Xenonauts mod XNT- INTO DARKNESS V5.2
http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/foru ... rse-Mod%29Content in XNT - Into Darkness
- Challenging and Unique AI programming.
- New weapon sounds!
- Complex and unique economy system.
- Dynamic TUI system (more shots per turn)
- Refined Damage and Wound system.
- 20x New weapons, 5 for alien invaders and 15 available for research.
- Advanced tech tree.
- Amazing and fun air combat including: 2x new aircrafts, 11x new weapons and updates to the old ones.
- 1x New armor "Coyote Armor".
- New projectile animations.
- 6x New aliens, Gargol: mindless abomination, The dreadful Vipers: Minor, Alpha, Delta, Spawns and Omega. Remake of zzz1010's The Creepers Mod (riginal No updated Link)
- Kabill's Dynamic UFO Spawn incorporated and rebalanced for this version (ORIGINAL LINK)
- Lt_Parsons's True Laser Beam incorporated. (ORIGINAL LINK)
- Max_Paine's Lore Plus + artwork and xenopedia descriptions. (ORIGINAL LINK)
- Solver's Community Edition ( ORIGINAL LINK!)
- Text and UI fixes & upgrades that are not in vanilla version (Text Autoscalling, Soldiers Rank, Name, Research and descriptions can be up to 40 characters!
- Lots and lots more features!
http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/foru ... 96afcd590bTen mod + inne razem.
http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/foru ... ompilationKurde, nie sądziłem, że już tyle wyczesanych modów jest