Oto i moj log. NIKT mi nie debuffowal.
EDIT: Damage bez power relics.
[17:00:41] You target [Sandrielle]
[17:00:41] You examine Sandrielle. She is a member of an enemy realm!
[17:00:42] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:00:44] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:00:44] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:00:44] You hit for 433 (-152) damage!
[17:00:44] You critical hit for an additional 60 damage!
[17:00:44] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:00:46] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:00:46] Sweeet was just killed by Hyperon!
[17:00:46] You get 186 realm points!
[17:00:46] You earn 16 extra realm points!
[17:00:46] You get 9 bounty points!
[17:00:46] You get 1,900,515 experience points!
[17:00:48] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:00:49] Clus was just killed by Aledon!
[17:00:49] You get 233 realm points!
[17:00:49] You earn 20 extra realm points!
[17:00:49] You get 7 bounty points!
[17:00:49] You get 4,862,819 experience points!
[17:00:53] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:00:55] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:00:55] You hit for 433 (-152) damage!
[17:00:55] You just killed Sandrielle!
[17:00:55] Sandrielle just died. Her corpse lies on the ground.
[17:00:55] You get 234 realm points!
[17:00:55] You earn 21 extra realm points!
[17:00:55] You get 8 bounty points!
[17:00:55] You get 4,240,751 experience points!
[17:00:59] You target [Blossomss]
[17:00:59] You examine Blossomss. He is a member of an enemy realm!
[17:01:00] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:01:00] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:01:00] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:01:00] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:01:02] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:01:02] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:01:02] You hit for 504 (-82) damage!
[17:01:02] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:01:02] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:01:04] Mudrose casts a spell!
[17:01:04] Blossomss was just killed by Mudrose!
[17:01:04] You get 196 realm points!
[17:01:04] You earn 17 extra realm points!
[17:01:04] You get 4 bounty points!
[17:01:04] You get 4,314,563 experience points!
[17:01:04] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:01:04] You hit for 504 (-82) damage!
[17:01:04] You must select a target for this spell!
[17:15:47] You cast a Major Friction Spell!
[17:15:47] Eeenigma is harried by unnatural winds!
[17:15:49] You prepare to quickcast your next spell.
[17:15:50] You begin quickcasting a Confusing Wind spell!
[17:15:50] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:15:51] Eeenigma is stunned by a burst of air.
[17:15:51] Ivoryvale resists the effect!
[17:15:51] You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
[17:15:53] Luigsihriana was just killed by Pyrot!
[17:15:53] You get 176 realm points!
[17:15:53] You earn 31 extra realm points!
[17:15:53] You get 5 bounty points!
[17:15:53] You get 2,669,930 experience points!
[17:15:53] You earn 800,979 outpost bonus experience!
[17:15:54] Asgoth casts a spell!
[17:15:54] You are stunned by a barrage of color!
[17:15:55] You target [Asgoth]
[17:15:55] You examine Asgoth. He is a member of an enemy realm!
[17:15:56] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:15:57] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:15:58] Rankill attacks Asgoth with his shield!
[17:15:58] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:15:58] Asgoth was just killed by Hyperon!
[17:15:58] You get 230 realm points!
[17:15:58] You earn 41 extra realm points!
[17:15:58] You get 6 bounty points!
[17:15:58] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:15:58] You get 4,002,219 experience points!
[17:15:58] You earn 1,200,665 outpost bonus experience!
[17:16:00] Mudrose plays a song!
[17:16:00] You auto-face Firbolg.
[17:16:00] You target [Eeenigma]
[17:16:00] You examine Eeenigma. He is a member of an enemy realm!
[[17:16:02] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:02] You hit for 380 (-254) damage!
[17:16:03] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:03] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:04] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:04] You hit for 380 (-254) damage!
[17:16:04] You critical hit for an additional 121 damage!
[17:16:04] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:04] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:05] Celicia was just killed by Eldor!
[17:16:05] You get 236 realm points!
[17:16:05] You earn 42 extra realm points!
[17:16:05] You get 9 bounty points!
[17:16:05] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:16:06] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:06] Eeenigma was just killed by Hyperon!
[17:16:06] You get 230 realm points!
[17:16:06] You earn 41 extra realm points!
[17:16:06] You get 6 bounty points!
[17:16:06] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:16:06] You get 3,920,519 experience points!
[17:16:06] You earn 1,176,155 outpost bonus experience!
[17:16:06] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:16:06] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:06] You hit for 533 (-102) damage!
[17:16:06] You critical hit for an additional 207 damage!
