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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 13:16 
Ovcors ja ... prosze podawac kiedy macie czas od razu i kiedy byscie chciali to zrobic.

Opisy :

M 6-1 : Return of the Talekeeper.
Go to the mountain know as Airs Rock in the center of West Altepa Dessert (G-7). Go to south east from the east from them to find ???. Once you target it, two NM Sphinxes, which are Western sphinx (small) and Eastern Sphinx (large) pop up. Target ??? once more after you defeat them and get the moon stone. Sleeple be effective on the Western Sphinx. Alliance of 10 players around level 60 should have no problem. You get a large amount of damage, so one healer can be hard for this

M 6-2 : The Pirates' Cove.
Dig our the Adaman Ore that can be found in Ifrit Caldron. Zone from Yhoator Jng (I-5) to go in the East entrance of Ifrit Cauldron. Then turn left at the first split, then right on next. Trade the Adaman ore at the ??? where lava is falling, then NM Lizard and NM Bomb pop up. Bats that are in the path to the ??? respond to sound, Bombs respond to sight and spell cast, and bees are not active.

Zilarty :
M 1 : Dotrzec do norg
M 2 : pogadac z Bossem w norg
M 3 : dotrzec z listem do Kazham

M -4- : The Temple of Uggalepih

There's a few quests you have to do before you can do this mission. First, go to I-8 in Norg and talk
to Magephaud. Give her 3 goldbeastcoins(about 8-10k each) and she'll give you a key that will
open a hidden door to reset tonberry hate, everyone needs to do this. Second, you'll need a
paintbrush in order to get to Den of Rancor, only 1 person will need this. Go to the Temple of
Uggalepih and fight Tonberry Cutter till they drop "a Uggalepih key". Tonberry Cutters can be found
a little further in from the entrance.

Third, 4 unlit lanterns must be obtained. It is dropped by Tonberry Maledictors. There are alot of
spots to find them, but here's where I camped them. From the main entrance of Temple of
Uggalepih, head to J-7 and open the secret door, exit at K-3 to Yhoator Jungle. Go to another
entrance at the right side of
K-9 in Yhoator Jungle. Once in the temple, go to H-7. There should be 2-3 Tonberry Maledictors
there and I got 1 unlit lantern for every 2-3 kills(I've heard other people say it took them 5 hours
to get 4 lanterns, and some even more so I may be just lucky). Each party will need 4 lanterns, or
if there's a balanced alliance(meaning each party can fight the bc battle without rearranging
members in an alliance), only 4 lanterns is needed for the alliance.

Once you got the Uggalepih key and 4 unlit lanterns, go back to the main entrance and head to F-7
on the first map to get the paintbrush. After that, head to F-11, one of the walls in the middle can
be opened with the key from Magephaud, there'll be a tonberry priest that will reset hate for a price.
Resetting hate will ensure that the tonberry ability "Everyone's Grudge" won't hurt, so I recommend
everyone in the party to pay.

Now exit at F-5 to enter Yhoator Jungle and enter the temple at H-11. Once in the temple, head to
I-10 and defeat the Temple Guardian. Make sure to prevent the Temple Guardian from using
Meltdown ability by using stun because it can kill the whole party. After you kill the Temple
Guardian, the door in front will open. Once it is open, head to J-7 and keep going further. There'll
be a room with a bunch of paintings and 2 with just the frame. Go to the frame that you have to
face south to, and use the paintbrush. It will take a couple minutes to open the door so I
recommend clearing out this room. If you don't want to gain hate by killing tonberries, call for help.
Once the door is open run in and zone to Den of Rancor.

Invisible/Sneak everyone in the party and go to E-5. Clear the room and have people with the unlit
lanterns touch the Altar of Rancor to get a Rancor Flame. Once that is done, head to I-5 which will
go to another map. On the second map, go to E-5. It is recommended to clear this room because
you can't light the lanterns while getting hit. Have each person with the Rancor Flame light the four
lanterns to open the door.

