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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 27 mar 2005, 22:30 
Jak wiecie wraz z najnowszym patchem pety stracily resisty(te ktore je mialy ) i ogolnie hunterzy zostali nieco oslabieni. Placz na forach byl wielki i nie pozostal bez odpowiedzi zreszta zobaczcie sami:


Here's the start of the feedback results, folks. It's not much, but I figured I would bring it to you as I receive it since spirits are low with the patch.

Now then. Any Hunter past level 10 understands that the pet is, at the least, supposed to be an integral part of the Hunter's arsenal, and there have been a variety of pets out there that have differed in resistances, attack speed, etc. However, with recent patches, much of this has been removed, and thus one of the major concerns of the Hunter is that their pet is growing steadily weaker and more homogenized. While we have stated that these changes are paving the way for more customization, we haven't been able to give much detail on what's being worked on in that regard recently...

Here is some of that detail for you now.

Pets currently have many, many training points, more than they can currently spend. It is the intent of the developers to present the Hunter with a wide variety of abilities for one's pet that will utilize those training points, enough so that the Hunter will have to pick and choose which abilities their pets will specialize in. This will result in a more interactive way of making your pet more effective, while at the same time making pets more individualized.

Here are the "types" of abilities they currently plan to include in this new pet training customization:

* Active Abilities: abilities consciously used, such as poison, increased speed, and damage mitigation.

* Passive Abilities: abilities always "on" that, for example, increase attributes (such as Strength and Stamina), armor, and resistances.

* AI Abilities: abilities automatically used in certain situations by your pet, such as becoming enraged.

It is the hopes of the developers that this new system will dispel the feeling that all pets are the same and help them become more effective in battle.

(More information
is to come in time -- this is just the start.)


A tu jakas tajemnicza lista do ktorej link tez znalalzem na forum jednak nie chcialo mi sie wczytywac skad to jest i co to wlasciwie jest:)Imo to jakies zgadywnaki czy cus:

Posty: 15
Dołączył(a): 29.01.2005
PostNapisane: 28 mar 2005, 02:05 
Widać przyszedł w końcu czas na dopieszczenie naszej klasy bo Cay ostatio coraz częsciej wpada na forum Huntera (US). Teraz przygotowywana jest lista zapytań do developerow, która wyglada całkiem obiecująco:
Here is the first draft of the list I plan on sending to the development team and discussing with them. Please read both the disclaimer and the full list before replying.

DISCLAIMER: This list is not for suggestions, bug fixes, or ETAs. Issues such as the Pet Run Speed Bug are known and are on their way to being fixed. This list is for the major concerns of the way the Hunter plays. Please keep that in mind when giving feedback or additions.

ALSO, there is no guarantee that I will get answers to every single question across the board for you; these will be our discussion points, however, and I will do my best to get everything I can to you.


The DPS Dilemma

After the most recent patch, Hunters have become increasingly concerned with their DPS. With the quiver change, changing timers on certain activated shots, the Spire Spiderling attack speed decrease, and certain attack power buffs no longer affecting ranged attacks, the players are understandably distressed about this noticeable dip in damage.

My questions along this line are as follows:

# Is the Hunter a DPS class? Where is their DPS supposed to fall compared to the Mage and the Rogue? Is the Hunter’s pet factored into their DPS balance?
# With the recent changes to melee/ranged attack power, will there be more ranged attack power effects and items placed in the game to compensate for the loss?
# Is the quiver change working as intended? Many Hunters have reported a bonus less than what is advertised on the tooltip.
# How do you feel the Hunter’s DPS is as the class plays right now? Are there any changes coming to this area? If so, what?

My Buddy and Me

Naturally, one of the staples of the Hunter class is the pet. In the late game, however, players report that their boon companions are no longer the off-tanks they once were, and feel weak. Many Hunters opt to leave their pet at the door when they go into a raid.

# What are your thoughts behind the relative power of a pet in the end-game? Where should it be in regards to off-tanking and damage? Are they at that point now? If not, will the proposed pet changes bring them to that level?
# Can any details be given regarding the new pet customization, such as an example of a particular ability or two, or a more comprehensive explanation of how the system will work? Will current pets be given the option to retrain? Will abilities be restricted based on pet family?
# What is the purpose of a pet in a group or raid post-50? Are they considered a DoT? An off-tank? Crowd control?
# Some Hunters are curious about operating without a pet entirely. How integral is the pet to the design of the Hunter class? Would a pet-less Hunter be a viable choice? Is there anything planned to make this an option for Hunters?

