Temenos Center - Ultima!

Poniedzialek (Monday) 24.04 - Apollyon SW - chip bierze Galenros

(tu ja i Anc wyjezdzamy, ktos bedzie musial sie podjac prowadzenia tabelki i trzymania banku)

Czwartek (Thursday) 27.04 - Apollyon NW - chip bierze Galenros

Poniedzialek (Monday) 01.05 - Apollyon SE - chip bierze Zjawcia

Czwartek (Thursday) 04.05 - Apollyon SW - chip bierze Zjawcia

Poniedzialek (Monday) 08.05 - Apollyon NW - chip bierze Zjawcia

(tu powinienem juz wrocic z Anc z urlopu)

Czwartek (Thursday) 11.05 - Apollyon CE - Omega

potem nam zostanie jeszcze jeden set na Omege i dalej chyba bedzie trzeba znowu przeplatac Temenosy i Apollyony (dla itemow na AFy) i co jakis czas robic na zmiane Omege i Ultime).

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 18:37 
hehe ale chamstwo, swoj rekord z SATA pobilem na Hucku :lol: 2800+ bodajze hehehe
az mi sie zatesknilo :lol:

a Desh nie chodzi z drugim statikiem? :o

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 18:45 
swordsman napisał(a):

a Desh nie chodzi z drugim statikiem? :o

Juz nie.

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 19:38 
wielkie dzieki opi ze mi przypisales punkty ale dajcie spokuj heh
daj je huckowi
ja nawet nie wiem czy bede na limbusy chodzil i czy bede chodzil z wami heh, ja mialem fun, gdyby nie huck nie pogralbym sobie :P
z wdziecznosci moze mi jakas monete za to odpali kiedys jak bede potrzebowal :lol:

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 21:21 
przed chwila wrocilam do domu :)

mi bardzo zalezy na coinach - potrzebuje 20 sztuk na zupgradowanie kolejnego AFa :)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 17 kwi 2006, 22:03 
Hihihihi ;P Huck nie trafil Shark Bite ;]
Sorka Huck musze sie dowartosciowywac :D

Very nice fight :)


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 05:54 
Mam nadzieje, ze nam dzisiaj maintance nie zrobia. Pamietac o Limbusie, a nie zabiegac sie gdzies w Al Zhabi ;P


Posty: 1265
Dołączył(a): 14.01.2005
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 07:20 
o 21 ruszamy, wczesniej nie dam z RL sie wyrobic

zreszta tak bylo ustalone wczesniej

Ancover Elvaan WHM 75 / RDM 71 / BLM 40 / SMN 53
Merity: ~90 :wink:
Alchemy 100+6/Clothcraft 92+2


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 08:39 
moze ktos by wrzucil jakas taktyke na Ultime? ;)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 08:50 
Cytuj ... 85#1941685

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 1497
Dołączył(a): 25.11.2003
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 08:54 
Gadalem z ludzmi i mam kilka tipow, ale to przez runem uzgodnimy


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 08:56 
Jak bedziecie w grze to powysylajcie PMy do naszych obcokrajowcow ze jest Ultima i zeby byli na 100%. Bez full skladu moze byc ciezko.

Co powiecie na taki sklad:

P1 Rhaegal, Zjawcia, Oraichu NIN, Ancover, Zetoriush SMN, Valyana

P2 Galenros, Opiekun, Xavery, Pitia, Huckster

P3 Stokrotka, Gokulo, Bodziu, Fozhar, Revan BLM, Deshter


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 09:03 
Strategia 1
my limbus ls beat this on our first try about 1-2weeks ago with about 10min remaining.. just wanted to post a quick outline of our fight for those interested and possibly planning to do this fight soon. i know when we did this i was searching alot on the net but found little information on this fight.

when you enter there are a series of chests, they contain monsters that drop ancient coins. we didnt open any of them because we wanted as much time for ultima as we could get (though we did almost get lost on the way to ultima >____________________> )

rough strat:
first 50% is easy, its like a normal fight, just make sure tanks are always at 100% health (really important) because he's got some nasty moves that will do alot of damage.

equilizer is aoe damage move as well as resets hate, so watch for it...

we ran into our first snag when he did a move called armor buster on us, large AOE move for alot of damage , caught us offguard and few people died.. spent next little bit just recovering. he did it again later in the fight but seemed to do less damage (dont think anyone died the second time)

not sure when, but ultima will then begin to use a move called Citadel Buster... ok this move is really lame, but it became sorta funny when he kept spamming it, and you get to see people being nuked (literally)

basically he locks onto 1 target for 30s and begins to countdown... after the countdown is over he basically blows up that person and everyone around him =/ (does like 1-2k damage~ easily) you can run away when you are targetted but its not a good idea cause you will prolly kill your teammates, i suggest just standing in the middle away from everyone. (he does however draw in sometimes and also noticed he draws in people not necessarily the target of citadel buster [not 100%sure, just recalling from what i remember])
the idea is to get everyone to zerg him during this time until like 10s remains then have everyone run away, this can work because during the countdown, he will not change targets and so you dont need to worry about pulling hate and having him blow you up (though you'll prolly be his next target lol ) only problem is.. in theory this is great, but often its hard to know who its targetted so for the first few ones we had people jus scatter and hope it wasnt on them...
however, i believe if you type /assist <t> or <bt> while targetting ultima, you target will switch to whoever he has his citadel buster is on (will have to test it out next time)

we had 3 tanks, but we still got caught with all three of them weakened at one point in the fight and had to get in a war/nin to keep ultima busy till one of them recovered....

also i believe around 50% , ultima will put up a shield, and will become either invulnerable to magic or melee (mana shield and energy shield respectively). im not 100% sure but it seemed to us that during the last 50% of his life, he always had one of the two shields up
good idea is to Skillchain when he has his energy shield up , even though does 0 damage for WS , a chain will occur and mages can burst
(sams and /sam are good here because they will still be able to build tp during his shield)

thats as much as i can think of for now... was really fun and hope we get to do it again sometime...

btw 2x nashira seraweels dropped for those wondering

not sure on our exact setup but we had something like
PT1: nin nin nin whm whm brd
PT2: whm drk war war sam mnk
PT3: blm blm blm rdm rdm whm

Strategia 2

Here's a copy of what I put on my LS boards for quick reference. We took 2PLDs to this one and had me on NIN as a backup. I'd fully recommend using NIN's for this fight, PLD tanking is horribly difficult. We quickly realized this and swapped tanking styles fairly early into the fight.

