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Posty: 1106
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 01:43 
Ten template jest zajebiscie zaplanowany ,ja bym jednak w nim zmienil dwie rzeczy , mianowicie zamiast trenowac assasin peta(podobno jest sux) i silence , oszczedzic te 50 praktyk na trening dagger skilla , i uzywac shadow daggerow do walki.

Irekei / Mage / Assassin / Blood Prophet Template


=> Take Brilliant Mind rune = +10 INT, +10 max INT, costs 12 pts.
=> Subtract 5 pts from STR, DEX, CON and put ALL remaining pts. into INT.

Calculating Points:
Levels 2-19 = 18x5=90 + levels 20-29 = 10x4=40 + level 30-39 = 10x3=30 + levels 40-49 = 10x2=20 + level 50-59 = 10x1=10
So, 90+40+30+20+10 = 190 Total Stat/Ability Points

Starting Stats:
STR 30 - subtract 5, leave at 25, cost 0
DEX 55 - subtract 5, raise to 80, cost 30
CON 40 - subtract 5, raise to 90, cost 55
INT 50 - add 10 from rune, add 18 from creation points, raise to 120, cost 42
SPI 35 - raise to 85, cost 50

That's a total of 177 points to get the stats listed, AND leaves at least another 13 points at level 60 to use for INT and/or SPI runes.

Here are stats right after creation:
25 STR
50 DEX
35 CON
78 INT
35 SPI


Level 1: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 78 INT 35 SPI
Level 2: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 83 INT 35 SPI
Level 3: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 88 INT 35 SPI
Level 4: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 93 INT 35 SPI
Level 5: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 98 INT 35 SPI
Level 6: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 103 INT 35 SPI
Level 7: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 108 INT 35 SPI
Level 8: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 113 INT 35 SPI
Level 9: 25 STR 50 DEX 35 CON 118 INT 35 SPI
Level 10: 25 STR 50 DEX 38 CON 120 INT 35 SPI (MAXXED INT)
Level 11: 25 STR 50 DEX 43 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 12: 25 STR 50 DEX 48 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 13: 25 STR 50 DEX 53 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 14: 25 STR 50 DEX 58 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 15: 25 STR 50 DEX 63 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 16: 25 STR 50 DEX 68 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 17: 25 STR 50 DEX 73 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 18: 25 STR 50 DEX 78 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 19: 25 STR 50 DEX 83 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 20: 25 STR 50 DEX 87 CON 120 INT 35 SPI
Level 21: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 36 SPI (MAXXED CON)
Level 22: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 40 SPI
Level 23: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 44 SPI
Level 24: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 48 SPI
Level 25: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 52 SPI
Level 26: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 56 SPI
Level 27: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 60 SPI
Level 28: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 64 SPI
Level 29: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 68 SPI
Level 30: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 71 SPI
Level 31: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 74 SPI
Level 32: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 77 SPI
Level 33: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 80 SPI
Level 34: 25 STR 50 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 83 SPI
Level 35: 25 STR 51 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (MAXED SPI)
Level 36: 25 STR 54 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 37: 25 STR 57 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 38: 25 STR 60 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 39: 25 STR 63 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 40: 25 STR 65 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 41: 25 STR 67 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 42: 25 STR 69 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 43: 25 STR 71 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 44: 25 STR 73 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 45: 25 STR 75 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 46: 25 STR 77 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 47: 25 STR 79 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI
Level 48: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (STOP DEX, EXTRA PTS=1)
Level 49: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (3)
Level 50: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (4)
Level 51: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (5)
Level 52: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (6)
Level 53: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (7)
Level 54: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (
Level 55: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (9)
Level 56: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (10)
Level 57: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (11)
Level 58: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (12)
Level 59: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI (13)
Level 60: 25 STR 80 DEX 90 CON 120 INT 85 SPI

So 13 extra points to apply a +20 Max INT rune & a +20 Max SPI rune or whatever your preference. If you want, don't put so many into DEX and use more for an INT rune to help ATR if need be, that’s cool too. It's all up to you really.

Most +20 Max INT runes cost about 6 points each.

There is plenty of equipment with INT & SPI bonuses to get you to your additional +20 cap when you do apply +Max runes.

My recommendation is 1 +20 Max INT (so with eq you can cap at 140 INT) and 1 +20 Max SPI (so with eq you can cap at 105 SPI).