[17:16:08] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:08] You auto-face Sylvan.
[17:16:09] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:10] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:10] You hit for 336 (-298) damage!
[17:16:10] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:10] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:11] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:11] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:12] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:12] You hit for 336 (-298) damage!
[17:16:12] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:12] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:13] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:16:13] Markuss was just killed by Aledon!
[17:16:13] You get 230 realm points!
[17:16:13] You earn 41 extra realm points!
[17:16:13] You get 6 bounty points!
[17:16:13] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:16:13] You get 5,242,880 experience points!
[17:16:13] You earn 1,572,864 outpost bonus experience!
[17:16:13] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:13] You hit for 336 (-298) damage!
[17:16:13] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:14] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:14] You auto-face Celt.
[17:16:14] Mudrose casts a spell!
[17:16:14] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:15] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:15] Ivoryvale resists the effect!
[17:16:15] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:15] Aledon takes a second wind.
[17:16:15] Mudrose takes a second wind.
[17:16:15] Hyperon takes a second wind.
[17:16:15] You feel invigorated!
[17:16:17] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:17] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:17] You hit for 406 (-228) damage!
[17:16:17] You just killed Ryik!
[17:16:17] Ryik just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
[17:16:17] You get 228 realm points!
[17:16:17] You earn 41 extra realm points!
[17:16:17] You get 5 bounty points!
[17:16:17] You get 5,242,880 experience points!
[17:16:17] You earn 1,572,864 outpost bonus experience!
[17:16:17] You must select a target for this spell!
[17:16:17] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:17] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:16:18] You auto-face Sylvan.
[17:16:18] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:16:18] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:16:19] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:16:19] Ivoryvale was just killed by Aledon!
[17:16:19] You get 232 realm points!
[17:16:19] You earn 41 extra realm points!
[17:16:19] You get 7 bounty points!
[17:16:19] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:16:19] You get 3,761,888 experience points!
[17:16:19] You earn 1,128,566 outpost bonus experience!
[17:16:20] Hyperon casts a spell!
[17:16:20] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:16:20] You hit for 488 (-146) damage!
[17:16:20] Ivoryvale is dead!
[17:21:09] Wait until it expires. Spell Failed
[17:21:09] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:21:11] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:21:11] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:21:11] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:21:11] You hit for 515 (-70) damage!
[17:21:11] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:21:11] Ocup was just killed by Hyperon!
[17:21:11] Ocup just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
[17:21:11] Ocup has been killed recently and is worth no realm points!
[17:21:11] Ocup has been killed recently and is worth no experience!
[17:21:12] Aledon casts a spell!
[17:21:12] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:21:12] You hit for 515 (-70) damage!
[17:21:12] You must select a target for this spell!
[17:21:14] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:21:15] You auto-stick Rankill.
[17:23:03] You target [Zoon]
[17:23:03] You examine Zoon. He is a member of an enemy realm!
[17:23:04] You cast a Major Friction Spell!
[17:23:04] Zoon is harried by unnatural winds!
[17:23:06] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:23:06] Eldor attacks Zoon with his spear!
[17:23:07] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:23:07] Rankill attacks Zoon with his shield!
[17:23:08] Zoon was just killed by Aledon!
[17:23:08] Zoon just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
[17:23:08] You get 242 realm points!
[17:23:08] You earn 21 extra realm points!
[17:23:08] You get 12 bounty points!
[17:23:08] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:23:08] You get 5,242,880 experience points!
[17:23:09] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:23:09] You hit for 416 (-170) damage!
[17:41:51] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:41:51] You hit for 467 (-148) damage!
[17:41:51] You critical hit for an additional 196 damage!
[17:41:51] You begin casting a Blasting Maelstrom spell!
[17:41:51] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[17:41:53] Cyberstrike casts a spell!
[17:41:53] You cast a Blasting Maelstrom Spell!
[17:41:53] You hit for 467 (-148) damage!
[17:41:53] You critical hit for an additional 210 damage!
[17:41:53] You just killed Zoon!
[17:41:53] Zoon's extra health fades.
[17:41:53] Zoon's extra strength fades.
[17:41:53] Zoon just died. His corpse lies on the ground.
[17:41:53] You get 242 realm points!
[17:41:53] You earn 21 extra realm points!
[17:41:53] You get 12 bounty points!
[17:41:53] You earn 1 extra bounty points!
[17:41:53] You get 5,242,880 experience points!
Vautrin The Skald,
Midgard Excalibur
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: frogmaster dnia 2004-04-10 16:37 ]</font>