Hello all,
Some of you know who I am, and others may not. Im the person who did all of the initial testing for styled damage, and all those growth rates you see came from my tests. Im not bragging here, Im just trying to establish a bit of credibility before the storm.
Now to the meat of it...
Damage Variance and Average Damage done caps at 51 Composite Spec.
[Sidenote: Composite Spec is Spec + Bonus (e.g. 39+11 = 50 Composite Spec)
What does this mean?
Well lets break it down a bit.
There are a few components to damage output:
1) Damage Variance
2) Average Damage
3) Modifiers -
3a) 2Handbonus = (10 + Spec/2)%
3b) LA Penalty = (62.5 + Spec * 0.34)%
3c) DW Chance = (25 + Spec * 0.68)%
4) Style Damage - Style DPS = Spec * Growth Rate
The first two components to damage will not increase in any way once you reach a composite spec of 51. All included in (3) and (4) will increase with spec over 51.
This begs the question, "Why Spec over 50?"
There are a few reasons, but the all fit into two categories:
1) Better Modifiers - If you are 2Handed, DWing or using LA, then speccing higher in the line that gives that bonus will allow you to do more damage
2) Styles - If you USE THE STYLES in a spec line, by speccing higher, you will get access to more styles in addition to increasing the Style DPS every style in that line outputs.
So how does this affect you, Mr SB?
To put it as short as possible, high Axe spec is a waste.
Lets look at this simply:
If youre a SB, you should only be using your CS styles (or possibly Frosty Gaze if you want the stun, but I wouldnt reccomend it because of the lesser damage). Your Axe/Sword styles will never match the damage output of the CS line since CS styles have higher growth rates.
However, its been a common misconstrued concept that high Axe spec was necessary for keeping average damage high. This has caused for many specs with 39 or 44 Axe... and all of those spec points are simply wasted.
Now, since Axe spec is a waste, put those points somewhere useful, CS or LA, and your damage output will increase.
1) What about offhand variance?
Its a Myth. Sorry!
2) Doesnt Spec affect WeapSkill, and doesnt WeapSkill affect Evade rate?
While this is true, all testing thus far is showing that spec over 50 has little to nothing to do with your chance to be evaded. Actually, testing has shown that Spec actually has very little to do with being evaded at all. The large differences you see in evade chance vs WeapSkill come from the differences in attributes. Not spec
3) You're Wrong! I dont believe you!
Well, first off thats not a question ;-D, but thats besides the point. Here are the logs of my data sets:
Here is a summary of the data:
4) What is the optimal spec for a SB?
Well, that really is up to the player. It depends on a couple things... How much do you value envenom? How much do you value FG? How often are you styling vs fighting nonstyled?
For me, the optimal spec would be:
34 Axe/LA
44 CS
34 Stealth
30 Envenom
As a SB gets RR over RR7, then I would reduce Axe and Stealth Spec while increasing CS spec to 50. Any points left over in the end would go into LA.
[Sidenote: The effects CS has while styling outweigh the benefits of speccing higher in LA]
5) Infs are overpowered! A^&t f&^k 2.5x Spec Wah!
Again, thats not a question! ^_^
Still, if you look at this objectively, what does this mean for the infiltrator? Well, since an Inf wants DF, they have to spec to 50 in Thrust to get it. By speccing to 50 in Thrust, they gain NO MORE AVERAGE DAMAGE OUTPUT. In addition, the ONLY style which an Inf uses from Thrust spec is DF, and its damage is still less than that of the Hamstring chain... so basically, what does an Inf gain from 2.5x Spec? A 5 second evade based stun... thats really about it. Now, a Slash-Inf might want to look into speccing lower into Slashing spec and increasing their DW spec, but Slashing Infs have lower Str than Norse SB's, so they will have a rough time competing... granted, some people love that slash inf, but just remember, Amethyst Slash is weaker than the Garrotte / Achilles Heel chain and doesnt have the side effects... plus if you spec low in Slash, you wont have the spec for high Style DPS.
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A kazdym razie najbardziej uzyteczna to informacja dla NSow, ale sadze ze i BMy i Rangerzy spokojnie moga z niej skorzystac. (jesli pasuje to do ich specca).