Calculating Points:
5x9=45 for levels 1-9, then it's 11x50=550 for levels 10-60 (and supposedly 11x9=99 for levels 61-70, but lets not even worry about those yet). So 45+550= 595 total points up to level 60

Because of 120 INT and 85 SPI you get a +16 and a +4 bonus, respectively, to your focus line skills on TOP of their already elevated base amounts.

ie. At level 1 after creation, dagger starts at ~30, warding, sorcery & shadowmastery start at ~20, etc.. And at level 35 when I propose to have maxed INT and SPI, these skills are already at ~40 for dagger, and ~30 for warding, sorcery, & shadowmastery before any training points are put into them.

PLUS, the first 10 trains you do on each skill in your focus lines, you get 2 trains for the price of 1.

Training 1-9:
=> Train NOTHING. do not train any points until you hit 10. At 10, first repledge to Khar, goto NE corner and promote to assassin, then train. Reason is, it’s a waste of time to train during levels 1-9 since it only takes about 1.5-2 hours to get to 10. Plus you need to save most of your points for your Shadowmastery and assassin spells.

Once You Promote to Assassin:
Concentrate spending about your first big round of points on :
Shielding, Shadowbolt, and Shadowmastery (Also don’t forget to get about 7 points into Warding in those early levels because spectral bonds and couple other of those spells will be useful early)

Once they start costing a good bit of gold (you’ll notice what I mean when they hit their gold caps per level-> $$$ cha ching!), start pouring points into Sorcery and Blood Boil along with your main 3 I listed above.

Then, as you level, and at the same time are really raising Shadowmastery a lot, you’ll notice you’ve fulfilled the requirements for certain major spells, and you can start putting about 2-3 points per level in them.

Do NOT train these:
(These are a waste of training points)
Mage Bolt, Aura of Silence, Plague of Blindness, Poison Blade, Backstab and any other weapon skill or weapon special attack. (You are a MAGE / CASTER Assassin, NOT a melee type. If you want to melee, go rogue assassin or look at an Elf Bladeweaver template)

Training 10-50:
=> Dagger -------------------> 0 trains=42 (no trains unless everything else is done and you have extra points)
=> Warding -----------------> 6 trains=42 (this gives you access to some semi-useful spells like Spectral Bonds, etc.)
=> Sorcery -----------------> 59 trains=100
=> Shadowmastery -------> 79 trains=120
=> Mage Bolt ---------------> 0 trains=1 (you won't use this ever again past lvl 9)
=> Shielding ---------------> 40 trains=GM ASAP (+250 def)
=> Blood Boil --------------> 40 trains=GM (your secondary DoT)
=> Shadowbolt ------------> 40 trains=GM (your main DD)
=> Blindness --------------> 40 trains=GM (this is one of your class defining spells, long recast timer sux, but it's an awesome spell. -50% ATR & DEF)
=> Cloak of Shadows ----> 40 trains=GM (+150 def & +15 cold resist)
=> Hide ---------------------> 36 trains (40 trains is not necessary to get 1 second hide, 18 is the requirement to get sneak)
=> Sneak -------------------> 40 trains=GM (only -10% running speed at GM)
=> Steal Breath -----------> 40 trains=GM (60% snare+DoT, your main DoT)
=> Shadow Touch --------> 10 (3 second stun, no recast or casting timer, instant cast, another class defining spell)
=> Shadow Mantle -------> 40 trains=GM (prevents being healed, another class defining spell)
=> Silence -----------------> 10 trains (prevents people from speaking in anyway, only allows emotes, nice for PvP)
=> Summon Darkspawn -> 40 trains=GM (40 trains=HUGE Pet, costs 33k gold per every train, lvl 50 spell, so start saving points and gold for this around lvl 47)
=> Astral Tether -----------> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (personal teleport to bind/ToL)
=> Passwall ----------------> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (self explainatory)
=> Lore of the Ancients --> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (item identify)
=> Greater Astral Tether -> 0 trains=Auto GM (group teleport to bind/ToL)

Blood Prophet:
(Rune is SE of Khar and go get it at level 20. Also, GM for discipline powers is 20 trains)
=> Sooth the Flame ------> 0 trains=Auto GM instantly (removes fire DoTs)
=> River of Life -----------> 10 trains only (10 train=150-250 pnt heal standing, 450-600 pnt heal sitting to any Irekei. WOOT!!)
=> Flame Trance ----------> 1 train only (nice health regen buff)
=> Blood Fire -------------> 20 trains=GM (your 3rd DoT)
=> Pass Through Fire ----> 1 train (nice fire resist buff)

There is no Flame Calling skill or focus line to train for Blood Prophet. This is currently the reason why Blood Fire has such a crappy ATR (around ~300 with 20 trains/GM). Because of this, it is virtually a useless DoT because on R2-R3+ mobs, it never hits. (total waste of mana). However, WP knows about this and it's slated to be fixed. I don't know if that means adding a focus skill or just upping it's ATR. I hope they just raise the ATR.

