The simple facts are:
Labor Points are a core system in ArcheAge that control how much you can do:
- the amount of things you can Craft
- the amount of XP you can gain through crafting
- the amount of Land you can own
- the amount of loot you can gain (coin purses)
The current issue is that for a monthly subscriber 90% of available Labor points per day can only come through the Cash shop.
If you stay logged into the game for an entire day you character will accumulate about 2500 Labor points and can buy an additional 36000 through the cash shop.
So what does that mean ....
- For cash you can craft almost 10x more than a regular subscriber in a single day. You can corner the market on crafted goods and sell them at a lower price and still make a huge profit due to your 10X inventory.
- For cash you can level your character to 50th level 10x faster than a regular subscriber through the use of your Labor points.
- For cash you can reach the Highest tiers of Mastery in Crafting 10x faster than a regular subscriber
- For cash you can lock down 10x the amount of land/real estate/property property compared to a regular. This is especially concerning given the very limited amounts of area to build a House / Farm in the game world.
- For cash you can open 10x more loot drops hoping for rare items drops / crystals.
Nobody knows exactly what the impact will be to the game due to the cash shop but we can safely say there will be an impact to regular subscribers since the Daily Max regen limit of 2500 usable Labor points doesn't apply to anyone that wants to pay more than $ 15 / month.
If you plan to compete against other players on something that use Labor points then you better have deep pockets.
Ja jednak pasuje. Nie stać mnie na f2p.