The Dead Zone

This has some bearing in fighting monsters, but is more prominent in PvP: there is a “Dead Zone” for Hunters where they cannot utilize the majority of their damage-dealing abilities. This is different from, say, Mages, who can still use their ranged spells when in close combat (at a serious disadvantage).
# Are there any plans to allow Hunters to use their ranged abilities up close (while being much less effective)? If not, can you explain the philosophy behind the “Dead Zone” and its function in PvP combat?
# Are there plans to give Hunters more options to keep people at range, such as a Knockback or an opposite Blink?

No Thanks, I’ll Take a Rogue

Hunters are finding their class to be near the bottom of the list in terms of group attractiveness. A five-man party is very limiting, and as such it’s important that every member contribute as much as they can. In the end-game, the Hunter is having difficulty finding its niche and defining what unique qualities it brings to a group.

# What qualities does a Hunter – and only a Hunter – bring to the table in terms of a five-man group that would make them an asset and a worthy choice to a five-man group?
# Are there any plans to add more desirability to the class along these lines, such as extra utility?

Isn’t Survival Supposed to Help Me Survive?

Of the high-level Hunters across the realms, you’ll be lucky if you find one specialized in the Survival talent tree. The Hunter’s two main draws are 1) ranged damage, and 2) a pet, covered by the two other talent trees. While enhancing the traps and melee attacks is certainly an option, the tree is not nearly as attractive as the other two, and the “ultimate” talent, Lacerate, pales in comparison to Trueshot Aura and Spirit Bond.

# Lacerate, at rank 3 (level 60), does 133 damage. This seems somewhat weak for a 31-point talent. Are there any plans to improve this ability?
# Will the Survival talent tree be reviewed to make it a more viable choice for a Hunter?

My Purse is Light, and I’m Not Talking Dyes

Being a Hunter is an expensive practice. With ammunition costs, food/cooking supplies, and a distinct lack of bag space in comparison with all other classes, the end result is not much money. While this can be alleviated somewhat by taking Engineering and thus making your own ammunition, bow enthusiasts have no such option, and even with this profession Hunters are hard-put to save for a rainy day.

# Are there plans for a Fletcher/Bowyer profession at some point to support bows as much as guns?
# Are Hunter upkeep costs taken into effect when it comes to training fees? Are there any plans to shift the cost of being a Hunter somewhat?
# Are there any plans to help alleviate the sheer amount of saving (in comparison to other classes) needed to get a mount?

That Isn’t Frost Nova!

A seemingly “minor” point, but critical in certain situations – the Freeze Trap has the same art as the Mage’s Frost Nova. What often happens is that a tank – believing the Mage of the group is in trouble – will run and break the trap instead of leaving it be. Different art on the trap would help a great deal.


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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 28 mar 2005, 09:07 
No wlasnie ten post to pierwsza czesc odpowiedzi na pytania ktore przekazal Caydiem


Posty: 269
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2004
PostNapisane: 28 mar 2005, 14:52 
moze w koncu cos sie zmienie i nie bede dostawal co chwile od jakiegos rouga po zadzie :P

pytania ktore przekazal Caydiem

przekazała to jest ona :D


i po pathu hunter dorobil sie nowego buga :) pet lubi czasem w trakcie walki rzucic sie na innego moba/gracza

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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 6 kwi 2005, 18:46 
Kolejna dobra nowina z forum , tym razem dotycząca umięjetnosci "track hidden"
a mianowicie:
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager napisał(a):
The stealth detection for this ability will be increased in the next patch. It should hopefully make this a more viable option.

Oraz umiejetnosc "scatter shot" ktora to powinna byc instant:

This is fixed in the next patch. You'll be able to use it when moving. :)

It should also no longer interrupt ranged combat.


Posty: 64
Dołączył(a): 12.03.2005
PostNapisane: 7 kwi 2005, 01:20 
Moze wiec pogram znowu na dzien dzisiejszy odstawilem go na bok...


Posty: 356
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2005
PostNapisane: 7 kwi 2005, 07:05 
ale dalej nie ma rozwiązania pet speed buga, wzrostu kosztów utrzymania zwierząt (od patcha 1.3 szybkość gdzie moje zwierze traci nastrój jest zatrważająca)obniżenia dps i ukrycia tego w perfidny sposób (twierdzą że nic nie zmieniali ale dodali tylko dps z pocisków/strzał) rażących niedosciągnięć w talentach i ogólnej przydatności zwierzaka w instancach od BRD i wyżej

w liste tych skilli ciężko mi uwierzyć raczej podchodzę sceptycznie... wolałbym np mieć możliwość zrobienia zbroi dla zwierzaka.


