RELEASE 6, May 22 - 25, 2014: Without further ado here are the details of the new Release 6 plan: Visual Improvements: We really want to improve the quality of our visuals to a point that we feel competitive with modern games. To that end we are allocating time each release for some ongoing work. Here is just a short list of some of the things we are working on for Release 6 in the area of visual improvements:◦Lighting Fine-Tuning: With the switch to the new lighting model we now have to retune our lighting levels across the board. Tuning and balancing the brightest day and the darkest night takes some time. It is a careful dance to get a strong contrast between well lit areas and dark shadows. We want light sources to mean something in underground areas and at night so they will be dark. This means having a torch and/or light spell handy is a really good thing. We also introduced tone mapping in R4 which is a technique that simulates your eye irising back and forth. This technique also requires careful tuning to get the brightening and lightening just right. Tune it too bright and we obviate the need for any light sources, tune it too dark and you won’t even notice it. ◦Shaders: Right now we use very simple specular and bump mapping shaders. We are going to investigate some other shader types including Relief and Detail that might create more details in our textures. ◦Characters: We have several efforts in progress including getting our skin shader happy with the new lighting, deformation issues with the female arms, polishing movement and combat animations, and fixing wearables sorting issues. After we get those issues sorted we can move on to making hair better but we are waiting for our transition to Unity 5 for that so we can take advantage of some new features there. ◦Environment Art: For performance optimization we had originally kept the number of triangles in our buildings, walls, dungeons to an absolute minimum. Recent performance analysis suggests we are not bound by this constraint so we are going back through and adding geometry to some assets so that they will look better in lighting. For Release 6 we are focusing on Dungeon and Castle Walls to make them not be such flat planes.
Player to Player secure trade: Did you discover something cool you wish to give your friend? Need to share some potions with a party member? Did you craft something amazing you want to sell? Secure trade is the answer and will allow you to make exchanges of goods between you and other players. Crafting: We now have specific animations and tools for each crafting table so we will replace the default animation in Release 6 with these specifics. We will also take a pass on alignment and sorting issues related to crafting tables. As a stretch goal we may try to add some more sound and visual effects to crafting and harvesting Combat: Our first pass at abilities in R5 did not include secondary effects like stun, knockback, root, etc., nor did many of them have visual effects. And in some cases they didn’t work at all (I’m looking at you Light spell!). For R6, we will be finishing out those abilities and adjusting the casting animations to work better with equipped weapons. We are also fixing some blending bugs that prevented many of the weapon animations from displaying properly. Once we address all these issues, we can resume work on card combat, deck building and the death system for Release 7 and 8. We are also going to take a pass at better color coding for combat floaties. Finally we will work weapon sheathing and unsheathing functionality so that we can explicitly know if you are ready to talk or kill! Looting: We are making some architectural changes to how we create, store, and transmit data in containers (chests, corpses, player houses, inventory, etc.) that should fix some of the looting exploits, like the one where all players could loot the same corpse equally, and corpses could be looted multiple times just by exiting and reentering a scene. We are also going to work on fixing issues related to targeting a corpse. Emotes: We will be working on some improvements to emotes that include looping emotes (dancing, conversation, etc.) as well as adding audio to them (clapping, laughing, etc.). We will also make it so when you are chatting we will play the convo emote automatically. Animals: Currently all our animals (bears, wolves, etc.) are purchased assets and the skinning, rigging, and animations for them is not meeting our quality standards, so we are going to reskin and rig them so that we can redo their animations. Dialog: We are going to do an overall sanity pass on all dialogue, making sure it meets our standards on quest accessibility, making NPCs respond to more things, and that as many responses as possible are accessible through the dialogue tree. Navigation: We will continue to iterate on the overworld map with more animations, texture improvements and party member locations when they are inside a scene. We are also going to introduce a standard visual for entrance and exit locations on maps. For now that will take the form of an archway.
