Naobiecywala jak to nam beda robic dobrze a tu kolejny patch kolejne nerfy. Oto jak wdlug jednego z graczy us wygladalo dlugo obiecywane spotkanie na temat "jak uczynic huntera bardziej wartosciowa klasa"
Caydiem: So like, I was reading the forums right? And the hunters are complaning,
Blizz Dev1: LOL...
Blizz Dev2: ROFL
Blizz Dev3: LMAO
Blizz Dev4: Hunters? what are they?
Caydiem: You know, that class you created during beta but didn't really finish
Blizz dev4: O, LOL, now I remember, that class was created as a joke, they released that class by mistake
Caydiem: Well now they're like complaining n stuff about how weak they are
Blizz Dev1: LOL, ok... lemme see, we can just make some changes to that class you know ~ change some stuff or something
Blizz Dev2: LOL, yeah, we don't want complains...
Blizz Dev3:like we care...
Blizz Dev4: ROFL...
Caydiem: lolk, what are you gonna change?
Blizz dev2: They got pets right?
Caydiem: yeah and they're complaining about pets being useless n stuff
Blizz Dev2: LOL, lets nerf pet DPS!!!
Blizz Dev1: LOL...
Blizz Dev3: LMAO, lets do it, LOL, ZING!
Blizz Dev2: ZING!
Blizz Dev1: lets make it so they can't damage warriors, how can we do that?
Blizz Dev2:we can make the ranged attacks only work on low level defense, so like a warrior with + defense items can't be damage by hunters
Blizz Dev3:nice
Blizz Dev4: LMAO you evil bastard
Blizz Dev2: thanks,
Blizz Art Consultant: I've been asleep the whole meeting, what's going on?
Caydiem: nerfing hunters
Blizz Art Consultant : OH LOL, imma make the beast stalker set ugly
Everyone: LOL...
(Fangtooth walks in...)
Fangtooth: GRlrlrlrlrlrlrlrllrlrrlrlrllrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl......
Everyone: ...
Blizz Dev1: meeting is over, what did we talk about again?
Blizz Dev2: Whatever, I'm going to Play my shaman now, I'm WTF PWNING everyone!!!
Blizz Dev3: LOL, wait till my undead rogue is 60!!
Blizz Dev4: LOL, I pwnt you with easy
End of meeting...