BRD and SMN buffs were amazing when tanking him. I'm glad that Pitlith helped me out and basically said in chat what I was saying over Ventrilo. The Fenrir ACC+EVA BP and Mambos are freaking awesome. They were so strong that you could realistically do Ni --> Ni tanking on regular attacks until you finally get ripped apart by one of his moves. Take a NIN (or a few) and go hard into evading everything.

I can give a few estimates in terms of damage, fill in anything that I've got listed as innaccurate or totally wrong.

Citadel Buster (~2088 DMG) - 30 Second countdown in /say. Counts in 5 second increments until 5 then counts down to zero. No attacks made while Proto-Ultima is counting down. Blast will be centered on current hate target and perform a short range devastating AoE outward from the target.

Armor Buster (~400-600 DMG) - Physical AoE, Blinkable and longer range. This move usually took multiple shadows when performed. This move was probably the worst one he does due to the fact that he usually takes a few people down with it.

Equalizer (~400-600 DMG) - Physical AoE, Blinkable and longer range. This move usually took multiple shadows when performed. Did this inflict paralyze?

Antimatter (~1500 DMG) - Single Target move that bypasses Utsusemi. No idea if this is a hate reset move or not.

Wire Cutter (~1200 DMG) - Single Target move that bypasses Utsusemi. Garret (Galka PLD) took one and kept going. No idea if this is a hate reset move or not. Did this inflict paralyze?

AoE Global Dispel + Terrorize - It took off everything except for Signet and "Level Restriction" (instanced zone) including food. The dispel also left mutltiple people terrorized after use.

"Slow" - Chemical Bomb? - The slow move pegged an Utsusemi: Ni recast to 1:30 seconds (Like a Roc Massacre Elegy) but was removed by Erase. No idea if this was single target or AoE.

Holy II (~900-1100 DMG) - He seemed to do this to random targets. It is blinkable and very easy to spot when it occurs. Whether effect while fighting him was always double Light.

"Silence" - Turbo Fan? - He performed a silence move in that fight that required an echo drop to clear. I'm not sure if the name remains the same from the Airship BC.

Nuclear Waste - No icons visible on icon status bar, CNTL-E will show all elemental resists -50.

Physical (Particle) Shield/Magic (Mana) Shield - Cycling Physical and Magical invulnerabilities.

"Virus" - Flame Thrower? - What inflicted Virus? I had that on me for a short time and never saw it again. If it matches the Airship BC, it should be Flame Thrower.

Average hits were pounding me for ~460 per connect as NIN (Comparable to Fenrir).

Recovering hate after a death took me over a minute to 1:30 (~3 Provokes, Warcry, Berserk, Defender) after I was unweakened as a NIN. It was very hard to recover a high hate position late in the fight as a NIN.

Here are several screenshots from the fight.

Proto-Ultima 1
Proto-Ultima 2
Proto-Ultima 3 <---Check Icon bar (Food was dispelled)

Citadel Buster
Proto-Ultima Drops

The time limit on this fight is 60 Mins.

We built TP outside with Opo Opo necklaces and Sleep potions and the TP was carried into the area. Looking at it now, this could be done with a Chest pop at the start on a Mandragora.

The AoE dispell removes food.

We popped a chest before fighting and it spawned a fairly easy White Mandragora type enemy with alot of HP. After it's death it dropped two Ancient Beastcoins. I'm unsure whether these were made to reward the people that can kill Ptoto-Ultima faster or if they were for external TP building. The 60 min fight got within 10 mins even with us opening a starter chest so I'm assuming you can do a few of them to grab coin rewards. Since this was our first run and we were still learning, I think we'll be popping as many as possible next time and bring multiple NIN tanks instead of 1.

Take reraise hairpins with you so you save mage MP and don't get shafted with R1. Citadel Buster is definately going to kill people. I don't know if there is anyway to have a tank come out of this fight without XP loss.

Need to know who is about to get annihilated with Citadel Buster?

/assist <t>
/wait 1
/p Proto-Ultima's target = <t>

I jeszcze informacje od Valyany:

Opi - skład OK

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 09:16 
Nie wiem czy na sub miec niedolevelowanego WHMa czy niedolevelowanego THFa (ale juz z SATA :D )?

DMG chyba mimo wszystko nawiekszy zrobie z Chi, a do tego bylby najlepszy WHM. Z drugiej jednak strony nawet stoneskina nie mam jeszcze, a blastem mozna walic tez z subem THFa czy WARa.


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 09:19 
Opiekun - Ultima jest Light based - wg mnie Chi też jest Light.

Dlatego jak mamy robic też skillchainy - to Darkness onry.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 20 kwi 2006, 10:46 
Ponieważ Ultimę się tankuje a nie kiteuje to ja z Opem mogę robić SC. Od czego jest Asuran Fist> Cross Reaper/Spiral Hell :D
Powinniśmy dać radę.

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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