Dostęp, o którym mówisz to rozumiem tylko dla tych, którzy ich wsparli za min. 45$? Bo na stronie głównej nie widzę nic o zapisach do bety..
I odnosząc się do twojego posta z końca poprzedniej strony - to że to będzie SP+MP RPG to dla mnie wielki plus, na coś takiego czekałem. Duży świat, swoboda działania - super. Takie jakby połączenie Daggerfalla z UO. Jak dla mnie bomba.
Ja mam to za 45$ adventurer, ale mialem kod na obnizke i dawalem 25$, wiec powinienem miec dostep do bety.
No mi samo podejscie tez nie przeszkadza, wlasnie raczej czuje, ze ma byc to crpg+online i tego te mi brakowalo. Czytanie questow, gadanie z npc, bez strzaleczek. bla bla. Tylko mam nadzieje, ze jak to wyjdzie to bedzie wykonczony produkt... heh
Dużo pracy przed nimi, to pewne. Założenia są ciekawe, pytanie tylko czy starczy im chęci i kasy na dokończenie projektu. Ponieważ gra wychodzi pod szyldem Garriota to mam nadzieję, że gość dopilnuje aby nie był to gniot, który go pogrąży.
Obecny stan to jak widzę pre-alpha, pisali coś może kiedy beta ma ruszyć?
Jeśli chodzi o "betę" to nie będzie tak jak w przypadku MMO jakiejś open bety z darmowym dostępem do gry. To singiel z rozbudowanymi opcjami sieciowymi. Kto sobie kupił, ten ma dostęp do testów.
To wiemy... obecnie to alpha, albo nawet nie. I dostep jest co najwyżej 2 dniowy. Dla mnie to za mało bym obadal gre. Zreszta na te chwile nie do końca jest to przyjemne.
Chodzi wlasnie o to kiedy będzie closed beta z jakims dluzszym dostępem, a tego na razie nie wiadomo.
Tak tylko wspomniałem o tym, bo Yabaddi napisał, że nie widział nigdzie zapisów do bety. Zapisów do bety nie będzie. Będzie "wspisowe" ;P.
Tak, Perrin - tego to ja się domyśliłem Chodziło mi bardziej o to, kiedy na tą betę można liczyć - nie chcę im teraz dawać 45$ za niedopracowany bugfest, jak wejdą w fazę beta testu i będzie to jakoś wyglądać to chętnie im tę kasę wyślę.
Kurcze, od dawna na coś takiego właśnie czekałem - nie MMO ale otwarty świat do gry solo lub z paroma kumplami. Czadzik.
Raczej tak, nie pamiętam dokładnie, ale jak przejdziesz dalej to powinno się 'uwzglednic', platnosc jest chyba paypalem, wiec dopóki się tam nie pologujesz to nie zeżre kasy
Ogolnie trafilbys dobrze, bo jutro będzie dostęp. Ale ogolnie 'do grania' to na tę chwile nie polecam, jedynie poglądowo i jeśli komus nie szkoda 25$...
a jaki to ma miec combat system? Zwykly sticky target?
embe napisał(a):
Szukasz gościa do zrobienia łazienki to przeglądasz jego papiery mistrzowskie czy (..) ewentualnie... bierzesz go z polecenia? Nie ważne że inna skala ale tak to działa, taki misiewicz mógłby się okazać większym fachowcem niż richard od noszenia teczek.
Ogolnie trafilbys dobrze, bo jutro będzie dostęp. Ale ogolnie 'do grania' to na tę chwile nie polecam, jedynie poglądowo i jeśli komus nie szkoda 25$...
Poszło, niech Garriot ma ode mnie za te parę lat dobrej zabawy w UO
Muszę tylko popatrzeć od kiedy do kiedy jest ten alpha access bo klienta już pobieram.
A klient się potrafi wyjebac/zle sciagnac patcha. Jeśli tak się stanie to będziesz musial go wywalić, wejść do folderu i recznie sciagnac -> pliki torrent i zapodać jakiś 'check download' czy cos.