Additional semi-useful spells:
(These spells start at 1, do NOT waste points in them)
Enfeeblement, Weakening, Spectral Bonds, Chilling Shadows, Antidote, Counter Venom, Poison Tolerance, Reflection, and Slayer's Focus


Add those up and they equal 593 total skill points allocated out of a possible total of 595 through 60 levels. (leaves 2 extra for an oops)

Levels 61-70 (supposedly) give us 99 more points to mess with even after these trains which are of course under the 595 amount you get up to level 60.

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Posty: 529
Dołączył(a): 17.12.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 02:47 
Play shadowclan more?

League of Legends



Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 18.12.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 08:39 
Dodali teraz do Blood Propheta Flamecalling i trzeba tam wrzucic punkty albo tamten dot jest bezuzyteczny.
A z daggerem to raczej nie, bo zadaje male obrazenia i jest to raczej strata punktow.

Pozdrowienia z piekla. ;)


Posty: 716
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2002
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 13:48 
Popieram Mutanta co do daggerow.
Nie jestem pewien jak to bedzie wygladalo w praktyce ale ja buduje wlasnie mage/assassin ( lvl 13 teraz ) i zamiast daggers i innych mniej waznych rzeczy planuje urzyc luku. Runo juz kupilem i czekam teraz az dojde moim avatarem do lvl 20.
Pomyslalem sobie ze jesli i tak ona bedzie prawie czysty nuker to po co jej bron na bliski kontakt? Bedzie ona urzywala mana, jak to sie jej zkonczy a cel bedzie prawie martwy to wykonczy ona go lukiem.

Czekam na wasze opinie.


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 14:18 
Prawie martwy cel to przewaznie zdazy do Ciebie dobiec, a z bliska to juz lepiej chyba sie tym daggerem walczy, niz lukiem. Ale ja sie nie znam ;).


Posty: 716
Dołączył(a): 28.08.2002
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 14:22 
W SB nie ma tak ze jak urzywasz luku a ktos urzywa melee to ci koncentracje przerwie ( tak jak DAoC przykladowo).

No nie wiem, jeszcze sie nie urzylem tego runa. Czekam na dalsze opinie.


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 14:31 
Wiem, ze nie ma, zauwazylem :). To nie znaczy, ze nie bedzie ;))).

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Posty: 1106
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 14:40 
To mozna olac tego dota i hida i sneak zostawic na 21 i jeszcze wlozyc w daggery i backstab =P.Uzywajac shado dagggerow , ktore korzystaja z shadowastery zamiast dagger mastery i do tego z 90 dex i parom punktami w backstab mysle ze to bedzie uzyteczny dodatek dla assasina , w szczegolnosci dlatego ze masz zajebisty snare(steal breath) , stuna i stunnujacego nuka shadowbolt , co pozwoli poprostu dogonic bezproblemowo cel i bic daggerami.


Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 18.12.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 15:35 
Luk to chybiony pomysl, bo zeby kogos trafic to bedziesz musial miec duzo punktow w bow, archery i dexa. Wtedy bedzie ci brakowalo punktow na czary i many. BTW mage/assassin chyba nie ma skilla bow i trzeba wziac na poczatku runestone Proficient with Bow.

Z daggerem juz troche lepiej, ale lepiej zrobic rogue/assassina (ambidexterity ma darmo) z paroma czarami, wtedy sie przynajmniej kogos trafi tym daggerem. Jak sie dopakuje dex to prawdopodobnie kosztem int/spi, czyli miej many i mniejsze obrazenia z Shadow Bolta.

Are you who you think you are Obrazek

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Mutant dnia 2003-05-02 16:39 ]</font>


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 2 maja 2003, 19:55 
Mutant, a ty gdzie grasz? :

Ash, o co chodzi z 21 stealtha? To jest jakies -30% movement speed i byle dziwka scout R2 cie revealnie. 19 punktow to 2 lvle, naprawde nie tak duzo, a sneak warto zgmowac. Gdyby hide dzialal normalnie, to tez bym dociagnal do 40, ale niestety dziala jak gowno i ludzie mnie bija jak sie hidne nadal :(


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 maja 2003, 08:52 
Tak wracajac do tematu to majac postac prawie skonczona skorygowal bym to tak :smile:

Startujesz: Irekei Mage
Zdejmujesz po 5 punktow z: STR, DEX
Dodajesz umiejetnosc: Briliant Mind
Dodajesz umiejetnosc: Wizards Apperentice
Reszte punktow ladujesz w INT.

