Quote from Blizzard »
They want to move faster on hero releases - every 3-4 weeks (on a tweet he said 3 weeks is the ideal target!)
Big content and feature patches hopefully every 2 months
The Heroes developer team is increasing post launch, not decreasing or sending people to other teams
They typically address balance after waiting for meta shifts
When Kael'thas came out he had a below average win ratio, and now he seems to be doing too well
They analyze some metrics when looking at talents - if one has 95% pick ratio everywhere, that's a problem
They're always looking to improve the matchmaker, and taking feedback on how they should do that
Bigger pool of players is better for a good matchmaking experience - but not at first when they don't have any info on each new player
Right now they analyze win/loss to determine MMR, but they are considering analyzing other metrics to determine player skill and MMR!
Dustin mentioned WoW running for almost 10 years with millions of players when asked for how long does he think Heroes will be runnning - long story short: it's going to depend on the playerbase!
@up. Twój post naprawdę wiele wnosi do tematu, ale co tam - licznik postów bije:]
Swoją drogą nie wiem, co się od pewnego czasu dzieje z tymi "dociarzami". Panoszą się po forach/fanpejdżach innych moba zakładając durne topici i posty nic nie wnoszące do tematu. Nie wiem czy oni chcą w ten sposób zwrócić na siebie uwagę pisząc 1-wyrazowe posty, czy typu "doto2 ownz, suck my". Ostatnio Blizz pozamykał wiele takiego shitu i co najważniejsze, wszystko było od dota gówniarzy.
Ech to nawet już LoLowcy jak rozrabiają, to głównie na swoim podwórku.