They really don't do much of anything to prevent multiple entries. They only say they do to try to dissuade people from doing so by making them afraid of being disqualified if they try it. I've ruled out just about every way they can check just by Blizzard responses back when the first beta signups took place.
1) Checking MAC addresses or IP addresses - There were people asking if it was ok for him and his friend to both sign up from the same computer and Kat responded saying that's fine as long as they had different addresses. So they obviously aren't checking these.
2) Duplicate telephone numbers? Nope there was a member of the US military who asked if it was ok if he signed up with his US phone address, which his wife already signed up from, and Kat responded saying that was fine as long as they had different addresses.
The only thing they're checking is email address and mailing address. And I guarantee they're not checking hundreds of thousands of addresses to make sure they're valid mailing addresses, they're only checking to make sure there's no duplications. And even if there is a duplication they also stated back during the signup period that any duplications would be eliminated but you would still retain one entry. So you don't even get disqualified if they do find out you cheated, you just get your chances reduced to the normal non-cheating person.
I guess they might check what country you're from through IP address, but can't you just sign up through a proxy server in another country?
If you sign up multiple times and you're not stupid you will get away with it. You'll be a pathetic human being, but you will get away with it. End of story.
Jest to cytat z oficjalnego forum. Z niego wynika, że sprawdzają
tylko adresy e-mailowy i domowy oraz czy IP jest Europejskie (czyli z jednego kompa można zapisać kilka osób - ale muszą mieć one różny adres e-mailowy oraz domowy).
Czyli wszystko jasne.
Dzieki wszystkim za pomoc.