Hi to all!
I'm guildmaster of Dragon Ancestry and I want to post our second application attempt.
I dont want to write same post again. Maybe some of you know couple of us, maybe u know us as a guild. We were trying to get to Eclipse /as 2-3 months ago and we were rejected due our low RvR activity, but that was in time when we were completing our ToA temps, artis and MLs (well tbh we still doing that, all we need is to finish leveling last artis but we are fully rdy to RvR

). Since then we were (at least in my opinion) more active as RvR guild. Till now we have gathered over 3M RPs and i think we can make alot more in near future, but as you all prolly now its sometimes hard to get RvR group or get some frontiers report without decent /as. But it not like we only want to take benefits from /as with not giving any. We can provide decent fixed grp to /as needs and a bunch of players that know what RvR is (as i was writing in first application attempt we are playing DAoC for 2+ years). I think its all what i have to write for now.
Thanks for spending your time reading this (second time

), and we are waiting for your decision.
With regards
Yurian Harmsong
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