Posty: 179
Dołączył(a): 5.12.2004
PostNapisane: 7 kwi 2005, 11:17 
sirek popieram twój pomysł o możliwości robienia zbroi dla peta-
brzmy całkiem fajnie :D

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 7 kwi 2005, 12:46 
Dygi napisał(a):
sirek popieram twój pomysł o możliwości robienia zbroi dla peta-
brzmy całkiem fajnie :D

a nie lepiej sobie produkowac pety mechaniczne, ktore by mogly walczyc ? :) np. jakiegos transformera, hehe



Posty: 356
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2005
PostNapisane: 7 kwi 2005, 13:35 
źle rozumiesz słowo zbroja... chodzi mi o przedmiot zwiększający armor zwierzaka i np jakieś resisty na nim... jakieś obroże, maski (a niech tam to też "magiczne szelki" ) cokolwiek co zmieni wygląd tych zwierzą i ich cechy bo wszyscy biegają z King B i to wygląda żałośnie.


Posty: 269
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2004
PostNapisane: 8 kwi 2005, 01:51 
fakt ze zwierzakami niech lepiej cos zrobia, dodatkowe skille + mozliwosc zakladanie jakichs itemow. jeszce jak by dodli opcje hodowli to juz by byla paranoja.

co do king B, wiekszosc z nim biegala bo mial fajne resisty, ja go chwycilem (na 42 levelu jakos sie udalo)pare dni przed pathem bo po prostu fajnie wyglada. no nic trza bedzie sie potem rozejrzec za jakims innym kotkiem

..::Char profile::..


Posty: 2872
Dołączył(a): 18.05.2004
PostNapisane: 8 kwi 2005, 02:55 
Zakhan napisał(a):
fakt ze zwierzakami niech lepiej cos zrobia, dodatkowe skille + mozliwosc zakladanie jakichs itemow. jeszce jak by dodli opcje hodowli to juz by byla paranoja.

co do king B, wiekszosc z nim biegala bo mial fajne resisty, ja go chwycilem (na 42 levelu jakos sie udalo)pare dni przed pathem bo po prostu fajnie wyglada. no nic trza bedzie sie potem rozejrzec za jakims innym kotkiem

mm raczej dla tego że potrafi dogonic spokojnie kogoś uciekającego na mouncie (podobno nawet na mouncie 100%)


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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 8 kwi 2005, 08:09 
Resisity to mial min. snarler alew ja go sobie stamowalem i tak juz po patchu dla wygladu:) Natomiast co do szybkosci poruszania sie peta(w czasie ataku) oraz szybkosci ataku(gryzienia,drapani,kasania wroga :P )
to planuja tz wywalic te "wyjatkowe "pety jako bugol:

It'll be in addition to the Beast Mastery tree to my knowledge, Stuckmojo.

I'm sorry if you folks feel that was doublespeak. I was attempting to give you the information I received without saying something that you would use to hang me should something change. Perhaps I should break it down a little more...

1) There are no plans to change Broken Tooth's attack speed to my knowledge at this time.

2) There is currently a bug that allows tamed pets to keep their wild attack speed.

3) There are plans to allow Hunters to customize their pet's attack speed.

4) We are not implementing the bug fix until the above change is in place.

5) The Spire Spiderling change was not a Hunter balance change but an encounter change -- wild speeds may be changed for that reason at some point in the future, which will affect Hunters if this takes place before the bug fix/implementation.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager

believe approach speed is in a similar position as attack speed. There will be ways to customize it, but until that time the pets that have differing approach speeds will stay as-is.

Tak wiec olewam niedlugo k.b bo niedlugo juz nie bedize taki wyjatkowy :) a podleveluje jakiegos zwierzaka z rare spawnu dla wyjatkowego wygladu:) O ile rozumiem dzieki training points sam bede mogl dostosowac peta do swoich wymagan i stylu gry wiec nie bedzie zle.

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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 10:48 
Naobiecywala jak to nam beda robic dobrze a tu kolejny patch kolejne nerfy. Oto jak wdlug jednego z graczy us wygladalo dlugo obiecywane spotkanie na temat "jak uczynic huntera bardziej wartosciowa klasa"

Caydiem: So like, I was reading the forums right? And the hunters are complaning, ;)

Blizz Dev1: LOL...

Blizz Dev2: ROFL

Blizz Dev3: LMAO

Blizz Dev4: Hunters? what are they?