Rozwijajac podstac capujesz po kolei:
Gdy osiagniesz Cap w tych 3 za reszte punktow kupujesz INT runy.

Jesli chodzi o powers:

Daggers: ZERO
Warding: ZERO
Sorcery: ZERO (lub do 10 trainow ale o tym na koncu)
Shadowmastery: 120 minimum (ok 80 treningow)
Magebolt: ZERO
Shielding: MAX (40 treningow)
Blood Boil: ZERO
Shadowbolt: MAX (40 treningow)
Blindness: 12
Plague of Blindness: MAX (40 treningow)
Cloak of Shadows: MAX (40 treningow)
Hide: 36 (lub MAX - jak kto woli)
Sneak: 36 (lub MAX)
Steal Breath: MAX (40)
Shadow Touch: MAX (40)
Shadow Mantle: MAX (40)
Summon Darkspawn: 1
Astral Tether -----------> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (personal teleport to bind/ToL)
=> Passwall ----------------> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (self explainatory)
=> Lore of the Ancients --> 0 trains=Auto GM'd (item identify)

Blood Prophet:
Flamecaling: Ok 15 treningow w tym daje postaci na 50 lev z dobrym INT prawie 100% skila. Ja bym sugerowal maxowac to razem z shadowmastery.

=> Sooth the Flame ------> 0 trains=Auto GM instantly (removes fire DoTs)

=> River of Life: MAX (20)
Helujac sie w ofensive stance leczysz ok 500 punktow - praktycznie outhealujesz wiekszosc klass poza tymi czekajacymi na nerf :smile:

=> Flame Trance: ZERO

=> Blood Fire -------------> 20 trains=GM (your 3rd DoT)
=> Pass Through Fire ----> 1 train (nice fire resist buff)

Puntkty ktore Ci zostaja w tym template mozesz wladowac w:

- Kilka punktow w Sorcery jesli chcesz wczesniej dostac Recala

- Shadowmastery i FlameCaling - powyzej podanych w template wartosci mozna je doladowac coby miec max.

- Dagger lub Staff - jesli trafisz wyjatkowo dobry item (ale mozna rownie dobrze olac i po prostu szukac low skill dobrego daggera - wbrew pozorom kupic 35% dagger +150 attack nie jest trudno).

- Gdy warding osiagnie 40% ze wzrostu INT mozna 1 lub wiecej punktow wrzucic w roota.

- Ostatnie punkty mozna wladowac w dopakowanie fire resist lub slayer focus.
Co do slayera to 1 punkt w ten skill daje +2 sek duration czaru - moim zdaniem nie warto tym bardziej ze chroni przez stunem z czarow ale majac to na sobie w PvP jakis tank mnie mimo wszystko zestunowal (nie wiem czy tak ma byc czy akurat ten jego spell/styll jest bugged).

Plusy i minusy:
Max 2 DoTy tylko ale za to w tym template mozesz zmaxowac ich sile i trafialnosc. Nastawiajac sie na 3 DoT nie da rady napompowac na max Sorcery, shadowmastery i flame. Majac 2 da sie to zrobic spokojnie zwiekszajac do max ATT i dmg z tych speli.
Flame bazowo ma cos ok 80% do ktorego doklada sie punkty a Sorcery ok 50% - dlatego warto wybrac flame bo oszczedzasz 20 punktow skila w ten sposob. Poza tym flame ma wplyw na heala a ta postac leczy bardzo dobrze :smile:

Blind laduje sie tylko do wartosci wymaganej do rozwoju AE blind - czar moim zdaniem jest zajebisty.

Pet z tego co testowalem - unsless.
Znika jak sie hidniesz a assasin to jakby postac ktora uzywa hide :smile:
Do tego ma jak wszystkie pety in game TRAGICZNY follow. Zadaje nie najgorszy dmg ale anyway - Vs cloth class moze jakos zrekompensowac to ze sie nie mozna hidnac ale akurat casterzy maja roota ktorym go moga "wylaczyc".
Osobna sprawa jest to, ze uzywajac peta utrudnia sie zycie kolegom uzywajacym AE spelli - wala naszego peta tez.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)

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