hehe RYSE - nextgen QTE w ktorych nawet nie trzeba naciskac buttonow...
I’m on the battlefield. I’m stomping through the corpses of my comrades swinging my sword at anything that moves. I begin a combo, I slash twice and then whooom slow motion is initiated, shit is about to get ‘cinematic’. A button prompt hovers elusively above the sword I’m about to drive into the throat of my enemy… argh I’m too slow! The prompt flickers, disappears.
I missed it. Damn.
But then somehow, for some reason, I still complete the cinematic ‘kill’.
Maybe it’s a bug I think, but no. Next time I deliberately press the wrong button. The kill goes ahead, no consequences. Then I try hitting no buttons whatsoever. The kill goes ahead. I put the controller on the table in front of me, the kill goes ahead.
What is going on here?
I ask one of the Crytek people hovering at the booth – is this a bug? Why am I completing kills when I hit the wrong button prompt? Or, worse, no button at all. Turns out it was a deliberate design choice.
“We don’t want the player to feel frustrated,” I am told.
hue hue
More takich gierek konsolki! More! Nie bedem sie czul sfrustrowanym bo przegrac nie mogem i zawsze wroga zabijem! Ach! Ach! So much fun!
Nextgen pelna gemba.

Srsly.. pomijajac perelki aka DS i pare innyc gier ktore bede choc staraly sie byc troche ambitne, to w tej generacji imho gry konsolowe osiagna szczyt zidiocenia i prymitywizmu... nizej zejsc sie juz chyba nie da - dlatego potem moze byc tylko lepiej.