Nice holidays for everybody
Most of you already know that with the arrival of New Frontiers Mythic introduced some new anti-cheat functions in game. After the release of the add-on in the US the implementation of these anti-cheat measures resulted in several waves of suspension of accounts, for gamers who were using for instance radar software. With the release of New Frontiers in Europe we also benefit from these counter-measures.
As you know, fighting cheaters has always been a priority on the DAoC servers. We plan to continue and even reinforce this policy, as you will clearly see this week. A wave of suspensions has been launched, concerning many players who have used third party programs since the launch of New Frontiers in Europe, in direct violation of the EULA rules accepted by all.
As Mythic did during the first phase, we are only going to suspend the accounts of the people identified as users of third party programs. But repeat offences, as well as any attempt at cheating from this week on, will be treated as it has always been : by a firm and direct ban. Consider this a friendly warning, and a strong invitation to stop cheating, for all those who still thought that cheating was a viable solution on our servers.
Just before Christmas, our first gift to the community is thus a drastic reduction of the number of cheaters on our servers. Don't forget that if you have not been banned or suspended this time, it doesn't mean you won't be next time. Fighting cheaters is a never ending job.
We wish you some nice holidays.