Caydiem: You know, that class you created during beta but didn't really finish ;)

Blizz dev4: O, LOL, now I remember, that class was created as a joke, they released that class by mistake

Caydiem: Well now they're like complaining n stuff about how weak they are ;)

Blizz Dev1: LOL, ok... lemme see, we can just make some changes to that class you know ~ change some stuff or something

Blizz Dev2: LOL, yeah, we don't want complains...

Blizz Dev3:like we care...

Blizz Dev4: ROFL...

Caydiem: lolk, what are you gonna change? ;)

Blizz dev2: They got pets right?

Caydiem: yeah and they're complaining about pets being useless n stuff

Blizz Dev2: LOL, lets nerf pet DPS!!!

Blizz Dev1: LOL...

Blizz Dev3: LMAO, lets do it, LOL, ZING!

Blizz Dev2: ZING!

Blizz Dev1: lets make it so they can't damage warriors, how can we do that?

Blizz Dev2:we can make the ranged attacks only work on low level defense, so like a warrior with + defense items can't be damage by hunters

Blizz Dev3:nice

Blizz Dev4: LMAO you evil bastard

Blizz Dev2: thanks,

Blizz Art Consultant: I've been asleep the whole meeting, what's going on?

Caydiem: nerfing hunters

Blizz Art Consultant : OH LOL, imma make the beast stalker set ugly

Everyone: LOL...

(Fangtooth walks in...)

Fangtooth: GRlrlrlrlrlrlrlrllrlrrlrlrllrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl......

Everyone: ...

Blizz Dev1: meeting is over, what did we talk about again?

Blizz Dev2: Whatever, I'm going to Play my shaman now, I'm WTF PWNING everyone!!!

Blizz Dev3: LOL, wait till my undead rogue is 60!!

Blizz Dev4: LOL, I pwnt you with easy

End of meeting...


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 11:13 
Może mi ktoś wytłumaczyć w czym problem?

Sam gram teraz hunterem (orc) i uważam że to świetna klasa, w PvE rządzi niepodzielnie, w PvP też jest świetny. Więc w czym rzecz?

Ja mam tygryska złapanego w Durotarze na 8 lvlu, w tej chwili mój hunter ma 42 lvl, 1.30 attack speed, 50 dps, używam tylko claw rank 6, nie muszę nawet używac growl, bo skubaniec świetnie trzyma aggro.
Ten temat to dla mnie wielka zagadka...


Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 11:37 
Ano wlasnie. Jedyna klasa z jaka jeszcze nie udalo mi sie wygrac w PvP to wlasnie Hunter (z szamanem jeszcze nie mialem przyjemnosci w 'wyrownanej' walce). Gram warlockiem.


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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 11:41 
No to teraz twoj pet bedzie robil duzo mniejsze dps(;udzei ktorzy to testowali pisza nawet o 30%)oraz bedziesz mial problem zeby wogole trafic warriorow i paladynow (tez wedlug ludzi grajacych an testowych serwerach)


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 11:50 
Mój znajomy, ma znajomego, który mówił że jego znajomy...

poczekamy, zobaczymy... nic takiego w path notes nie widziałem...

Zawsze najwyraźniej słychać marudy, nawet jeżeli DPS zostanie zmniejszony to pewnie będzie coś w zamian...

Np wiekszy wpływ talentów z drzewka beast...

Zawsze jest dużo krzyku o byle co a wystarczy godzina żeby się dostosować...

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Posty: 2708
Dołączył(a): 10.08.2003
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 11:57 
No skoro malo widzisz malo wiesz i wszytko jest dla ciebie zagadka to ci powiem o co chodzi. Mowila mi to osoba grajaca na us (o spadku dps peta) wdzialem screeny oraz pisze o tym mnostwo osob na forum. Zapewne nie wiesz iz ten patch jest juz zaimplementowany na test serwerze...

O zmianach w walce na dystans jest w patch notes... A krzyk jest min. wlsnie o to iz o nerfnieciu dps petow nie ma ani slowa.


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 9 kwi 2005, 12:32 
e tam...

może i to prawda... co i tak, mam głeboko gdzieś...

Widzisz Vercin, mimo że gram i uwilebiam huntera to mi żyła na czoło wychodzi za każdym razem jak słysze coś o nerfowaniu.

Jestem za to ciekawy jak na screenie wygląda spadek DPS petów.

Jak ten patch będzie na normalnych serverach to pogadamy... może nawet spróbuje się odrobinkę zdenerwować jak już będzie ten nerf.

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