After zoning to a new area, go inside the door for the BC fight. There are 3 tonberry NMs. Here's the
order of fight:

1 - Tonberry Molyb'iton (BLM)
2 - Tonberry Grav'iton (THF)
3 - Tonberry Tungs'iton (SMN) + elemental pet

When the SMN is left, be careful of the special attack. It will summon a random avatar(usually at
around 50% HP) and use their special attack so you have to be really really fast in order to cast
bar- spells as it takes less than 2 seconds to cast that special attack. Note that the avatar
summoned is not related to what type of elemental pet it has, it is completely random. After the
fight and cutscene, if you exit the area you'll end up in Temple of Uggalepih, not Den of Rancorr

M -5- : Headstone Pilgrimage

Collect 7 prays from Cermet Headstones, 4 are NM fights. I recommend at least 2 PT of LV65+ or 1
PT of LV75 to make this easy.

Thunder - Behemoth's Dominion

Go to G-9, clear the area, and have one person touch the stone. Two weapon NMs will appear. It is
possible to pull 1 at a time if the person touching the stone has sneak. Pull either one and just kill.

Fire - Ifrit's Cauldron

Enter Ifrit's Cauldron from G-6 in Yhoator Jungle. Sneak/Invisible everyone and head to H-8. After
the map change, head to D-12. Then head to J-8. There'll be a Flame Spout before being able to
go to J-8, either wait or use an ice cluster. After J-8, go to E-7, then G-7. From here to the exit at
Yuhtunga Jungle(C-7), there'll be 2 Flame Spouts, and there may be an NM named Ash Dragon at
around G-9. I'm not sure if it aggros through sneak or invisible, but it is possible to stick to the
walls and walk past him that way just to be safe. Here's a rundown of getting to Yuhtunga Jungle
from Ifri't Cauldron: G6>H8>D12>J8>E7>G7>C7

After entering Yuhtunga Jungle, go to K-7, the headstone will be at L-6. Touching the headstone will
pop 2 monkey NMs. It is possible to pull 1 monkey by sneaking. If you trade a Garnet to the
headstone you can get a Monkey Necklace.

Wind - Cape Terrigan

Go to F-7 to a cave, then head to H-5 from there. This doesn't show on the map so just hug right
all the way from F-7. A Darkstalker NM will pop after touching the headstone. Beware of Dimensional
Death as this NM likes to use it. Trade Rain Lily flower to the headstone to get a Flagellant's Rope.

Light - Sanctuary of Zi'Tah

This is by far the hardest NM fight compared to the others. Go to J-9, then I-7(or to make it easier,
just hug left from J-9). A flesh type NM will pop and it hits a LV68 PLD for 250, and doubles for 500.
So make sure to have everyone heal the tank. This fight is MUCH easier with Ninja and/or

The following are non NM fights, so it can be done alone.

Ice - Fei'Yin

Go to G-9 to head downstairs, then head to I-5 to enter the Cloister of Ice, the headstone is right
behind the crystal.

Water - La Theine Plateu

Enter Ordelle's Cave from F-7. Make a left and go to I-6. Then head to H-9. After climbing all the
way up, go to H-12 and drop down the hole. Then go to I-11. After the map change, exit at G-10 to
La Theine Plateu. The headstone is at G-11.

Earth - Quicksand Caves

Enter Quicksand Caves from West Altepa J-9. Once inside, go to K-6 and drop down the hole and
exit to West Altepa. Go to H-8 in West Altepa to find the headstone.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 13:31 
Mi pasuje piątek, może sobota i napewno niedziela.

Nawet nie wiedziałem, że zrobiłem dwa pierwsze zilarty. :)

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Posty: 2018
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2001
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 13:45 
M -5- : Headstone Pilgrimage

Co do tego, przy azdym monymencie po zaliczeniu questa mozna zlozyc w ofierze konretny rzecz i dostac w prezencie od ducha danego headstonea fajne itemy. Nie pamietam jakie sie daje do konkretnego headstone ale poszukajcie w sieci bo warto.


