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Leaders of the Eorzean Alliance have issued a clarion call, petitioning all able adventurers to lend their strength to the battle that will determine the fate of the realm.
In order to rally the greatest possible number of adventurers for the final reckoning, the game will be opened to all FINAL FANTASY XIV Service Account holders between Thursday, November 8, 2012, at midnight and Sunday, November 11, 2012, at the same hour (PST). You will be able to log in* during this time regardless of your subscription status.
* With the exception of The Lodestone and the official forums.
* Any progress made will not carry over to A Realm Reborn.
Adventurers of all races, origins, and creeds. Let it be known that the forces of the Eorzean Alliance, formed of the combined might of Limsa Lominsa, Ul’dah, and Gridania, have presently left the wilds of Thanalan en route to the Carteneau Flats, there to engage in a decisive confrontation with the VIIth Imperial Legion of the Garlean Empire.
Yet this battle is but the means to an end, for the preservation of the realm from Dalamud is our true objective. Joining our host in the capacity of military tactician is Archon Louisoix, who shall helm the last-ditch effort to repel the descending lesser moon. To ensure the success of this mission—and the continued survival of all life upon Eorzea—it is imperative that the Garlean interlopers are put to rout.
Be fairly warned that the enemy is no less determined than we. Resolved to hold its ground, the VIIth Imperial Legion has reportedly summoned reinforcements from Castrum Novum in a move to consolidate its defenses. Should troops from the imperial stronghold be permitted to join the fray, our cause would be dealt a grievous blow. As such, we have dire need of courageous souls who would meet the auxiliary Garlean force in southern Mor Dhona and prevent its merging with the main host.
Our beloved Eorzea lies upon the brink of destruction, and she needs all of her champions to rise to her aid. And so we beseech you, the adventurers of the realm, to gather your strength! Join the battle, and fight to reforge the fate of Eorzea!
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
Chief Admiral, The Maelstrom
Raubahn Aldynn
Flame General, The Immortal Flames
Elder Seedseer, The Order of the Twin Adder
Hour of Reckoning
Saturday, November 10, 2012, at 10:00 p.m. – Sunday, November 11, 2012, at midnight (PST)
Place of Reckoning
Brittlebark, Mor Dhona