"In Legion, as soon as you zone into a PvP instance, the stats on your gear will be nullified, and you'll be given a pre-determined set of stats that's uniquely configured for your specialization. Furthermore, any set bonuses, enchants, Legendary bonuses, or trinket effects will be deactivated (although your Artifact and its related Artifact Powers will remain active).
The only contribution your gear will make to your overall power is through a small modifier based on your average item level. For every point that your average item level increases, your pre-determined PvP stats will increase by 0.1%. That means a 25 item level difference between two players only results in a 2.5% difference in stats, compared to the 25% difference it makes today. There’s still a little incentive to improve your gear – a concept we think is important for World of Warcraft – but the benefits are much less pronounced."
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/199943 ... 12-16-2015
embe napisał(a):
Szukasz gościa do zrobienia łazienki to przeglądasz jego papiery mistrzowskie czy (..) ewentualnie... bierzesz go z polecenia?
Nie ważne że inna skala ale tak to działa, taki misiewicz mógłby się okazać większym fachowcem niż richard od noszenia teczek.