PS. (itemy mozna dostac od kazdego headstone nie tylko od tych opisanych)

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 13:52 
No mi tez pasuje piatek, sobota niedziela ;D

Dajcie znac o ktorej i lecimy z misjami, no rank 7 fajnie wyglada, natomiasy co do Zillartow to bym sie jednak wstrzymal conajmniej do 65lvl ale jak Xav pisal to on na 66lvl nie ma co tam szukac :(

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 14:04 
Bodziu napisał(a):
No mi tez pasuje piatek, sobota niedziela ;D

Dajcie znac o ktorej i lecimy z misjami, no rank 7 fajnie wyglada, natomiasy co do Zillartow to bym sie jednak wstrzymal conajmniej do 65lvl ale jak Xav pisal to on na 66lvl nie ma co tam szukac :(

Zilartow jest ... 10. Zilarty 4 i 5 powiny byc do zorbienia bez problemu przez nasz LS przy obcenych lvl, zilarty 6+ mozna robic po 65 :)

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 14:07 
Jak wszystkim pasuje niedziela to moze w niedziele sie umowimy na jakas sensowna gdzinke typu 16 lub 18 ??
Aaaa I ovcors mam nadzieje ze mozna liczyc na pomoc Xaverego, Nimlotha i Goka :) dobrze by bylo jak by podali czy moga i czy godzina im pasuje.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 672
Dołączył(a): 30.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 14:13 
Jak bede online to pomoge


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 15:11 
Mi nie pasuje piątek, chyba ze pozno wieczorem.
Sobota i niedziela jeszcze nie wiem.


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 15:17 
Niedziela 16 nie wydaje sie taka zla - tylko, czy bedziemy zbierac candle dla wszystkich pt czy jakos to rozwiazemy?


Posty: 672
Dołączył(a): 30.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 15:27 
Jezeli chodzi o te lanterny z Temple to wybierzcie sie odpowiedni wczesniej i zdobedzcie je - ja pojde tylko wtedy jak kazdy bedzie mial pierwsza czesc zrobiona, tzn. z monetami i 4 osoby beda mialy Unlit Lantern (rare/ex) bo tracic na to czas to glupota skoro mozna zrobic to wczesniej ... a do niedzieli 4 dni

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 15:35 
ez mysle ze to dobry pomysl.

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2004, 18:12 
wolalbym nie w sobote i nie w niedziele... ostatnio tylko wtedy expuje...

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 wrz 2004, 16:54 
Ok prubowalem cos wymyslic, ale nie bardzo mi szlo - utrudnieniem ejst tez to, ze nie wszyscy sa w 100% pewnie a z niektorymi nie moglem ejszcze pogadac - mialem tylko zapewnienia innych.
Potem pogadalem z Nimlothem i Xaverym i jednoglosnie stwierdzilismy ze static powinien poczkekac do conajmniej lv 64 zanim zabierze sie za Ziarty - oszczedzi nam to wiele klopotow i stresow zwiazanych z organizacja i wykonaniem tego teraz.

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 wrz 2004, 17:47 
no to chociaz 6-1 6-2 ? z tym raczej damy sobie rade ?

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 wrz 2004, 17:52 
No prawde mowiac my sie nastawilismy, ze bedziemy zilarty tylko robic a zapomnielismy o misjach - tou juz nie widze problemu jak ludzie chca to mozna isc.

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 wrz 2004, 18:03 
no jak to tak mogles o nas grzydko myslec ? ze my to niby ambicji nie mamy ? CO !!!! ;)

a tutaj maly OT


po 3 godzinach czekania na spawn zamiast expowac :P w koncu popnal ale jedyne co dropnal to adaman ore i jakeis smieci :(

z boczku widac biednego J thf co przegral z xavem wyscig o pull 8)
cale szszescie ze mu powiedizalem zeby nie healowal ;)

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 2 wrz 2004, 18:05 
Well zawsze cos macie ^^;;


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2004, 08:35 
Jakby co to zrobilem już zilarty łącznie z oddaniem 3 goldbeastcoinow :D
Latern nie mam :cry:


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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 5 wrz 2004, 01:13 
latarki jakims wspolnym czynem zdobedziemy w wolnej chwili, z zilartami czekamy na lvl up - siakies 62+ lv, z missjami dla bastok mozemy jechac. Spokojnie tak sobie mysle do rank 8. moze nawet 9 w jakims takim miesznym skladzie typu static + reszta + z lapanki ludzie :D

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2004, 07:30 
Już mi sie nawet nie chce tutaj pisać na ten temat ale czy jest możliwe ustalenia jakiegoś terminu na missje Rank 6, 7 itd ... ? Takiego żebyśmy faktycznie sie zebrali konkretnego dnia, w miare w okolicach godziny wskaznej w topiku ??

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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