Highlander napisał(a):
Kupilem jakas nowa giere w early acces za 3 EUR nie patrzac co to.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/214190/?l=polishcalkiem fun giera. Powiew świeżosci mimo, ze kwadraty, sporo broni armorow i stuffu.
Ktos tez chcial mix shootera i moba zrobic. Ponizej fajna recka.
"There are a lot of poor, bad reviews out there from people who didn't put very much time into the game to actually try it out, so i wanted to make this review for those who don't want to miss out on a great game for it's price now and a potentially even better game down the road.
I played this game for 7 hours yesterday 9/12/2014 after purchasing it for 5 dollars.
I have 20 years of gaming experience, playing from the OG Hexxen and Doom up to the new Unreals and Far crys and everything in between. So take some of my comments on tactics or ways to play, coming from bringing old game knowledge into a new game with old gameplay style.
TL:DR If you don't like fast paced, twitch based combat, with no bullet drop, no lead time, and point and click weapons ALA unreal, or OG CS. you'll hate this game, because it will punish you for being a bad player. if you like those things and have always been good at them, enjoy your 23/0 score (hint: BH+SSG+Grenade = gg). The game is not completely finished! but has really tight controls and movement, feels like a solid game, and has lots of potential! Support these guys, they have created a really great hybrid. Thanks alot devs
First off this game is SOOOO much fun! IF! you like twitch based shooters and MOBA esque gameplay smooshed together with a fun simplistic blocky style to it that keeps your attention focused on the action. <---- If that turns you off, DON'T BUY IT!
You don't need to aim ahead, there is no bullet drop, quick scoping is a thing, and if your a high speed mofo, who used to love playing insta gib on unreal, playing snipers in this game will be cake, and will net you ALOT of profit.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER: This game is JUST barely out of early access, it's basically a beta right now. Meaning, there are alot of coming soon, and not implemented yet, for different upgrades and such on weapons and armors and what not. It literally says the build is like 0.5#### right now.
that being said IMHO it is totally worth 5 dollars, hell i would pay ten (provided i have the information i have now after playing it).
Gameplay and Asethetics: The graphics are simple, yet convey quite well what's going on, with the glow of weapons giving off an idea of your opponents weapon levels, and armor being able to usually distinguish what someone is wearing, if your willing to get that close. The ability to mix and match armor sets, as well as choose your own loadouts is very satisfying, as you get to compliment your weapon build with your armor build, getting things like +20% or +15% damage. You get to earn resources and craft your gear from blue prints. The progression is very satisfying.
Titan Mode: It starts, you have enough resource to craft one piece of armor, of three that you can wear. Helmet, Chestpiece, Leggings. You have your two weapons, and a extra item, grenade or mini gun turret.
So you immiedieatly go out to find your opponents and shoot/stab them to death. Did i mention their is melee!? So much fun.
Your titans have also spawned and are marching to meet in the middle of the map, you want to go put as much damage on your opponents titan as possible as an early pressure can really hurt them if they are not paying attention. Usually though, if both teams are somewhat competent or decent, or just paying attention. Both titans die quite quickly, then it goes into creep farming phase. In this phase, you want to kill the wee little creeps for crystals (which add +1 to your titans strength) and give you resources to upgrade your armors! (+20% health? yes pelase! 15% MOAR damage?! yes please!). Keep an eye out for the GOLDEN CREEP! when it dies and drops it's ONE golden resource the team to secure this immiedieatly gets +10 strength to their titan. When the timer ends for this phase, then it's back to tians smashing eachother and your (or hopefully the enemy teams) walls and eventually base. That is the game currently.
Current Game Balance IMHO: The overall balance is solid, with only a few weapons seeming kind of meh, and everything else feeling strong to use. The two main starter weapons are easily the strongest in the game sans snipers. but that depends on your skill level. Melee is strong, but low skill entry low ceiling, easy to kite. "