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opis w angielsku bo tak bedzie na ebay mniej wiecej jak sie nikt nie zglosi z cieakwa propozycja (taka ktora mnie finansowo by you know) - poczekam pare dni ( na ebayu wrzuce na 7 dni pewnie wiec troche jeszcze bedzie mozna pograc).
RR5L4 Shar Blademaster, ML 10 Banelord, Blunt spec.
Realm Abilities: Purge 2, Charge 2, Mop 3, Aug Str 2.
ToA Template with almost everything capped (+13str cap, +9% style dmg bonus + 10% melee speed bonus + 9% melee dmg bonus and more) and 5 Artifacts: Lvl 10 Battler, Lvl 10 SoM, Lvl 10 Malice Axe, Lvl 10 GsV, Lvl 10 Scepter of Meritious
More than 6p on him + some scrolls and items in vault (some ra respec stones as well)
RR3L7 Elf Enchanter, Mana Spec (50mana 20light). No MLs.
Realm Abilities: Purge 1, MCL 1, Aug Dex 2, Aug Acu 2, WP 2, MoM 1. 4 Points to spend.
Has Semi-Toa Template with everything capped (missing Tartatoros and Ceremonial, got most scrolls on him).
Around 3.5p on him.
Also a bunch of 30’s.
RR3L4 Troll Bonedancer, Sup Spec (47sup 26dark). Has some parts of Ml1 done.
Realm Abilities: TWF 2, Purge 1, WP 2.
ToA Template with almost everything capped (some resists missing, +132hp cap + 26% power pool and +7% casting speed) with 2 artifacts: Lvl 10 Traldors Oracle and lvl 2 Belt of Moon.
With the template and fully buffed has around 1650hp.
RR3L8 Norse Healer, Pac Spec (44pac 30mend). No MLs.
Realm Abilities: None (28 points to spend).
Pre-Toa Template. Everything nicely capped.
RR4L1 Norse Shadowblade (autotrained), SZ spec (50sword, 39la, 35sth, 35even). Ml4 Battlemaster (has whole Ml6 and parts of other MLs done as well).
Realm Abilities: Purge 2, Vanish 1, Mop2, Aug Str 2, MoS 1, Tough 1, Aug Con 1.
ToA Template (missing GoV and Malice Axe in it if i remember correctly). 3 Artifacts: Battler Lvl 2, SoM lvl 10, BoS lvl 4.
Around 6.5p on him. Full Book of Love Story in Vault.
700+ Alchemy.
RR3l7 Dwarf Runemaster, Dark Spec (47dark 26sup). No MLs.
Realm Abilities: None (27 points to spend)
Pre-Toa Template. Everything nicely capped.
RR3L1 Norse Warrior (autotrained), Sword Spec. Ml2 Battlemaster.
Realm Abilities: MoB 3, MoP 2, Aug Str 2, MoPar 2, Tough 1.
Pre-Toa Template with almost everything capped (missing 2 resists).
Has around 2.5p with some seals from df on her as well. Has Harpy Feathers Cloack activated.
All chars have a full respec available and 2 realm respecs as well.
Account is SI/TOA enabled and I’m the first owner of it.
happy bidding cipska